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Hey you guys, how are you guys doing.

Actually, I've been working on the project during my break too. Might not be the great progress but at least I got something done in a few past days.

I've finally started Phase 3 development (final phase) and I'll re-add most the missing contents into this phase too, like the cover system, down state system and such.

This phase I'm gonna add and rework:
-Character Status Menu.
-World Map. (Local map will be similar to The Division)
-Outfit Customization/Upgrade.
-Team System.
-Skill Tree System.
-Contact System. (Similar to Codex from MGS series but it will have messages too)
-Redesign the maps and I want the landscapes to look similar to ones from Iceland-Ireland.
-Vehicle menu. (Fix/upgrade/Inventory)
-Character Customization.
-Item craft/upgrade. Weapon Modification.
-Dynamic NPC behavior at PMC room (like they wake up, do something, start working, having launch, chit-chat and go to sleep for example)
-NPCs and New enemy types.
-Rework old models. (Mutant, weapons and avatars for operator)
-Enhance Close Combat Gameplay.
-Adding Save Feature into the game because the core mechanics are part of this phase.
-And a few more. (Sub tasks won't count)

About the System
Update: I updated and enhanced the whole dialogue system and menu UI system. Now both dialogue and menu system are DLC/modding support.
Job System: I added the first basic job system into the game. Player can now track/untrack the jobs at Job menu, job will work as quest and players can continue job anywhere.
Relationship System: NPCs now have Relationship System. Players can gain the Relationship Point (RP) with each NPC by giving their favorite items or doing jobs for them. The more they like players, they will offer you the more challenging jobs with higher rewards based on the level of your team wings.
Item: Item now have Level Mechanic. For example: Medkit lv1 heals 10 hp but Medkit lv10 heals 50hp. High lv items will also cost more. The level of items will be completely dynamic based on the world level, store level and your operator level. 

About the character lore (Might contain some lore spoilers ahead)

Catherina: She is a professional who goes wherever that she can make a profit out of anything even if it's involving in bloodshed. She has a big role to recruit the 'Volunteers' to join the corporate war known as 'Groundzeroes' at S101. She has no empathy towards anything beside herself. She will visit your PMC room time to time and will offer you personal jobs.

Veteran Joel: A veteran who joins Groundzeroes as volunteer and 'mercenary'. This is his last job before the completely retirement from war business. He will have a role as a guide and an informer at your PMC room time to time and he will most of the time appear on the battleground. He will have a similarity to Crestfallen from Souls Series. Sometime he will sell you the items in the middle of the battlegrounds.

Carter the Mechanic and Maxwell the Autoguard: He isn't neither volunteer or merc but a mechanic who survives the early mutants onslaught on S101 incident and ongoing civil war with his trusty Autoguard Robot. He will have a role as a mechanic (for vehicle upgrade) or an Engineer (especially for Technical Wing) for your team if you recruit him. As long as he has his robot friend along his side, he will be happy despite how messed up the world has become.

Hyun-Ki Rebecca: She is too pure for this messed up world. She has a condition of her legs are too weak to even get up without her exosuit. She is smart and has cheerful energy around her. She will have a role as technician (especially Technical Wing and Medical Wing) who can do almost everything and she will offer you jobs time to time but her jobs are gonna be unpredictable. 

Hawk Eyes Natalie: She has a long career as Bounty Hunter. Her reputation in Bounty Hunter Industry is unbeatable and she has the same goal as Catherina, goes wherever and does whatever to get the rewards. She will appear in your PMC room and in the battleground time to time and she is gonna be unrecruitable. She will sometime sell items in the middle of battleground.

Janie: She is the freelance news reporter and a great intel who has a very long career in reporter world. She is willing to work with anyone as long as she can get something valuable information from Groundzeroes inside the colossal walls that are so called 'unbreakable walls' of S101. Even tho she looks sloppy but nobody knows who she really is. She can be recruited as Technician for Technical Wing but she will visit your PMC room time to time if she is still not recruited in your team.

