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Hi all how are you guys doing.

This 2 weeks was pretty chaotic but I did a lot of base systems done for pretty much everything. I also dropped the phase 2 build here, the build is unpolished and there will be a lot of bugs that most of them are known by testers and me.

I think I'll fast forward to Final Phase of PoC build because I know you guys are excited to see the characters more than world update. I'll continue working on the world after Phase 3 is done btw.

The stuff I've done so far:
Dynamic World Event: The world now has event system and this will give the world even more life. The first dynamic event is 'Missile drops' that will randomly get deployed across the map every 5 min.  
Procedurally Generated Airdrop Area: The airdrop will be completely drop across the map which will be completely unpredictable. It'll mostly drop around the building areas.
Updated Airdrop System: Airdrop now has 1 crate and 2 random loots.
Procedurally Adult Scene/Event System: Adult scene now will use 'world' scene which is procedurally generated but the camera may not work properly for some area. This is the example of the current adult scene system.
Procedurally Respawn Location: You guys can see after Adult scene is over, player character will wake up at somewhere inside the building, this is also procedurally generated.
Updated Cave System: Caves now have props (Placeholder props) and more loots to find, also have event system such as adult scene system.  
Updated Area System: Same with caves, the areas have event system which will procedurally generated Respawn Locations and Adult scenes and a lot more.
Crater System: This is part of the forest system, the craters also have event system. The craters will spawn a lot of random loots.
Weather vs Environment System: The weathers are now have a lot of impact to the world for example, raining will increase the level of the water/swamp which will impact  the way players exploring the world.

This is windy weather, the level of water is normal.

This is rainy weather, the level of water is much higher and will destroy your vehicle easily.

I hope you guys enjoy the current progress I've made so far. The next post will be the middle of the next month and I need to get some rest before I lose my energy to work. I might expand my 2D universe (The Somber Crystal) during my break time btw.

See you guys soon next update.


OGZ Test 22 + Phase 2 PoC build



you've been providing so many updates that all look like they're coming together so well. I appreciate you want to make an actual game before you get to the sex parts. Too many H games are just clickers with jpegs as rewards. This is shaping up to be something it looks like I could put 100+ hours into. Amazing work.

