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My new GPU is in, and I have to say I'm very happy with it :) 

I have to thank all you guys, I probably wouldn't of gotten it without your contributions. I have yet to fully test the new system and see how it compares exactly, in terms of speed with the old one, but from a few test renders I did this evening, it seems MUCH faster. 

On to how much we have left until the next update. 

Well, as they kept my PC for stress tests, I of course couldn't do anything with the game. Will my increased horse power make up for it? I don't know.  I will of course try to get the patch up as soon as possible, but to not put myself in the position of having to delay and delay, I'm setting Monday evening, after I get home from work, as my deadline. 

Other than that delay, the patch is going well, taking into account the now expected ballooning.  

I've also redone some of the renders from the previous patch, that had clipping issues.( See OZ, I didn't forget :))) ) 

The situation is a little delicate, in regards the writing, because this is also supposed to be a bit of a plot point regarding another character. But it's nothing we can't handle. 

That's about it 

To summarize, the new hardware is great and the patch will be released to all 5$ patrons on Monday. 

Now I leave you with some screens :) 






As always, I'm very grateful for your support 



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