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I know some of you do not believe the world’s history, nor that it is possible to transcend the World Limit,” Sam announced as he looked across the crowd.

They stared at him with hot gazes. Some were full of hope and others greed. A demonstration of power was necessary to head off their more foolish impulses.

This history will naturally be confirmed as you leave this world and see the Void, including the World Core and the Nexus in the distance. Your own experiences with Outsiders should verify the rest.

If you reach the civilized galaxy, few will know of Aster Fall, much less of these things. You will know more than most of the dangers we face, and of the First War that was fought so long ago.

The Nexus compresses time near it, so while for Aster Fall it has been 200,000 years, for the wider galaxy, it has been more than 200 times that. That is enough time for stone to be ground to dust, much less the memory of mortals.

“As for the rest, I will now dispel your doubts by freeing two individuals from the World Limit. Then I will hold an auction to compete for the 339 remaining spots that are available.

A sharp rumble of interest rolled through the crowd as they heard him, followed immediately by a growl of dissatisfaction from one area, where a man in a black robe stood with his features hidden.

“Only a handful of spots?” he snarled from the depths of his hood. “Since you have the power, why can you not free everyone? Are you not the lord of the World Core with the ability to command it? Or are you just the same as us, and only a servant in chains?”

Sparse but mocking agreements flowed through the crowd, followed by shouts of agreement.

Many of them were reluctant to believe in the High Artificer’s power, even with his demonstration. They had come for curiosity and to watch a good show. Now that someone was stirring up trouble, they were happy to add fuel to the fire.

The troublemakers weren’t in the majority, but they made up perhaps thirty percent of the crowd, which was enough to be a problem.

Sam only raised his hand in response.

A wave of silver flame flowed through the air, wrapped around the man who was complaining, and hauled him into the air, where he hung, his mouth frozen.

Silver flames and moonlight washed over the crowd, freezing their words with a touch of astral ice that made their bones ache. They tried to move, but they found space and sound frozen around them.

Here and there, the more perceptive could see the edge of glimmering runes in the air, but as soon as they looked at them, a stab of pain flared through their minds and their eyes turned foggy. The world seemed to spin around them until they looked away.

I understand that you are used to having your way in the world,” Sam said simply as he let them all stand in silence. “But there are powers greater than you and I am one of them. The next individual to disrespect me will be killed as an example. Only once will I show mercy, but that does not mean I will forget.

He looked at the man floating in the air, his words cold.

Your right to participate in this conclave is revoked. Begone.

With that, he teleported the man away in a flare of light, hurling him across the Western Reaches into a snowbank a thousand miles away. He looked back at the crowd, but he didn’t release his grip on the hall.

His domain had everything here locked down within it, suppressing all their abilities by fifty percent while boosting his own command of the energy by the same amount.

Wind and Ice suppressed the area, keeping everything still.

Given their backgrounds, he’d expected trouble from the groups gathered here. They wouldn’t passively wait to be given permission to leave from Aster Fall. They were too old and powerful to allow others to control their fate.

Showing power from the beginning was the only way to deal with them.

It would also save having to kill a lot of them later, once they built up their courage to rebel as a group.

I understand your concerns and the plight of the World Limit,” he said, his voice even. It limits your lifespan and your future. I also understand your view of the galaxy is limited. Even with what I have shown you, it will take time for you to believe. But since I am short on time, I will speed it up.

As he finished speaking, he released his grip on the hall and let everyone breathe again. Then a shimmering fragment of dimensional energy appeared in his hands. It was one from the World Seal, and it was about ten feet long and two feet wide.

This is a piece of dimensional wall from within the World Seal, one of the many broken fragments from Outsider invasions. The World Seal is made up of many layers, formed into great realms like fortress walls that prevent entry.

These realms are Aster Fall’s shield and as dimensional fragments, they are one of the strongest energies in existence. Below the Fourth Evolution, it is nearly invulnerable. This is a section from one of them, but as you can see, it is broken.

