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Accidentally set "Match color with hair" for Hairs 8 and 9, causing discoloration. 

Can be fixed by turning that off specifically for the hairs in accessory slot 8+9 on her hair down alts OR just redownload the card in the folder below.  My b.


Upper body torso shrunk a tad, lower body torso increased a bit. The intended effect is to make her look less like a cheese wedge packing ballistics. 

Gym outfit fixed: Shadows of chain no longer burnt in. 


So, there's this odd glitch where upon moving accessories from one outfit to another, it turns off Accessory State Sync (ASS) for that outfit slot even if the stuff you moved doesn't replace those accessories. Bit of an annoyance that. Anywho, her Club/Idol outfit should have ASS reenabled along with her Sleeping Over outfit. 



These mods are in the  Bleeding Edge Pack in KK Manager and there is a way to download specific mods by going to KK Manager website thingy but like that's a huge hassle, so here's the mods you're probably will be missing if you're not a dumpster diver like me:

For Mio


For Kronii


For Botan


For Grima


(Mod for Halloween collar.)

Everything else is in the standard modpack so if you've been keeping up to date, all of this shit should work without needing any further digging. 


Kept ya waiting, huh? 

Y'know, I dunno why I didn't do a Der Vault for 2021. May have been due to thinking I didn't have enough cards to release to warrant one but frankly I think I legitimately just forgot about it. Well, better nate than lever: Here's all the cards I've published on Pixiv from the years 2021-22, with some minor to major enhancements. I'd go into detail but I'm fucking tired cause I procrastinated super hard on this. 

Within the original project parameters, I could've gotten everything done in one day tops as it would just be posting the cards as is in one mega post but of course, you know me, I love to bite off more than I can chew. 

Across the board: Body enhancements to all characters. They now all have rib cages. Did you know humans store organs in those which is why their upper body is spacious and not totally flat? Apparently I didn't know that which is why all of my cards upper torsos are rather compressed. 

In no particular order:

Mori: Filled up some gaps in between her hair. Oh, and I moved her glove to an actual glove slot instead of using the pantyhose one. 

Botan: Replaced old hair using new hair mod I got through KK Manager. Bleeding Edge Pack can be bit of a crapshoot at times, dunno whether or not what you're downloading will be bloat junkware or treasure. Finding things like these tho makes digging through it worth the effort I'd say.

Mio: New hair mod replaces default hair + new ponytail  I cobbled together using an actual fox tail. I could've done more with the texture work but I've been biting off more than I could chew as is so in the end I half assed it to get it done by the deadline. 

Kronii: New hair and outfit mod replaces default costume. Otherwise nothing fancy. Warning: The cape will tank your FPS like nothing else. In the future, I'd like to dig into it, see if there's a way to improve it's performance. Also: while I did modify it to be able to use her hair without the veil, the ribbon is hard baked into the model. Unless you want to remove parts of her hair, you're just gonna have to live with the ribbon. 

Ammy: Patched up some holes. The gradient looks kind of shit if I ever do revisit Ammy I'd like to fix that. 

Miia: General overhaul, nothing spectacular. I'd give more of a shit if it was easier to fuck a snek in this game without shit breaking horribly but alas. 

Eris: Okay this I was going to devote more time into before realizing I didn't have the time to spend doing so. She's got a new tail and a patch to the hole that was in the bottom of the center hair piece. Some minor eye + body adjustment. Would like to do a proper overhaul in the future because I feel like she doesn't look close to what she looks like in the show. 

Grima: Adjusted her hair. She now has the braids wrapping around her head, something I didn't realize she had because I was too focused on her Halloween alt. The beanie covers that part up so I assumed she just didn't have it. I also moved her twintails back a bit for her non Halloween alts. Hopefully this is an improvement. 

Flannery: Fixes to her top. There's still that red speck that pokes out a bit but like fuck it good enough. 

Lethe: She now has a  proper whatever that Japanese ribbon thing is. While it looks better, it's still magically attached to her. I know it's supposed to connect to her kimono in some fashion but I didn't have the time to figure it out + I ain't creative enough to make that part and have it fit within the original design's aesthetic. 

Asaga: Apparently I forgot to include her in the 2020 post so here she is! ...ngl I just adjusted her based on how I felt she should look not how she actually looks because boy that artstyle... 

Ophelia, Camilla, Melodiana, Lucina, Misane: No major changes. 






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