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Cards for the three depicted. 

Y'know next time when I give ETAs I am going to with the absolute worst case scenarios rather than optimistic time estimates.  

So I had a nice rhythm going which then went off the rails thanks to appointments made in the past that I forgot about kicking in and another thing that I just straight up don't want to talk about. And if you knew, you wouldn't want further details either so with that cryptic note here are some things that I said I  was gonna throw in as a little bonus "In a day or two". Yeah, more like two weeks.

Anyways here's a familiar face (Slide 1-2): I should really do an official release one day. Like her clothes are still super outdated and I haven't actually done anything with the clothes, again.  However I did change up her face and hair which is par for the course really. There were some new COM3D2 hairs that I thought would work great for her hence the update. 

(S3) So for FEH buffs like yours truly you should be able to recognize this outfit.  No I did not make it, that honor belongs to uck + elline. They should be around on Patreon so if you like this outfit go check them out. They do good stuff. (They're a team btw.) 

Let me get this out of the way first: I did not make a single outfit for Lyn I stole all of them. The reason why I'm posting this is because of this: https://files.catbox.moe/4pseki.zip (Despite it not being a zipmod do not unzip it. Just plop it into your mod folder as is. Fun fact: .zipmod is just a fake extension to get people to stop unzipping mods and putting it into their game folder.) 

For some time, this card used that old ass mod. Then some new mods sprung up that overwrote it making it so that even though you had the mod, it wouldn't load. So Lyn would end up topless, which may sound exciting it's not because of the clothing mask is still intact. Unless you like your breasts the way you like your cheese: full of holes. 

Digging around, I found that old mod, deleted some of the new ones that conflicted with it, and then ripped the cloth texture from the old mod, slapping it onto the new one. tl;dr: outfit is now fixed. Not sure if you actually do need the mod linked above but it wouldn't hurt to have it. 

(S4-5) But as I was fussing around with it, I thought to myself "Y'know maybe her hair could use some work. And the iris. And the eyes too they're not exactly accurate." Well I messed with the hair but didn't get around to the eyes. I was considering working on it further but stopped because this wasn't supposed to be the main project. Once again, a new hair mod came out which I thought would look good for Lyn, lead me into thinking "Hey I should really find that top for her Resplendent outfit. And while I'm here..." 

Maybe some day, but not now. If I do make her, I am nixing her Brave alt for her Ninja one as that one actually looks different. Not too happy with the hair so if you have suggestions I'm willing to hear them. 

That would be all for now...had I actually released these two in the promised time frame so here's an extra. 

(S6) Okay this one I'm not too particularly keen on releasing as like, I really went off model for this one. My Selesia hardly resembles the actual one. Her front bangs, eyes and iris really need work to make them look closer to the actual character. Maybe it's a stretch to call it a borderline OC at this point but that's how I feel about it. 

Oh yeah btw Selesia has short hair for her gym outfit. I just thought it looked cute on her. Official release will sub it out for her actual short hair alt i.e she would have hair braided up in a circle like in the hot springs episode...or was that just something drawn for funsies? Like it's the official guy but since I have only seen up to episode 6 of As Per My Last Email: Creators I'm not sure if there really was a hot springs episode. 

BTW That is Alvarna's Selesia on the right he's the one who made all the clothes. Again, broken record: The only thing I touched with all of these characters are the face (Excluding the eyes), and hair. Clotheswise outside of minor tech things e.g fixing the top, I had nothing to do with. Alvarna is still an excellent outfit maker. 

Am I tipping my hand here too much? Yeah, but like, I can't just go "Hey I need money I'll pay you back pinky swear." *vanishes off the face of the Earth* I gotta show something that says "Hey I'm actually working on shit." It's not much but it's more than nothing. 

I'm doubtful that I can actually make a card, let alone two this month so more likely than not, I'm not gonna charge this month. Still gonna make a card tho. I've got a backlog of other shit I need to get through first tho so Koi is taking a backseat priority wise. No offense, but this is a hobby. At least I'm trying to keep it that way. There were times I bailed on important shit to make stuff in Koi instead and boy was that a mistake. Something I know not to repeat as tempting as it is do so now. I mean I even have a good excuse to- ah nah nah gotta stay the course. 

So yeah that's what's up. Lyndis probably has a good chance of getting an official release along with Selesia. White Mage on the other hand is probably stuck in Purgatorio. Then again she's better off than her brunette counterpart that hasn't seen an actual update officially or even behind the scenes.


remember tactics advanced 2 white mage?


me neither.





the second link need password https://mega.nz/file/twYAUADZ#Bfpc7G8FKXJE5WVp4wdKelB09sXl01QPz8NqiQl4eug