He tossed it out in front of him so it floated in the air above the crowd, followed by a thousand more.

There are millions of these fragments, the shards of our protection. Take one, try your best to destroy it or alter it. Study it and you will begin to understand.”

He waited as the crowd swarmed around the fragments, doing their best to seize them for themselves.

Some time passed as he let them experiment. Abilities and spells flew through the air in a thousand colors, all of them testing, prodding, and attempting to break the dimensional fragments to no avail.

You have dimensional mages, but they are not able to create fragments like these,” he said at last, once they’d exhausted themselves. “Now watch.”

He reached out across the hall, his hand a blur of silver flame that bent space around it as he seized one of the fragments. In the wake of his hand, a ripple of distorted space appeared, collapsing inward until it turned to chaotic light spinning against the dark.

Silver stars filled it, pouring inward as they ignited in the darkness, and then the space shattered into a thousand shards.

The fragment he’d seized shattered with it, turning to slivers of energy that dissolved in the air. Everything else in the wake of his hand also shattered, dissipating into the Void.

This is an Astral Rift,” he said calmly as he pulled his hand back. There wasn’t even dust left where it had passed. “It is one of the innate abilities of an Astral Titan. It collapses dimensional space on itself, shattering everything inside. But I do not need it to break one of those fragments.”

He grabbed another fragment that was floating in the air, and with a quick flex of his hands, snapped it into two pieces, which he tossed back into the crowd.

Feel free to experiment with them more. Try to destroy them. Then you will begin to understand powers above your own. It is just as easy for me to destroy you.

Astral Rift was flashy, which was why he’d chosen it for a demonstration.

He’d hesitated to use it before on Aster Fall, but since he could stabilize space around him and prevent it from disturbing the World Seal, this type of minor demonstration was harmless.

He let them study the fragments for a bit longer before he continued.

Now that I have your attention,” he said, “let me explain a few facts about the Fourth Evolution and why it is blocked on Aster Fall. It is the realm of dimensional energy. It is capable of damaging the World Seal and allowing the Outsiders to invade. It is also capable of preventing it, which is my task.

He explained for a short while, giving them a brief understanding of the Fourth Evolution and its powers before he continued.

The feeling of something suppressing you in this hall is my domain, an ability I have to control the energy of space around me, bending its fundamental nature. It is something you will encounter at the Fifth Evolution, but sometimes as early as the Fourth.

It is similar to how the aura of a Second Evolution being can suppress those beneath it, but much more significant.

“I know that many of you came here with plans of your own, looking for an advantage or a way to seize power.” A smile creased his features. “You are welcome to try. With the images you’ve seen, you know what is happening in the Void and what is at stake for the world. You also know my goal is to protect Aster Fall.

If you choose to throw that aside, I will return you to the dust of Aster Fall, the same as these fragments, where you will become fertilizer for a new generation. Or you can choose freedom and a new future, which is what you’ve always wanted.”

The look in many of their eyes changed as he spoke. Greed and interest had been there from the beginning, as well as cold calculation, but now hesitation became more prominent, as well as a stronger flame of hope.

He raised his hand and silver flames flooded upward through the pillars of the hall, shooting into the sky. In his eyes, it was full of runes for starlight and flame, but to the people watching, it was just a brilliant light.

As the flames rose, they gathered elemental energy from the winds and the mountains, and then they turned into a massive silver disk over a mile across, which continued to float in the sky, like an eye looking downward.

With my domain, I can turn energy into solid metal or break it apart again,” he said, simplifying things for them. “This disk will serve as a scrying mirror as I show you what it looks like beyond the skies of Aster Fall.”

A tracery of silver runes ran across the surface of the mirror and then disappeared. The mirror’s surface turned dark and brilliant, showing the stars in the Void beyond Aster Fall.

In the interest of preserving as many of your lives as possible and to protect Aster Fall, I offer you the same choice as I have offered two of your colleagues. They have already accepted. I will let them tell you the details.”

At Sam’s sides, Aldric and Jesai appeared in a flare of silver light.

