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The cover is finally ready guys! I just have a few things to change around and add to some of the pages and then I'll send it all over to Class Comics! :D so hopefully we're very soon to have Jox #4 released!!!! I'm so excited!

On other news, I just arrived to Marseille yesterday and boy, did I need some sleep. the last 3 nights in Berlin we barely slept 3-4 hours per night. But we had the most , crazy, wild and sexed up trip there! Never done cruising with my husband before so it was definitely hot. So even though I didn't draw much those days, I can assure you I've got LOADS of new ideas to draw next hehehe ;D



Timothy Chandler

Poor Jox.. at least he is not in a jar


haha true! Im sure he's enjoying seeing Blitz being in one though! that little pesky demon...


YEAH! Love the big cock pulling out his balls, haha, really nice work! The guy in the back, side view, is so intriguing!


Yessss pec-centric cover!!!


mm yeah forced milking is my fetish

Patrick Fillion

WOW!!! This is a GLORIOUS COVER!!!! I freakin' LOVE IT, Tom! BRAVO!!!! :D :D :D


So glad you liked it! I sent you all the files yesterday, so let me know if you got them. I'll write an email to you shortly, my friend


Not as much as me!!!

Ryan Ellison

Great comic cover!! This has me so excited to get my hands on the issue when it comes out!!