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Hi all, supporters, friends/comrades, folks and homies. How are you guys doing today.
This time is still a small update of PER

About Ambient Sound
I've upgraded the ambient sound for the immersion. Hope the new sounds feel more apocalyptic and terrifying.

About Camera
I've changed the current camera to full modernish camera like 'The Division" and every standard games in modern era. Hope you guys like it.

About H scene System
Here this is the test of 'Completed H Scene System "Standard" Type' with another new scene. Hope those look good.
The 'H Scene System "Standard" Type' is now ready for PoC build. There is gonna be more variant and unique types in the near future.

About Lighting
I also upgraded the ambient shadow and lighting.

First one is the new lighting, brighter and sharper.
Second one is the new ambient shadow, darker and also sharper.
Lowest one is the old ambient lighting and shadow. Hope the new one looks better :]

About Other
The option menu/systems are ready. The only menu that I need to work on is 'Inventory menu and main menu'. After these menu are done, I'll release Veteran ver almost immediately.

I've changed my daily post date now, it's 2nd and 17th of each month from now on.

Btw hope all of these look good for you guys.
See you guys soon in the next update.
Have a nice day.


PER: Dynamic Ambient Sound System and Upgraded Camera/Lighting



Hi! Cant assess the link to the completed H scene system


Can the heroine be barefoot or naked in the future? I find that fascinating.


Was lookin for this style . ,,Project Fallen doll" is advanced, but has no open world, while ,,Wild Life" is too sunny/cartoonish. ,,Bioasshard" - very limited. Meanwhile this, with slow progression, Sci-Fi, open world, horror-exploration (maybe even survival food water etc) , could build it's own fan base.


Can't edit comment so on the top : looks very promissing & check out the story of ,,Kenshi" developer to stay strong.


Its good to see this game getting better and better. Its hard to wait for another Demo version!


Oh god really good job,we will have the right to climate changes (fog/rain/etc..)?


When will the next update be


Can't confirm it. Since PoC build is gonna be the biggest build I'll ever released and there is still world tasks left for me. You guys have to wait and i'm very sure that you guys won't be disappointed in PoC build :] I hope you guys will give me time to polish things.


Thank you :] I really need time for the next build, I can't really risk to release early this time but you will love the PoC build for sure.


Hope you know that you have gold on your hands with this title man, and I really hope you see it through to fruition. In terms of quality, this is up there with Wild Life and Breeders of the Nephelym - that's rarified air my friend, great job o7


I wonder what the story will be like? Zombie Semen has special properties to make females horney and if you are filled with too much of it, they become sex crazed zombie lovers who wants zombie cocks all day and then its game over. Or Zombies are running rampant on the planet and when they bite males, they become sex crazed zombies who wants to fill up pussy holes. For some reason, females are immune and can't be turned to zombies. But since they are so strong, there is no escape till they finish the deed. If females have sex with zombies, they catch a virus that doesn't effect them, but if they have sex with the opposite sex, males will turn during intercourse...... The ones that turn during intercourse are a special breed that can't go limp and can mate with a girl 24/7. There is no excape and they have a cock in their pussy 24/7 and their only food is zombie juice. Maybe thats messed up xD


Actually, those aren't zombies but mutants with parasites. The lore for both PER and PU will be very sfw and very disturbing/violent. May contain some sex elements but most of them will be pure worldbuilding. Here some lore if you guys want. There is a mysterious outbreak in the capital city of S124, a mining and industrial city. Some said the parasite came from the meteorite or deep down into the depth of the green sea, but who knows it might be a man made or something beyond our imagination. After the Civil War and the S124 Lockdown Protest Crisis have ended. Everything went downhill real fast especially after the UMC and SCC join this disturbing pandemic incident. The parasite has a great capable of mimic the host's behavior. The parasite itself is very aggressively to other lifeforms but its weakness is the sunlight or UV. As long as the sun isn't set, they will lose 75% of their own capabilities otherwise they will become killing machines during night time.


That's why the night time means K.I.A or more likely, F.I.A :D will there be a safe zones for the night time ? For low lvl players, i guess, there will be no options, just to camp throughout the night i guess, if one wants to play the game for real


There will be a lot of safe zones across the entire game, but you will have to unlock those by doing puzzle, activating power supplies or clearing the enemies (and etc). There will be 1 main safe zone btw, main safe zone will unlock all features such as 'purchasing/selling items and more'.

MCA der Negus

I played it and I really like it so far but why doesn't she have any vagina and anus textures?

MCA der Negus

I was afraid that it would be some kind of japanese censorship thing. I'm glad now haha. Then again, your game's atmosphere is fantastic. I like the weight of her body when she's jumping down from things, landing on her boots. Really nice.


Is there going to be a getting grabed and try to resist moment. And if you fail to resist or too weak to resist get fucked at that moment scene ? Like the previous game 😄


After H scene when she is down, it is possible a animation like the zombie lay on her lick her face or boobs or something and then H scene trigger?