They were frowning slightly, but a quick look around the hall made their expressions turn calm and alert. They’d been watching the proceedings from a hall on Sun’s Rest and they knew what they needed to do.

You should recognize them,” Sam said as he waved to them. “Aldric and Jesai Hastern of Tower Reach, famous mages of this kingdom. They will be the ones to enter the Void first after I free them from the World Limit.

A murmur went through the crowd as they saw them. They definitely recognized them.

“I know basically every one of you, and you know that you can trust me,” Aldric said confidently. “For those who don’t recognize me, just ask around. I’ve already bargained with the High Artificer, so I’ll set the example for this conclave. Once you see it’s true, you can get on with what you’ve always wanted...growing stronger again.”

“I know you miss the feeling of leveling,” Jesai added with a smile that she’d never shown to Sam. “We all do.”

Her flat emotional state disappeared as she spoke to the crowd, turning to a practiced statesmanship, one that conveyed warmth and familiarity. She seemed like a completely different person.

This was the famous Dimensional Mage and joint head of the Hastern Family, rulers of Tower Reach and Lady of the Alabaster Palace.

“Soon, you will have it again,” she said kindly. “Like us, you’ve all been at the verge of the Fourth Evolution for countless years. Once we’re free of the World Limit, we’ll finally be able to Evolve. But before you leave, you need to know that the World Core is what helped us reach this point. Once we’re gone, Evolving will be more difficult. The High Artificer has warned us about this.”

Aster Fall is both your prison and your protection,” Sam added. “Your efforts are part of your success, but you will soon find out how great the advantage is to have an Evolutionary Artifact like the World Core to assist you.

Your traits, your blessings, the Marks you’ve earned...all of these come from it, as well as the guaranteed assistance in Evolving without much danger. From now on, your Evolutions will be dangerous and you will be only in the middle grades of strength.

For some of you, that will be an adjustment. For others, it will be a new beginning. You will no longer be guarded by the World Core or the World Spirits. You will be free, but you will be on your own.

The images here have shown you what is at stake, both for this world and for the Nexus itself, which is the origin of Outsiders. You will be able to leave, but you will not be allowed to return to Aster Fall after you reach the Fourth Evolution, not until the World Seal is more stable.

“If you are not yet ready to abandon this world, I offer you a choice. I will extend the World Core’s assistance to you in reaching the Fourth Evolution, and you may stay nearby at my fortress of Silverguard, which is just beyond the reach of the World Seal.

All you need to do is protect Aster Fall, the same as you have done against Flaws for your entire life. If you do not wish to, I will not force it. You have plans and intentions of your own.

It is your choice to leave, but the Void is unforgiving and the distance to the settled half of the galaxy is far...a trip that will likely take you hundreds of years. If you change your mind in the future and wish to return to Silverguard, you will be welcome.”

He paused as he looked across the hall. Then he nodded to Aldric and Jesai.

Now, let us begin.”

A quick thought to the World Core confirmed his choice to free the two of them from the World Limit. A flare of runes and his domain added some drama.

Pillars of silver starlight descended from the Void, surrounding Aldric and Jesai in columns of shimmering flame. The Sky Guard flew into the air at the same time, sounding their trumpets.

Runes swirled around the two of them as the World Core’s voice filled the hall. It was cold and powerful, pressing down on the area like an avalanche.

The High Artificer’s command is acknowledged.

Aldric Hastern and Jesai Hastern, you are free from the World Limit and may depart from Aster Fall.

While at Level 399, you are allowed to return, but if you attempt to do so after reaching the Fourth Evolution, you will be identified as an enemy of the world. World Spirits and Authorities of Law will be alerted to your position and awarded for killing you.

The runes and light faded, leaving them standing there the same as before, but their expressions were expectant.

“Every time we tried to teleport away before, it failed,” Aldric said slowly as he held his hand out to Jesai. “This will be different.”

“Let’s go,” she said with a smile. “I’m looking forward to the future again.”

