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All of these links are the same build.
Link to the build #1 
Link to the build #2 [backup]
Link to the build #3 [backup]

I hope you guys enjoy with the current progress I have done so far.
Please let me know if you want to give me feedback in the creative way.

For AMD users who got an error during loading screen (D3D) Please try to disable RVT in the game setting before entering gamemode.

I added and updated quite a lot of stuff and I'm not sure if I'm forgetting something but here is the list of stuff I've added/updated:
-Procedural Adult scene Area
-Procedural Respawn Area
-Procedural Airdrop Area
-Dynamic World Event (Random missile drops for example)
-Abandoned Cargo loots
-Updated Cave system.
-Facility Area System.
-Crater System.
-Updated Airdrop System.
-Updated Time and Weather System.
-Weather vs Environment System (Raining increases level of swamp area for example)
-Updated Overall Optimization system.

Save/Load feature is still disabled for this build.

Thank you for the great support.




I am new Patreon sub, this is Amazing. Would love to see a very long ponytail option (mid-butt) but i guess it would be difficult to do so without having "clipping" problems, especially during H-scenes. Thanks for your hard work ☺️


Hi, can you tell me if you will continue to work on "Section 7: project unknown"?

David isBrosif

Fantastic Build Loving it!


How many H-scene poses are there?

Harchy Cabrera

I love this project it is very good and quality I look forward to the next test update


I really love what your doing with the this game please carry on doing what your doing , but don't burn out and take rest when you need to , keep up the amazing work :)

Dar Lock

Getting an error when I get to the last load screen after the character screen. Says something like Low Fatal Error, cannot load D3D, Unreal Engine is exiting.


Greetings, MateyDev! It seems like the download link is not working as it says "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time." It also states that I'll be able to view or download it again after 24 hours, but it's already been a few days like this.


The last build is just awesome, i like the new mecanic and the environment looks very promising.

Dar Lock

I don't see that option in game, is there a way for me to change it?


The build might be outdated, you can also redownload the build again because the latest update is 5/9/2023

Dar Lock

That worked, thank you! Didn't know a new version had released.

Dar Lock

New additions are great. Environment is very cool, the ATV is just a skeleton model but it handles great. The way it responds to going over different terrain like small rocks shows me that the base of vehicle movement is set. The only thing that felt off about it was how it responds to gravity when it goes off a jump. It feels like it grips to the ground a bit too much. Other than that it felt fantastic. The cave looks great and the lights in the cave are fantastic. I do with there was a way that the player had a flashlight to use with the melee baton and that the pistol wasn't the only flashlight.


keep getting low level fatal error for any actions even after disabling RVT


This is weird now because this is the first time I've heard about this crash issues and I'll try to gather the info about it from the testers, I don't know how long it'll take depending on the info I could gather.


Cool UI design, very cool ambient sfx. When i play this build, i'm actually thinking about how to play it like a sfw game instead of triggering the nfsw content XD, good job!

เจ เล่ย์

The map was really Biggggg and gorgeous! the mud, shallow water, fog. . . can't wait for more alien creature things :) i would love to see more event in the map, Keep up the great work!

Dar Lock

Post H-scene in a wilderness area I respawned under the map and was falling indefinitely. *Edit* I tried to recreate it and respawned in a cave. It was not fun but was better than purgatory lol.

Dar Lock

Every asset you have in here looks spectacular. Once the ATV is rendered in then LITERALLY everything will be through the roof fantastic.

Risky Sensei

So.. during one of the H scenes, theres a odd desync with the animations so it ends up looking..... a weird clipping mess.

Harchy Cabrera

One question bro, how do I get the Pack: Catherine?


d3d line198 how to solve?


please update new version

Stejake VZ







Good Work!!! Remember to backup your stuff.


I like that new reload motion and overheat system.in this version. Nice work! :) However, it seems that it takes more time to reload while the gun chamber is filled. Is this intended?

Keks Dose

Hey I finally had time to check the game out. Fucking fantastic. I like it, that I can still just run in a circle around the monsters and they can't catch me. lol 10/10. Jokes aside though, it looks very promising. The new UI also fits well. Wish you the best for this project. May I ask on what part you are going to focus on next ?


Thank you :] I'm gonna fix the issues bit more and then I'll work on inventory menu system and world. PoC build is gonna be very big compare to this current build :]


Good work so far. My only note at this stage is to make the movement a little bit more fluid - feels too slow atm. But it's nice to see someone actually working on the gameplay first instead of making a giant world map with nothing to do... way too many of those right now.


nice work


oh yeah ,i want to see the other monsters in action ^^


I actually like the delayed movement, to many games have crazy movement and it allows you to outplay ai easily just with movement. makes the game challenging and makes you think ahead. good job on the game!


its great , however there is a glitch during h scenes her body is blacked out as if a texture issue


Great point, the fact that zombs react to bullet impacts , the slow motion etc ads immersion , the feeling that there is actually some weight behind those characters.

