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Vaskel strode through the gates of Highfold with his cloak thrown back around him. The wind was pleasant here, far more than he’d expected, like an early summer breeze.

He’d heard of the weather enchantment here, but this was the first time he’d ever visited. It was well known that the valley was not hospitable to foreign powers, and at Level 399, he’d never seen a reason to visit this small city deep in the mountains.

Rumors said it was like an itch as the wards on this place watched you, and that if you stepped out of line, you’d quickly find yourself exiled and embarrassed, regardless of your level.

And that was when the powers that lived here were asleep. Looking around made him shake his head in disbelief.

Nothing here was asleep.

The valley was surrounded by towering walls of ice that led up to fortresses on the mountains that were built in an ancient style. They looked like frozen peaks standing between the real ones and they gleamed in the sunlight.

In his Mana Sight, the sparkling blue energy of Ice surrounded them, floating like a mist through the walls and towers. It was so dense that it made his bones feel like they were freezing just to look at it and the idea of touching it made him shudder.

He wasn’t sure what had happened to this place, or how it had suddenly raised these fortresses that seemed to come from another age, but it had to have something to do with the Conclave of the Moons.

That was why he was here.

He looked up at the mountain to the north, which was topped with a hall of silver-white pillars that looked like a shining crown. Three staircases made of the same stone that could be seen from across the entire valley led up to the peak.

People were already walking up them. They looked like tiny dark spots on the white steps from here.

The entire valley was bursting with visitors. It looked like tens of thousands of people had come to the Conclave of the Moons. Not all of them were at the peak level, but that type of individual rarely traveled alone.

Royal powers, ambassadors, the Church of the World Law, powerful mercenary groups, nobles from Aethra and other kingdoms...he could see banners from across the world gathered here.

He’d attended the royal wedding at Veritan forty years before, where powers from every neighboring region of Aster Fall had been invited to witness, but this put it to shame. Everyone of note had gathered here.

“Let’s see if an inn is available.” A cold voice interrupted his thoughts. There was an undercurrent of killing intent in it. “If nothing is free, we can buy out someone’s room. This shouldn’t take longer than a day or two. The High Artificer will certainly appear tomorrow for the beginning of the conclave.”

Vaskel’s eyes narrowed as he glanced at the person next to him. The man’s name was Herug, and he was also Level 399.

His main class was Wraithblade, while his subclass was something that even Vaskel couldn’t see, despite his Epic-tier Analysis skill. They’d worked together a couple of times in the past, but there was nothing resembling friendship between them.

His own class was an Ultra Rare one called Mage Breaker and his subclass was Mana Siphon.

His abilities focused on absorbing mana and killing mages, while Herug’s just focused on killing. They were powerful partners when they worked together.

Unlike most of the Level 399s who had come to the Conclave of the Moons, they weren’t here to transcend the World Limit.

They were here to kill the High Artificer.

The Lord of Wind and Water had given them very specific instructions and an artifact spear to use, but after seeing everything, he was beginning to have second thoughts.


On the First Layer.

“Let us take care of these problems for you.” Aldric’s voice was cold but insistent as he looked at Sam and Jeric. “We know everyone and are the best suited for it. Our fame is widespread across Aster Fall. You should use that to your advantage.

“Right now, you look like a shiny piece of treasure, and they will try to seize it unless you kill half of them. If you want to avoid that, you need to set an example and put them in their place from the beginning, like you did with us.”

“We can help to make sure things go smoothly with the conclave and this auction you have planned,” Jesai added. Her tone was more indifferent than Aldric’s, but she agreed with his plan.

“We are not asking for much, just a small advantage, and we will give you more in return. At the very least, it will reduce the potential problems. You have shown them a little bit of your power, but not enough to suppress the desire that everyone has. Letting us take the lead will work better.”

Sam frowned as he folded his arms, but he didn’t reject them outright. Instead he looked at his father. He was inclined to agree to their proposal, but he would let his father make the final decision.

It was up to him whether they had been punished enough.

“And all you want is to be the first to leave Aster Fall?” Jeric asked gruffly. “No other plans tumbling around in there that will cause us more trouble than you can supposedly prevent?”

“Being the first to leave is a mark of honor,” Aldric replied bluntly. “It will be enough for us, and to satisfy anyone’s curiosity. We are related, whether you like it or not, and it is only appropriate for us to be the first.

“It will be enough to smooth over any rumors about the disagreements we’ve had here. The rest can be ignored as internal family squabbles. This will show everyone that we are united. Doing it otherwise would show weakness to these vultures, and they will try to create a rift between us.”

Jesai nodded at her husband’s words and then looked at Sam, rather than Jeric, addressing her argument to him.

“Free us from the World Limit,” she said. “Let us go out and see what it looks like beyond Aster Fall. Then we will come back with you and tell everyone what we have seen. We will be the examples you need to drive home that this is the new reality.

“Our fame is not small, and with our help, you will be able to control everything in the palm of your hand. We will make sure of it.” She turned to look back at Jeric, addressing the final part of her words to him.

