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EDIT: This card has some bugs. Please check out this post and grab the updated version of the card there: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bug-fixes-and-64290412

Card can be found here! 


(Backup link just in case. I say that even though the backup link has screwed me over before hah.) 


If the ears and tail are missing, you will need this mod then.

mod: https://ux.getuploader.com/202108251257/download/15

So like, whenever I make a card I get a bunch of reference pics together and pile it all in one folder. After I'm done, I delete them. However, at least for this one, I think I'm gonna save the images because for whatever reason, the artist, Shunao, set their twitter to private. So, when I went back to this card to improve on it, well...(Slide 4) is all I had to go off. A tiny ass twitter preview image. In a way I guess it's like, trying to redraw something but you deleted your old project file because you stupidly thought you'd never come back to it. So now all you have is a shitty jpg to work off and none of the layers to work with. 

It's not impossible to do, but like, ehh, you REALLY wish you could give your past self a smack in the head. 

Anyways, funny story about this thing: This WAS gonna be a debut of a brand new mod that yours truly made. Well, "made" in HUGE air quotes. All I did was delete one part of a twin tail so it was more of a mod of a mod. But I digress, yeah so like, initially I was going to use one half of a twintail for Ammy's tail. (S5) Why? Because it had those swirly circle thingies her tail has. However, after squinting at the reference image, I realized the circles aren't at the bottom of the tail, but rather, the top. OOPS. 

I was gonna go ahead with it anyways because fuck you it took me hours just to delete one twintail what do you mean I wasted all that time for nothing. However, I came across this Umy mod and well, sure, the tail doesn't have the circles, but fuck it's pretty damn close shape wise to the general shape of the tail. And the ears are just the cherry on top so there went my modder* debut plans.

*by sheer technicality 

Anywho, I changed up her face n' head a bit, but the most dramatic changes are her hair and clothes. (S1) I think for the old one I tried to make an amalgamation of Shunao's Ammy's across the years, one of them being a design for a body pillow. That one had extra fluffy hair but for this one I just stuck to that one reference image. Hence why her hair is overall cleaner. (S3)

Her clothes are pretty much why I even decided to give Ammy a makeover. Her old outfit had these shittly made sleeves due to the fact there were no kimono outfits with big poofy sleeves and while the new outfit's sleeves could be bigger, fuck it it's close enough. No half off state sadly, but that's the sacrifice you make for actual functional sleeves. 

Her long haired variant (S2) should see a performance boost as it no longer uses the sleeves of this one glove that has like, a bajillion moving parts which tank FPS like nothing else. It's not exact either I think. I would like to say KNOW if only Shunao hadn't removed her tumblr posts which contained a lot of pictures of her time skip Ammy ARGH. Bah, I feel bad for ragging on her when I don't even know the reason why they were removed to begin with so I won't go on about it. 

Speaking of clothes, this is also the reason why Agnes hasn't seen an upgrade yet. I just need a skirt that has a ring of fluff around it then I could make her but agh. Yeah I know I can just make one, shit, that's what I did before. But it looks awful and it doesn't even sync up with the skirt at all. It becomes this weird floating ring of cotton balls the moment she lifts her leg. So, I'm sitting around waiting for some FOTM waifu to just so happen to have that kind of skirt to repurpose it for Agnes. 

Is it me being lazy? Probably. But man, iunno, it's like I spent decades breeding the fastest horse in the world, only to look outside and see a motherfucking ferrari doing sick burnouts on the track. Like yeah okay sure I may have the fastest horse ever but that's not why I spent all that time. I just wanted something fast it didn't have to be a horse. I don't even like horses! Y'feel me? 

Back in the ye ol' days of KK, if you wanted something, you were gonna had to build it entirely out of scratch in the maker. Nowadays, if you want something, you turn to proper 3D modeling software. Can't 3D model for shit so here I am just twiddling my thumbs, waiting to see what the truck brings in. Feels like the end of an era. 


Sorry for holding up the line, uh, can I get the uh, double baconator? 
