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Hey guys how are you guys doing.

This 2 weeks I had been working on the models mostly and I have nothing much to update here. Let's take a look at what I've done so far in the last 2 weeks.

Vehicle and Systems

Quad Bike:

Now the quad bike is officially added into the game. It's more like a truck than a bike but I also did update the engine sounds, more electric car and quieter.
I also added IK for the quad bike around the transmission areas.

I'm planning to add dirt and damage system into the vehicle too btw, such as 'the vehicle is covered by dirt when the time goes on'

The quad bike you guys seen here is quad bike with maximum upgraded parts, the low LV vehicle will look weaker and smaller.

Players will be able to put carriable loots (crates and boxes) in front of the quad bike, players will be able to do the same at the rear but players must upgrade the vehicle parts.


Corporate Agent Catherine:

Got more progress on her model, will try to add her into OGZ but I'm not sure if she will look out of place since she wasn't planned to be in OGZ and it was a warming up model.

So, I can say that the Spaceship/Aircraft, Drones, Weapon models are coming soon.

On important note:
I'll pause Patreon after Corporate Agent Catherine and her handgun model are done. After I paused my Patreon I'll only update the models here (and also on Twitter)
There will be no game system updates for awhile.

I hope you guys enjoy the progress so far.
See you soon next update


OGZ Test 28



oh my...


The work looks good. However, just remember why old games were so successful. It was not the dirt on clothes or the graphics. Success in games is based on: - Story = Immersion - Reward system (see lootbox addiction) - Quest complexity ( to easy or to hard = bad) Otherwise: Damn that Agent Catherine already looks hot!