“Although we’ve had our disagreements, we are family. We should help one another.”

Jeric frowned, but he didn’t say no. His thoughts were easy for Sam to understand. He didn’t want to give these two much of an advantage, but at the same time, at least this way, they could be useful.

His parents had already had many conversations with Aldric and Jesai, but they had been similar to this one. The two were the coldest of any grandparents Sam had ever met. All they cared about was what advantages were in front of them.

The only exception was a strand of interest from Jesai toward Altey and a desire to meet her, but so far, Jeric had refused to let her see her.

There was no expression of approval on Jeric’s features, but finally he nodded at Sam.

“Just get rid of them,” he said. “The faster they’re gone from our lives, the better. If they want to help, it’s the least they can do on the way out.”

With that, he walked out of the room.

He was washing his hands of them completely.

Very well,” Sam agreed when they were alone. His voice rumbled with power like starlight and distant suns, driving home his otherworldly nature. “Since Jeric approves, you two will be the first off Aster Fall. You will be the examples of transcending the World Limit. In return, you will do your best to support the conclave and my goals. Regardless, I won’t let you out of my sight until the auction is done.

At that point, you have two choices, the same as I am giving to everyone: you can travel to Silverguard and use it as a new home, where you can hunt the Void and grow stronger with my protection, or you can leave and be completely on your own.

His tone was business-like. Since his father no longer wanted anything to do with them, he would write them off as well and treat them the same as everyone else at the conclave after this.

In his opinion, they were of more use as examples than as grandparents. At least now they would do some good.

With the distance to the civilized half of the galaxy, I recommend you stay at Silverguard,” he added, “where my army and enchantments can protect you to some extent, but you can make the choice. If you choose that path, you must swear an oath to protect Aster Fall and to defend Silverguard. That is the least you can do for the world that raised you.”

With a flare of silver flames, he created two bracelets of astral metal, which he quickly engraved with a tracking enchantment as runes flared through his aura. Then he placed them on his grandparents’ wrists.

It was unlikely that they would be able to escape from his sight, but just in case, these bracelets would let him find them nearly anywhere in the Void.

“What, are we going to be your prisoners still?” Aldric asked coldly as he looked down at the bracelet. “Even after this deal?’

You are until you fulfill your end of the bargain,” Sam replied. “Have you forgotten that you tried to kill me? This is more mercy than you deserve. You’re lucky that you are useful.

When everything was complete, he ignored the rest of his great-grandparents’ words and disappeared in a flash of silver light.

They still didn’t know he was their descendant and he had no intention of telling them. They would try to use the connection for their own profit, the same as they were doing now with his father.

This deal was enough.

Once they were in the Void, he would pay a bit more attention to them than to other Level 399s, but that was all. If they didn’t stay at Silverguard, that was their choice.

He reappeared on the peak of Sun’s Rest and then turned his attention to his avatars inside the World Seal.

Khaes and Yeria were still running.

The World Seal was enormous, many times larger than Aster Fall, so it was no surprise that it was taking them so long, but it was interesting that they were sticking to the chaotic dimensional layer that was the outer shell.

It allowed them to skirt past many of the realms that had been created inside, and it was probably how they had navigated the Seal for so long without being detected.

This outer realm was a mess of wild energies mixing together, with everything from the chaos winds to broken dimensional layers swirling around inside. The two displayed a practiced instinct for the space and would suddenly change their course to go around a dimensional vortex or other area that was difficult to notice.

Some of the regions required zigzagging to avoid dangers and stay out of the reach of spatial storms.

They had finally left the path cut by the red comet and were now heading deeper into the Seal. He wasn’t familiar with the route, but they seemed to know where they were going, so he stayed on their trail.

Every now and then, they looked back at him to see if he was still following, but their panic was fading as he kept his distance. It was replaced by cunning. They’d also noticed that the number of avatars had dropped to two.

Knowing the Voidborn, they were probably thinking of how to kill him in a way that would benefit them, and if he wasn’t mistaken, they had a plan to lead him somewhere.

Since his avatars were disposable and they weren’t trying to break into Aster Fall, he decided to see what they had in mind. It shouldn’t be long now.

From the increasing alertness in their posture, it seemed like they were approaching their goal.

His second avatar was still tracking Asenya, but so far nothing had reacted with the artifact.

He left the Voidborn to their scheme as he turned his attention back to the relic.

After he arranged a few matters, he looked out at the valley, and the crowds of people gathered below.

They were overflowing the city of Highhold. He could also see many walking up the staircases to the peak.

Perhaps his grandfather’s plan would work to keep everyone in line, but if not, he would demonstrate with pure force. He didn’t mind setting a hard example if someone wanted to destroy what he’d built.

When he was younger, he’d had illusions about the common sense of crowds, but after all he’d been through, he knew better. In groups, people would do all kinds of stupid things.

Including attacking an Astral Titan who was offering them a fair chance.

He looked into the sky. Soon it would be night and all three moons would rise. All of them would be full, shining with a brilliant force above the mountain peaks. It wasn’t as big as the alignment, but a triple full moon was rare.