They looked like a couple about to set off on a grand romance, and the crowd responded. A hushed mood of expectation and attention washed across the hall.

Sam had to stop himself from shaking his head at the act, but he had to admit that they were clever. They knew how to handle a crowd.

With a flicker of dark light around Jesai as she called on her dimensional abilities, the two of them disappeared.

In the sky, the image in the scrying mirror changed to follow them, showing them as they arrived in the Void and began to look around.

They stood above Aster Fall, just far enough away that they could see the world fully below them. The moons were in the distance, while the World Core and the Nexus were far off in the opposite direction.

The scrying mirror followed their view, its perspective hanging just above their forms and showing the Void as they looked around.

There was no need for more dramatic flourishes. Leaving Aster Fall was enough proof that the World Limit was broken and the crowd was absorbed in the view with their full attention.

No one had left Aster Fall in thousands of years, so this was the first time they had ever seen the Void without the sky blocking the view. The freedom of simply being outside of the world was enough for them to be left in wonder.

He let the attendees watch as Aldric and Jesai wandered around just beyond the world. They weren’t powerful enough to travel quickly through the Void, but they could still fly under their own power.

Perhaps someone would build a ship eventually, like in the settled half of the galaxy. He’d shown them enough images that they should have the idea.

The attendees watched as the two of them turned to look at the World Core and the Nexus, and then the view zoomed out as Aster Fall was revealed to them in its entirety, hanging in the Void like a blue and silver gem.

Gasps of shock and then a stunned silence rolled through the crowd.

As they saw the hazy silver half of the world in the mirror, they finally understood why the borders of the continent were so dangerous and why dimensional energy was rampant there. The world looked only half complete from the Void.

He had considered sending a couple of his assault golems as guardians to escort Aldric and Jesai around a distance, but there was nothing dangerous immediately outside of Aster Fall, and his grandparents’ auras at Level 399 were enough to keep their clothing from disintegrating in the chaos winds.

He let the two of them wander around and look at everything for a few hours and then he brought them back, teleporting them back to the hall in a flare of silver light. There was a blazing light in their eyes now, one of carefully restrained joy.

The other attendees stared at them with envy and watched their every movement, as if they were looking at people that shouldn’t exist.

They had earned a lot of respect from being the first to leave the world, but in the grander scheme of things, it would fade quickly, so he let them have their moment. Every bit of attention that they got for this would support the auction.

“I don’t believe it!” A shout of denial came from one side of the hall, quickly followed by the agreement of a few other protestors who couldn’t wrap their minds around the change.

“What don’t you believe, Carnes?” Aldric snapped back at the man as his gaze locked onto him. He clearly recognized him, and his name came to his lips without hesitation.

“Is your fortune so small that you don’t think you’ll be able to win the auction? I know that’s why you’re complaining. You’ve always had a small mindset, and if you can’t enjoy something, you want to ruin it for everyone else!”

Aldric pointed up at the scrying mirror, his temper flaring. The image was still showing the Void, including Aster Fall, the World Core, and the Nexus in the distance. Even as an image, the swirling power of the Nexus was apparent.

“Open your eyes, fool! Look at what’s there for everyone to see! This is what the Boundless Alliance has worked toward for thousands of years! If you dare to interfere at this point, your own friends will tear you to pieces!”

A murmur of agreement and cold anger at Carnes flowed through the hall in the wake of Aldric’s words.

“But by interrupting now, when the proof is already shown, you dishonor the High Artificer and me!” Aldric snapped. “Are you trying to challenge me? You know how that will end.”

“Aldric, don’t be so heavy-handed!” Carnes growled back, his own temper rising. “I just want more proof! Why should I believe an image? Or you? Everyone knows how treacherous you really are! You could have planned this with the High Artificer to steal our fortunes!”

Instead of letting the argument devolve more, Sam raised his hand and brought another wave of silence through the hall.

A pillar of silver light descended from the sky and surrounded Carnes and the World Core’s voice rang out again, suppressing dissent in the area.

