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Hey guys, how are things going?

I must say I'm truly sorry for the super late progress report because the heat wave in my country was so hot, it reached 48°C and my tools and hardware were starting to be overheated, I couldn't work on mocap and I had to stop working for almost 10 days until 2nd of this month.

I've nothing much to report but at least here, I've been refining the Inventory System preparing for the Safe Room System and now the system supports Armor Customization and Item Assignment. This actually changed the way the players equip weapons and use things. Now the inventory is pretty much a combination of MHW's and Soulsborne's inventory design.

Here, let's have a look at the new systems I've added into the game.

Equipment Menu

 Players will be able to change and reassign armors, weapons and equipment in the safe/private room only.
 Players will be able to equip left gear (L) and right gear (R) different from each side. This will create a lot of diversity to the outfit/armor customization.
 Each gear will have different skills, some armor skills may boost attack or defense or accuracy and etc.

So players will have to think twice before leaving the safe room because venturing into the danger with unsuitable items/equipment is going to greatly raise a chance of no return.

Loadout Menu and Shortcut Item Menu

 Players can assign shortcut items up to 16 slots and each slot can handle weapon item, tool, special ability, food item and consumable item.
 Players are free to assign any item from one of these categories into a shortcut slot and are able to manage loadout slot anytime.

A bonus drawing on Pixiv just in case if you guys missed it.

I'll start mocap and create safe room system in this week, I just hope I'll be able to get the mocap stuff done before the heat wave is back. Heat wave slowed down tons of development time I must say.

That's it for today, I hope you guys enjoyed the progress I've done so far.
See you guys next post and have a nice day!


OGZ 5112024



Nice work! Also glad that safety and health is still your priority while making such amazing game


High heat is a good reason to look into lowering GPU utilization. I've found DLSS3+FrameGen to be much more effective reducing wattage than FSR in Unreal 5. Of course be careful to not enable too many UE graphics features or use them on settings too high. NVIDIA's Geforce Experience Alt+R performance overlay can be configured to display GPU Wattage. You'll want to make sure it is not running at maximum if you have a powerful GPU so the game can be accessible to more players.


The heat wave was referring to the weather actually, I couldn't work in a room with the temperature beyond 42°C and one of my air conditioners was broken because the weather in my country was and still is just too hot. But I've found what consumes so much CPU performance now and it's collision complexity and AI navigation system. I haven't looked into GPU performance that much currently, not sure how many modern features I'll be able to add into my UE4 but I'll give this a try.


I discovered this project/game a few days ago and I immediately signed up for the Patreon and I think I can say that I love this project and I really hope that you will continue to develop all of this, because it has great potential and I think it will be able to stand up to a lot of triple-A games today