Hannah: A medic who is so dedicated in learning about the epidemic. She is a close friend with Hudson. She is a volunteer who gladly joins Groundzeroes even tho she knows she won't get any profits out of this decision. She can be recruited as Technician especially for Medical Wing.

Hudson: He is a tactical medic who can use weapons to kill beings and also can use tools to save beings. He is a man who really have no plans for himself. He joins Groundzeroes because Hannah wants him to. He will join your team as Technician especially for Medical Wing and Military Wing if Hannah is recruited no matter what.

Liz: She has a similarity to Veteran Joel and Natalie but she is a merc and she is working for specific corporations especially for Unitech Industrial Corp. She is unrecruitable and she will visit your room time to time and she can be found on the battleground most of the time.

Gov. Irene/Sasha: She used to work with Union Earth Government as officer but later after the last S101 governor got overthrown, she becomes the current governor of S101. She is known as 'Solving issues with violence' and has force brute ideas of developing her sector. She forced civilians from children to elderly to become laborers and work from morning to midnight with the 2 meals food. She later becomes paranoid about everything after several assassination attempts by the civilians and her own military forces. She only exists on conference screen and TV screen and after the betrayal of inner council, she just disappears from the existence.

Capt. Dimitry: The very close friend to Irene/Sasha. He worked for S101 and has a long history with military stuff since he was a child. He has a personal feeling towards Irene/Sasha. He did a lot of stuff for Irene/Sasha, even lost his left eye for her during the most critical assassination attempt by inner council. He is sent to search and eliminate the one who is also his very close friend and that man is Viktor by his own leader, Irene/Sasha. He also disappears from the existence after received the secret order directly from Irene/Sasha

Dr. Viktor: The very close friend to Dimitry and Irene/Sasha. His backstory is foggy but he has the unimaginable knowledge locked inside his head. He works for nobody but himself and he can't let his creations fall into the hands of super powers that are blinded by greed and power such as Corporations and most importantly her friend, Irene/Sasha. He fled from the S101 capital with a few of his creations during the most critical assassination attempt of current S101 Governor. He has a condition of his right eye bleeds with black blood, and without the properly medical and life support, he is sick and inevitable death is coming for him.

Major Areas
There are gonna be 3 major areas in Merc mode. PMC HQ will be located outside of the colossal walls between S102 and S101. Outside the colossal wall of sector, there is nothing but the endless of empty landscape, strong wind and very cold.
-Most of S101 will be filled with open war-torn landscapes similar to Death Stranding, full of bunkers and treches, wet and cold, has Iceland-Ireland vibe. These areas are parts of an active warzone and have a lot of human activities. Basic creatures/mutants will roam around these areas.
-This type of area will be located at East of S101. The entire of this area is covered by orange gas, leaking from the nearby gas pipes from S104 that's destroyed by Labor Terrorist Group. The mutants will have a lot of debuff attacks in this area. Mutants will have orange light growing from their limbs and bodies. The orange gas is blocking the sunlight similar to Caelid and Silent Hill. This area will barely have any human activities but the high leveled 'contaminated' loots will be everywhere. This area will also force all human to equip the mask.
-This are will be located at the north-west of S101. Full of pine forests, valleys and mountains. This area is long abandoned by Colonists. This area will have a lot of feral mutants and creatures, also will barely have any human activities.

The game isn't gonna be open world but open areas and each area will have a small transition area that's connected between area A and B. (Area A <Small Transition Area> Area B)

Comic and Artwork.
I did some random sketch during my break time, here on Pixiv
I'll continue my comic stuff after Phase 3 is done btw, the project is very complex that I have to spend all of my brain power into one work instead of doing all the different stuff at same time because it's so chaotic.

That's it for today, this is gonna be my longest post yet, I hope you guys enjoy it.
See you next post, have a nice day.


OGZ test 23


Tom Williams

Fantastic update! Really love your vision for the game and how it's developing


Good morning ! Sorry if my English is weird, I use google translate. Every time I start the game, my PC starts to heat up very quickly, and reaches close to 80° in temperature, despite very good ventilation. Even reducing the graphics quality doesn't really fix the problem. Do you plan to make the game less demanding on the computer or is the problem really coming from my PC?