It would be a wonderful view of the Void and the promise it held.

A little while later, as the first dusk of night fell on the peaks and the stars began to appear, his voice echoed across the valley and the entire world.

Everyone is invited to the peak of Sky’s Descent and to gather at moonrise in the Hall of Transcendence.

At that moment, the moons rose with a wave of aura that flooded the mountains with a shimmering majesty. The triple-layered moonlight shone upon the ice of the ancient fortresses and their enchantments and refracted through it like rainbow dreams, scattering across the entire valley.

Everything took on a mystical sheen as the valley’s wards glowed in the light. The slopes shone brightly and the peaks burned.

Sam’s words became visible, turning to starry silver runes that burned in the sky. They changed to glimmering comets and hurtled toward the hall at the peak of Sky’s Descent, creating two dozen trails in the air like beacons leading the way.

A hush passed over the valley, and then people flooded toward the staircases.

Sam chuckled as he watched it. Perhaps he had inherited a little bit of the Titans’ flair for grandeur.

Most of the level 399s had sent attendants ahead to the hall to secure places, since they were too arrogant to show up on time themselves, but now they were moving.

He didn’t care about their posturing, since he knew they cared more than they let on, but it wasn’t appropriate for him to show up immediately either.

Instead, he began the conclave with a show of power.

The black crystal wings of the Sky Guard shot into the night sky above the mountain, their wings mixing with the moonlight. In their hands, they held silver and golden trumpets that they sounded as they flew, creating celestial music.

The astral assault golems in the shape of great silver eagles flew through the air. Their wings shed burning stars among the moonlight and left behind waves of force.

As they passed by, a thousand upon a thousand silver stars appeared in the night sky, each of them a tiny wisp of flame radiating in the darkness, like the Void had descended to Aster Fall.

Within that field of stars, illusions began to appear one after another, showing the history of the world, its founding with the Nexus, the creation of the World Core, and their place in the Void.

It was time for the world to know its past.

He moved through the entire history of Aster Fall in brief and then he changed to images of the Chaos Wild and the great beasts that lived there, of the endless star systems stretching across the dark, of the vast galaxy divided into halves, and then their world’s place deep in the dark half.

He showed them the Great Divide and some of the civilizations beyond, of the High Nine and the Astral Guardians, and the thousands of races who made up the settled half of the galaxy.

The nagas were one of the races he included to make sure they were recognized, and he showed the Silver Army as his personal followers.

More than two hours passed as he displayed all the things they had never seen before and that the World Core was too busy to teach them.

The repeated Breakings of the world had resulted in widespread lost knowledge, and the Astrals who had rebuilt it each time had better things to do than teach the few remaining inhabitants about the galaxy, so the task had fallen to him.

People pulled out recording crystals with wide eyes as they tried to capture the images for themselves and to take back to their homelands. Stunned whispers of conversation carried from one attendee to another.

Some of the more powerful and those who were set in their ways looked doubtful as they glared at the images, as if they had no place in their world view, but none of them dared to raise their voice to interrupt.

Beyond the content of the images that was enough to leave them stunned, the illusions radiated a force of law that was far beyond the Third Evolution. They might not believe what they were seeing, but they were unable to doubt the power behind it.

A hushed solemnity fell across the gathering as the images continued, showing them the basic information of the Void and their place in it that they had never known.

As the images concluded, Sam’s true body appeared in the sky. He was 800 feet tall and glowed with a golden radiance as silver flames poured out around him.

He looked like a titanic meteor as he slowly descended to the peak, making it clear how big he was. He was eight times taller than any of the great pillars that made up the hall.

Power is the basis for negotiation, so he was showing them his from the beginning.

As he stepped foot onto the mountain peak, his height diminished until he was only 50 feet tall. He could have met them at a more human height, but this was better to keep a distance between them.

He arrived at one end of the hall on a raised dais that he had created earlier. A set of wards shone around the edge, keeping the crowd away.

People were mingling all across the hall in the vast area between the two rings of the pillars, but as soon as he landed, they slowly moved toward that side of the peak. They were hesitant, but their desire to break the World Limit and sheer fascination were irresistible.

Among the crowd, he saw at least four thousand Level 399s and there were tens of thousands of others. Most of them were in small groups of up to a hundred in size, gathered together in a small army of attendants and guards, but a few stood alone.

With so many people and only 341 slots, it was good that he’d come up with the idea for an auction. He looked out at them all and then his words rolled through the hall, mixing with the burning moonlight and stars above to give everything an ethereal quality.

Let the Conclave of the Moons begin!


Nicole Hicks

Oh crappy!!! Why oh why do you torture us so?!! Your waaay to good at these cliffhangers!! And it's annoying as hell!! Hmmm... I think that's called a backhand compliment towards your imagination and storytelling abilities.


It's because when it's all set out as a book, it will be so much more fun to read!

George R

Loved the chapter thanks- I’m Really excited to see who leaves those who are powerful enough to even try