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Get the card right 'ere!   

And here's the grimy alt.  



(Backup link just in case. Be sure to copy paste the ENTIRE link otherwise you'll get an error. Don't just click on it it doesn't work trust me.)

It's still October on Mars so I'm not late at all shaddup.

Ever get that feeling of deja vu? This is the part where I'd ramble about that but I'm sleepy as hell.  I'll go into further detail later but yeah, like, seriously just go back to the original post and it's the exact same story. 

Anyways, I updated a lot of shit. Mostly focused on the Megaman Legends alt so expect some bugginess from the classic alts. Don't ask why I thought the original looked anywhere near close to what she looked in the Legends. This Roll's inspired by Muu's version of her who you can find on danbooru. I'll admit this was rushed because I wanted to get it out before the end of the month so she's missing some features.  

Don't be too surprised if you see a MK. III down the road. I just wanted to get this out of the way so I didn't have to worry about having to make 3 cards in a month. That's what one of the many things I learned today: I am not capable of doing that. So scratch one potential stretch goal. 

Anyways, slide 3, left is the original, right is the new one. I'll explain why they look so different later when I'm not typing this out by smearing my face on a keyboard. 




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