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Hi all, how are you guys doing!? been so quiet for awhile due to a lot of problems around myself.

Anyway, about the project, I done a lot of stuff this 2 weeks.

Level System
I completed level system now, there are 3 levels for player character,

1. Agility Level. You have to climb or do some parkour to gain this level. The more your Agility level, the more stamina and speed of your movement.

2. Combat Level. You have to fight with enemy to gain this level such as hitting enemies or dodging the attacks from enemies. The more combat level you have, the more weapons and unique skill you will be able to access.

3. Survival Level. Gain by exploring, crafting or discovering something new or useful. The more you have Survival level, the more items you can craft.

New official design of SAU Silicon Armed Units
This is the new concept art for SAU Silicon Armed Units (Originally SAR), these new outfits will replace all SAR outfits. Original work by Matto dude.

This is the sketch of unofficial NPCs, these characters will be something like 'quest giver' or similar, hope you guys like these :]

New Free Camera for H Scene
Here the preview vid
Yes, I done this feature because this had been requested by a lot of you guys and I did it! Hope you guys like it tho.

I just reworked a lot of stuff for close combat gameplay and this time, after seeing The Callisto Protocol's gameplay vid, I think I should upgrade the gameplay standard by taking some inspirations from The Last of Us combat gameplay. In the preview footage, the gameplay isn't complete, but I hope those look good!

There are 2 type of dodging btw, 1 is normal dodging and 2 is the quick dodging from the attacks. If you guys look closely, you guys will see the difference between these 2 dodging feature.

I also enhanced AI capability, now they are able to properly attack the hostile such as player.

I added lock-on system based from The Last of Us 2 gameplay video. This will change the gameplay of PER forever! this lock-on system is applied to both guns and melee weapons.

Immersive UI
The UI is reworked and is now completely part of the in game world, the game will still have some UI on screen but most of the UIs will be full 3D dead space like.

Inventory UI
I'm already working on this for awhile now, as you guys seen, the inventory UI is 80% working, but quick items menu isn't ready for now. it'll be done soon! so I'll be able to move on to the world tasks.

Additional Details
I added laser sight to guns weapon now, I got inspired from Dead Space games.
I also added dynamic distant blur. Hope those blur will give the game more depth!

Btw, I hope you guys like those update!
See you soon next update.
Have a nice day :]


Project E Test 1



These new melee combat animations look super sharp! and the AI more aggressive! nice nice!

Keks Dose

Hell yeah, sounds pretty awesome. So much progress in only 2 weeks. I love your concept art too. :)


Very nice but still feels too easy even if you decide to add a easy, normal, hard mode. Unless you plan to speed them up. When you are surrounded by 4 or more and grabbed, perhaps it should result in all of them grabbing her and she won't be able to escape. It would be epic if you added the animation of one of them grabbing, the other knocking her down while the rest come over to hold her down. Its just awkward how most H games just make it so that if one grabs and you escape, they do nothing while you just escape... or add invincible frames. In reality, if she was grabbed with 3 others around, no way she would have any time to do anything.


Just keep in mind that this then should result in an game over.So having a chance of escape would make sense.




Stomping might be a better choice while your foe is on the ground


im curious about this, but is the way the H system transitions a place holder? i feel it would be more organic if the animations happened as you got pinned down and around different objects but maybe thats a bad idea. or i guess a gallery will just be added? The two things i do want are: ability to zoom camera out a bit more, and there is some texture thing with the body having lines on it from shadows and lighting, i put on max tho and still see that.


I'm certain it is a placeholder, but from experience and playing other adult games some of them do it too. Where it's a transition rather than a straight to H-scenes. It all depends on how the developer has their system set up.

Cajun Spicy

I just thought of this when I saw the concept art: It would be great if there's rescue mission for female NPCs who are getting raped, or companion gets kidnapped when she fainted - so that you have to rescue her later. Your concept art is very inspiring!


There are already rescue quests in my plan :] you will have to rescue your lost operators/agents that are missing in action (after got captured by monsters or enemies) or even npcs as side quest. Thank you dude :]


You meant, Transition between gameplay and H scene? but yeah, those are still placeholders for now :] I'll add zoom feature for free camera soon. Outfits will be reworked from ground up again, those rendering issues will be fixed soon.

Ryan Breggie

All of these improvements look amazing! The concept art is cool, though I might miss the right ass cheek hanging out with the new outfits XD


ah i see so there some place holder stuff, that makes sense, was gonna ask a bout outfit choice maybe character light modifications like hair style color or something xD. I also wonder how open the map will be because a conan exiles style game with just as much stuff going would be hard to do but also absolutely genius for this project.

MCA der Negus

Very nice, don't forget to give the character model proper genitals, that includes the anus 😎


Looks great! I'd like to see: - Sex scenarios that can't be escaped every time- More challenging QTE with timing and key matching? Stamina system? - Clothes dropped need to be recovered after sex event - Waypoint? - Sex scene can't be skipped until after ejaculation - First time only? Game setting only (special difficulty)? - A running attack on the current zombies - they approach too slowly - A new faster monster type - 4 legs?


Thank you dude :] -Instant H scene where player character won't be able to escape in 1 grab is already one of my plan. Might not be qte like RE4. -The cloth drop along with waypoint are a must btw, right now I didn't work on those yet. -You meant, you want the unskippable H scene for the first time if I got this right? But yeah, I might add this option if you want :] -Agreed, they are too slow. I definitely should make them faster. -Mutated bug creatures (and 'hive' mechanic for bugs) are already one of my confirmed tasks. You are gonna love this since they are 'f a s t' :]


Will the blur (seems like Depth of Field) shown in the H preview be able to be toggled? I don't really like depth of field in games such as this, so I'd rather have an option to turn it off.