Ryan Breggie

Hello! I have some feedback from the build. So the gun play feels very good! Accurate, steady, and over all easy to understand how each gun fires. I personally like the movement, as it feels very much like Resident Evil movement, which seems fitting for the feel of the game. On the note of movement though, I found it nearly impossible to get away from one of the monsters after breaking free from them while standing. A single one chain grabbed me 4 times before I waited for it to pin me so I could escape. I feel like there should be a cooldown before one of them can attempt a grab after the PC escapes. I also ran into something that may have been a bug. After letting the PC get grabbed and viewing the wonderful sexual content 3 times, the next time I was grabbed I died instantly, with the monster staying in the grab animation. I was then unable to pause, or do anything really, so I ALT + F4. Other than that some quality of life things for the capture scenes: Removing whatever weapon the PC is carrying from their hand would make the scenes look a bit nicer IMO. I would also like to request the ability to zoom in and out while in freecam mode. I like to see facial expressions close up at times, and just having the ability to make a dynamic camera angle would be sweet. There's also a little bit of clipping between the PC and their clothing during the sex scenes, though if that's the price to pay for keeping the sexy leggings on, I will pay it every time. I hope you're having a wonderful day when you read this MATEYDEV =)


exactly there is weight and feeling behind the movement currently, momentum almost


Thank you for the feedback. The issues will be fixed soon! Most of the features you mentioned will also be in the upcoming for sure :]

Ryan Breggie

Awesome! Overall it's a great demo, with a ton of potential. Dare I say the most potential out of all of your projects so far. I'm glad you've continued to work on making games.


我不明白!Discord封禁所有一切中国IP,这意味着我们无法注册Discord ,更别说我们去验证了???


Amazing job, well done !


Glad to finally be a member

Yo Kittiphot

oh my lord when I saw this post I came back and subbed you, good work dude

Hiền Nguyễn

hello developer , i just send the verify email to you , please reply ASAP thanks


Send the request, hope to get your response soon. Can't wait for playing this game.


Getting an error when i try and send the request


However, you can send a request via patron message :] just dm me and everything will be fine as soon as possible.


Hello, author Reply has been sent

예 아잉

send the request


i just send the verify email to you , please reply ASAP thanks


I've sent!


Hi, I just send the verify email to you, plz reply

Hmmm yes

I sent a mail aswell

Sasa Igic

also sent :D


Sent request :o !


Sent thx!

Jim Panse

sent \o/


Sent, please respond


sent, please respond!




Sent the request


sent :o)


I am very excited to see the complete game. I recently discovered you on f95 and boy am I glad I did! very promising game.

Jean D.


Trap Long

sent, hope to get reply soon, thanks !


this game is amazing, and looks GREAT, and you responded so fast!


sent I think.


Hello Matt Tsung Why is there only a test map when I open it? its for Section 7. Project Unknown and PE


i join too and glad to join!


Hi i recently got the patreon membership of yours please grant access to my email for downloads


Already send the request

康濑 上正

I have subscribed to you Please allow me to download this file

윤호 김

I look forward to the full version. It's a great craftsmanship.

Wovee Notcool

I love this game its one of the favorite out of my "h-games list"

Dar Lock

I was really worried when you swapped from the sidescroller to the MG style 3rd person perspective, but you have really pulled it off. Keep going, we are supporting you!

Draconic Aspect

Awesome! excited as always to see your progress.


looks amazing, the combat is fun and smooth. one Quality of life change is to make the low health beep stop during H scenes. the perspective camera doesnt seem to be positioned correctly, and there is a bug with the menu popups not appearing after an H scene, so if you go into the 2nd H scene you get stuck at the end unable to getup. overall nice work!


There are problems with running full screen on monitor with wide aspect ratio like 3440x1440. The game becomes very narrow. You can emulate other monitor sizes in UE4 via the view dropdown https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/InteractiveExperiences/UMG/HowTo/ScalingUI/


Great update and build! Really come far with the game

Dar Lock

When climbing a ladder, the pistol glitches out of the player's hand really badly. Rather than fixing it, you might just want to make it so the pistol is holstered for now while climbing ladders. Similarly, when you open doors the character holsters the pistol, opens the door, then goes in, and I think it would look better to just open the door with the other hand. You have come super far and are making a great product keep it up! Looking forward to the next iteration and will keep playing around with this one looking for bugs etc.

Dar Lock

Also I would implement outfit control in a rudimentary fashion if you can. The character wearing her sun glasses during adult scenes just looks silly, and I vastly preferred the previous outfit to the current one (though I am positive some like this one more than the last).


Can't wait to see where you go with this :D


Well well, Mateydev strikes again... Great build, I agreed with comment above about outfit and glasses, a very basic outfit control mechanic could be awesome ! For now all bugs I found are already exposed by others so I just have to say : "Can't wait to see next updates" :)


Combat is even better than the Callisto Protocol.

Zelda Harkenian

I love the ragdolling in this game lol, i specifically fall off tall buildings just to enjoy watching the ragdoll effect . Sadly, though the 'Death' screen, it fades to black super fast imho, but this whole scheme-- it's an amazing concept haha. This is wonderful-- Don't ever remove the ragdoll feature!


Good stuff, really...I have a couple questions however. My first question: Something I liked about the older Project Elimination is that, many things that happened to the main character happened right where you were with no black outs. Will there come a certain point where H Scenes will happen on the spot, or will it always be the case that the character must be dragged off to a separate room first? My Second Question: To each their own. I however, am not really a fan of ragdolling where it concerns the main character. Another thing I preferred about the old Project Elimination. (Although I understand that it was primarily a 2D game) Will this change at all in the future?

Sparman 117

MateyDev, is there any effect of gaining levels at this point?

Keks Dose

Hey Matey, this looks great ! Can't wait to play it. Also I wish you a Happy New Year. Hopefully you can get some rest now. :)

MadSkull fury

There is any chance to make shorter the H animation cycle? some of them really take a long time to finish between one to other, it turns boring too fast to wait, besides the misionary position is glitched and ends after 1 cycle and the mobs do nothing after than.

space demon

try to download and all it says is "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later." How long i got to wait?


Until google unlocks it again, that is not something that Matto has any control on...if you are part of the Discord server reach out to me, I should be able to give you a mirror.


I just want to say I'm in love with everything in this build. With how fun the combat is I can see this being just a fun game to play. I'm looking forward to were you will take this project.