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Hey guys, sorry for the late.

The last 2 weeks I've managed to get the Safe Room system working. This safe room system is one of the core mechanic for OGZ and is where player will begin the session.
The Crafting is now officially in the game, though it is not 100% finished yet.
The newly upgraded Interactive Cutscene Animation System is also a big enhancement to the environmental interaction.
Skills are also added into the game
The whole new set of Material Items are in the game because of the newly added Crafting system.

Here is a bit more in depth explanation of those above:

Safe/Private Room

Safe/Private Room is where the players will begin the session, the game will always start at the base where the players will have to get up from the bed and go to the canteen and meet the npcs before accepting jobs and departing to Groundzeroes.
The current one you guys are seeing here is (the early look of) Safe Room and it'll be called Private Room if it's inside the base.
Safe Room will be everywhere especially around the border of each map. The players will be able to set up 3 Safe Rooms per map only. Setting Up the Safe Room will require materials and credits.
Safe Room features Craft Table that will bypass some of the requirement items and reduce the required amount for crafting.


Crafting is inspired by MHW and TLOU2 (for the animations)
Right now the animations aren't done yet but soon. There is nothing much about the crafting but some items can't be found anywhere other than from crafting. Yes, the crafting will be a chain and tricky sometime but it'll reward the players with the free powerful or rare items that are sometime expensive to purchase. Most of the consumable can be crafted also.


Skill Items are now officially in the game. Some skill will allow the players to craft specific items anywhere, some will allow players to scan the environment and so on. Skill items will be locked behind the factions btw.

Interactive Cutscene Animation system is being a big part for those above especially for the Safe Room.
With this new system, I'm now gonna add a lot more interactable objects such as Vending Machines, Canteen Chairs, Beds and so on in the game world to help the players immerse themselves into the world.

UI will also auto hide to increase the immersion to the game world.

My next task is Procedural Enemy Generation but should I finish the Overhaul Operator Movement before I proceed the main task? I'll rework the crouching and add crawling movement into the game and it is heavily inspired by MGSV (if this is done, the Operator Fundamental Movement is the second thing to be in place next to the Combat Fundamental System which is also a fundamental milestone)

There are Procedural Enemy Generation and Procedural Map Generation left (and a few optional tasks) before dropping the next build.

That's all for today.
I hope you guys enjoyed the stuff so far, see you guys next post.
Have a nice day.


OGZ 632024



Procedural enemy generation sounds like one of those things you really want to build early in development but ultimately wouldn't be as useful for expanding the revenue/shareholder/patreon follower size. Neat concept but I'd put it off until the project has even more revenue. More complete core game loop, better performance and launching an updated demo on other platforms like dlsite, steam etc will help. ** Everything looks great as always though!


The enemy fundamental is of course not completed yet and Procedural Enemy Generator (fundamental system) will boost the development speed 1 time more which is a benefit to the development of OGZ and this will allow me to add contents faster and easier. Instead of me creating 10 fixed variations of the same enemy, the Procedural system will (automatically) generate the variations of the said enemy based on the rule I've set and make the game more unpredictable and more variants for an enemy.