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Releasing these early so I can now begin the new year with a fresh clean slate. No need to make up for missed months now! I'll make the usual posts some time this week just wanted to put these out the moment they came out of the oven.

New Year, new plans: I'm gonna cut back and go back to treating this as a side gig so it'll be only one card per month instead of two. I haven't been able to keep up with that goal for months now so I'm just gonna face facts and admit that I can't do that.  I mean, how many delays are we at now?

Ultimately this is just gonna be a hobby for me. That said, occasionally I get carried with hobbies so if I ever do make more than just one card a month, I'mma make that a Patreon exclusive for bout a month. Whaddoya say? 

Anyways, Happy New Year to all y'all! 


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