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I may have addressed this before but it was probably buried under a mountain of text so I'm going to not only reclarify, but also pin this thing. 

Goofy Title = Secret Patron Exclusive Content 

With the exception of the Camilla one which was meant to be a ruse, if you see a post with a stupid name click on it and read at least the first line. If it's a MEGA link it's probably about a card.

Why do it like this you may ask? Well, I don't like paywalls but I also want to give patrons something nice for supporting me. Saying what the post is outright would give non-patrons FOMO and while I get that fueling FOMO is how you get the big bucks, I don't want to do that. I don't like seeing something I like only to find out it's paywalled so I'm not particularly keen on imposing that on others.

Hence this compromise. As the saying goes, what you don't know can't hurt you. Can't feel like you're missing out if you don't know if you're missing out in the first place!

That said this system does end up confusing actual patrons which is why I'm gonna pin this thing to make it clear what's up. 

This is our little secret alright? Don't go around blabbing about this as that'll defeat the entire purpose. 


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