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Ladies and Gentlemen, here is  Quicksilver updates

And here we have Quicksilver new version gameplay, recorded by Psykai - who nailed it, again.

He was the first character programmed for this game and, when compared to the others, I always thought he was a little out of place.

What's new:

- I added a juggle checking system in the game to avoid infinite combos (each attack costs a certain amount of points). Stronger characters make fewer combos, while weaker characters make more combos - and characters who specialize in hand-to-hand combat make even bigger combos near walls and screen boundaries. And Quicksilver is a combos machine.

- He is even faster than the last version released, moving and reacting more quickly.

- Thanks to his accelerated metabolism, he recovers MP more quickly and can perform specials even when poisoned (in the game, when a character is poisoned, besides gradually losing his life, he is unable to use specials). MAYBE I make him immune to poison.

- New animations (idle, combo ender, helper call, etc.).

- New attack jumping 2, which causes him to descend quickly in a straight line and which causes OTG damage (hits enemies on the ground)

- New Freespecial 1 - (QCF + A) Quick Slide. It has 2 follow-ups with the same command.

- New Freeespecial2 - (D, U + A) Tornado Lariat. It works differently from the previous version, like a shoryuken. The combo happens only if the first hit hits. Can be connected from Freespecial1.

- New Hyper - (D, U + S) Personal Hurricane. Despite being visually interesting, the old movement failed a lot and still left it very open in scenarios with traps.

With this update, I must have finished updating the old characters and now I will focus on finishing the missing scenarios to finally release an update.

After the update is released, I will rest from this project and focus on another project, which for now is secret. 

But I can't wait to reveal this publicly, because the fans will go crazy ;)

#OpenBOR #AvengersGame #Avengers #indiegame #gamedev #pixelart #Xmen #Quicksilver


QuickSilver updates preview - Avengers United Battle Force OpenBOR

And here we have Quicksilver new version gameplay, recorded by Psykai - who nailed it, again. (EN) He was the first character programmed for this game and, when compared to the others, I always thought he was a little out of place. What's new: - I added a juggle checking system in the game to avoid infinite combos (each attack costs a certain amount of points). Stronger characters make fewer combos, while weaker characters make more combos - and characters who specialize in hand-to-hand combat make even bigger combos near walls and screen boundaries. And Quicksilver is a combos machine. - He is even faster than the last version released, moving and reacting more quickly. - Thanks to his accelerated metabolism, he recovers MP more quickly and can perform specials even when poisoned (in the game, when a character is poisoned, besides gradually losing his life, he is unable to use specials). MAYBE I make him immune to poison. - New animations (idle, combo ender, helper call, etc.). - New attack jumping 2, which causes him to descend quickly in a straight line and which causes OTG damage (hits enemies on the ground) - New Freespecial 1 - (QCF + A) Quick Slide. It has 2 follow-ups with the same command. - New Freeespecial2 - (D, U + A) Tornado Lariat. It works differently from the previous version, like a shoryuken. The combo happens only if the first hit hits. Can be connected from Freespecial1. - New Hyper - (D, U + S) Personal Hurricane. Despite being visually interesting, the old movement failed a lot and still left it very open in scenarios with traps. With this update, I must have finished updating the old characters and now I will focus on finishing the missing scenarios to finally release an update. After the update is released, I will rest from this project and focus on another project, which for now is secret. But I can't wait to reveal this publicly, because the fans will go crazy ;) (PT BR) Ele foi o primeiro personagem programado para este jogo e, quando comparado aos demais, eu sempre achei que ele estava meio deslocado. O que há de novo: - Adicionei um sistema de checagem de juggle no jogo para evitar combos infinitos (cada ataque custa uma certa quantidade de pontos). Personagens mais fortes fazem menos combos, enquanto personagens mais fracos fazem mais combos - e personagens especialistas em combate corpo-a-corpo fazem combos ainda maiores perto de paredes e dos limites da tela. E o Quicksilver é uma máquina de combos. - Ele é ainda mais rápido que na última versão lançada, se movimentando e reagindo mais rapidamente. - Graças a seu metabolismo acelerado, ele recupera MP mais rapidamente e pode executar especiais mesmo envenenado (no jogo, quando um personagem está envenedado, além dele perder vida gradualmente, ele fica impossibilitado de usar especiais). TALVEZ eu faça ele imune a veneno. - Novas animações (idle, combo ender, helper call, etc). - Novo ataque pulando 2, que faz ele descer rapidamente em linha reta e que causa danos OTG (acerta inimigos no solo) - Novo Freespecial 1 - (QCF+A) Quick Slide. Possui 2 follow-ups com o mesmo comando. - Novo Freeespecial2 - (D,U+A) Tornado Lariat. Funciona de maneira diferente da versão anterior, como um shoryuken. O combo acontece apenas se o primeiro golpe acerta. Pode ser conectado do Freespecial1. - Novo Hyper - (D,U + S) Personal Hurricane. Apesar de ser visualmente interessante, o movimento antigo falhava muito e ainda deixava ele muito aberto em cenários com armadilhas. Com este update, eu devo ter terminado os updates dos personagens antigos e agora vou me focar em terminar os cenários faltantes para lançar finalmente uma atualização. Depois de lançada a atualização, eu vou descansar deste projeto e me focar em um outro projeto, que por hora é secreto. Mas eu não vejo a hora de revelar isso publicamente, pois os fãs vão enlouquecer ;) #OpenBOR #Avengers #indiegame ============== SUPPORT ============= É do Brasil e quer me ajudar a continuar a desenvolver jogos? Agora vc não precisa mais de cartão de crédito internacional e pode usar o PicPay: https://picpay.me/douglas.baldan Do you want to support me, Douglas Baldan / O Ilusionista, and get access to exclusive content? Take a look at my Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/oilusionista Or if you wanna just donate something to help, see my paypal here http://brazilmugenteam.com/suport-me/ ============== FOLLOW ME ============= Website: https://www.brazilmugenteam.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/brazilmugenteam Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brazilmugenteam Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brmugenteam/


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