Carnes Larsi, you are free from the World Limit and may depart from Aster Fall.

Silence remained in the hall, even as Sam lifted his domain suppression.

This will only happen once,” he said simply. “I will give you what you want, so that you too can bear witness. Aster Fall needs those with courage, so I will grant you a blessing. Go and look in the Void for yourself.

With a flick of his will, he teleported Carnes into the Void and focused the scrying mirror on him. The crowd watched as the man tumbled around aimlessly until he used his mana to catch his balance. He was less adept at it than Aldric and Jesai.

Sam gave the man 30 minutes to wander around and then he pulled him back and dropped him in the center of the hall.

That should satisfy your concerns,” he said with a hint of warning in his tone. “Now, we will begin the auction.

Carnes was as pale as a sheet, but there was a trembling exultation in every limb of his body as he bowed to Sam.

“My lord,” he said humbly, forcing the words out between his chattering teeth, “forgive me for doubting you!”

There were a few grumbles in the crowd about the unfairness of it when everyone else was supposed to be bidding, but Sam ignored them. Silencing their doubts was worth a free release and he had enough power that they didn’t dare to do more than grumble.

You are free to stay or to leave,” Sam told him. Then he turned his attention to the rest of the crowd.

There are over 4,000 of you here at the World Limit, and I have 338 releases left to grant from the World Core. They are in short supply, but more will come in the future. To earn one, you only need to win an auction.

If you do not win one today, there will be more chances in the future, enough for all of you and more. It is a matter of time, perhaps a handful of years, until enough releases are available. Then he nodded to Aldric and Jesai to begin.

“The auction will begin now,” Jesai announced as she stepped forward, taking on a role as the auctioneer. She was the wiser choice, since Aldric seemed to have more enemies than her.

“Bids will be taken for each of the remaining 338 spots, one at a time. Once you win the bid, you are welcome to stay or to depart, but remember not to offend the High Artificer. The privilege of departing can be revoked as well.”

From the glint in her eyes, she was planning to fleece her old acquaintances for as much as humanly possible. It was probably payback for old disagreements, but it was in line with his own plans, so he left them to it.

He would be the one to collect payment anyway.

He wasn’t sure what these 399s had yet, but since their strength was at the peak of the world, it should be worthwhile. They had been accumulating treasures for hundreds to thousands of years.

He didn’t need too many resources himself, but the relic did.

“Bidding for the first spot begins now,” Jesai announced as she looked around the room. “You have already been told the type of materials the High Artificer will accept: rare elemental crystals, natural treasures, magical ores, crafting materials, and similar things. Let’s begin the bidding at a thousand elemental crystals.”

“A thousand!” a voice shouted from the back.

It was followed by another at twelve hundred.

More shouts rang out across the hall as the price swiftly rose, heading toward ten thousand.

Sam only kept a fraction of his attention on the bidding as it proceeded. It would take a while, and he had other things to do.

While waiting, he checked on his avatars in the seal, analyzing the red realm that Khaes and Yeria were leading him toward.

It had a troubling aura around it.

It wasn’t quite the same as what he’d sensed from some Outsiders before, but as he got closer, he could feel that it had an undeniable connection to the Demon of Blood.

His records didn’t include this realm, so he wasn’t sure if it was a prison realm that had been created later or if it was something independent, but whatever it was...it was definitely bad news.


Nicole Hicks

Wonderful chapter! Can't keep track of the time very well but when is the Council of Nine supposed to reach Aster Fall? Is it soon as in days, weeks or months? I'm a little foggy on this detail but wasn't the date for their arrival and the date of the Conclave days to a week or two weeks apart in happening? I'm being a little lazy about not looking back in the last book to unfog my memory. It'll take more time than I presently have. Could someone please help me out here and give me the answer I'm looking for?

Christopher Mason

If I lied and said it was my birthday, would you post another chapter? 😁


As soon as I can. :) Probably won’t make it tonight (Friday) though. Had to work on a half dozen other projects, like taxes.