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working on this at the moment, still have to change and improve some hand placement and stuff like that but it's on it way! :D




I never realised it was such hard work Tom. I thought a few quick flourishes and it was done


haha believe me, it's much more work than it looks. one of these comics might take 10- mins to read maybe if you take it slow, but it's hours upon hours to make it

Ryan Ellison

It looks fantastic and I can't wait to get my hands on....the comic!! It'll be a great read, and I'll definitely need to read it multiple times.

Patrick Fillion

OH, HELL YES! This is looking AMAZING!!! It's super sexy and super intriguing! It's gonna make a fabulous cover! I can't wait to see the colored version! SOOOOOO HOT!!! I'm loving Gany and Jox together, so MUCH!!! XD Great stuff, Tom!


So glad you like it my friend! I'm working on the coloring but I travel to Berlin today, so I won't be able to continue till I get there. It should be ready by tomorrow


Sounds VERY promising, love the big face on the side, it's gonna rock!