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I’ve decided to start a side project called “Intimate Relations”.

Why, If my main project isn’t finished, would I start another, you may ask. Well, for several reasons.

1) As a player, one may spend a few hours a week with the characters, but as the guy who writes the, you spend considerably more. And you need a break from the same faces and motivations from time to time.

2) 4 months ago, when I started “Dreaming of Dana”, I barely knew what a render was. In that time, I’ve learned a lot of cool things regarding both renders and coding. Things that are now to late, to implement in the Dana game since I’d have to redesign it from the ground up. But you still want to experiment with them and improve your skills. A side project allows you to do that.

3) Simply trying new things. Experimenting with other ways of storytelling, other type of mechanics, new GUI elements  etc……

So, I’ve created this DEMO.

I hope you guys like it.

But first some screens:





And now the links:

PC: http://tinyurl.com/m6c83cg

MAC: http://tinyurl.com/kxa3pyk

Thank you for your time




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