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FR- depuis quelques mois déjà, j'ai arrêté de montrer des previews ou des GIF. Mais certain(e)s me disent qu'ils trouvaient cela intéressants et aimeraient en avoir à nouveau, donc je vous pose la question. Ça vous intéresse?

EN- for a few months now, I stopped showing previews and GIF . But some people tell me they found it interesting and would like to have it again, so I'm asking you the question. Would you like that start showing them again?



I think I said it before, I think it would be better if the gifs were bundled as an extra attachement to finished work, rather than separate posts. Previews can be separate, they are teasers, after all.


you know what, now that you mention it, you did told me that... Really I got a really bad memory ^^; but I think it's a good idea actually!