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No tricks here! This treat's for free! 


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So in the last post, I gave out some clues on what the next card was going to be. (It's going to be based on a recent tread, a hole was mentioned, that it was going to involve the color yellow, and it was going to be a detective.) I'd say I tipped my hand a little too much, but since no one actually took a guess I'm just going to assume that it was so obvious no one felt the need to point it out. 

Clearly it was going to be Lynne from Ghost Trick! Watson? Watson who? What do you mean girl Wats- oh that Watson! Yeah I don't know a whole lot about her, but I'd be down to play her game if it would ever fucking come out goddammit Capcom. What's next, they're gonna ban people from streaming their gam- oh come on! 

Yeah, so the first picture (Or Slide 0)  is a reference to Mio Ookami's (Hololive vtuber.)  playthrough of Ghost Trick, but then it got taken down because of a copyright strike. Which caused a domino effect and now a whole lot of streams are missing from various other vtubers. I have no idea if they'll ever manage to sort that out and that's a real shame because I wanted to see how she would react to Lynne seemingly incapable of staying alive for more than four seconds. (BTW I did not make that Mio. That was done by this guy: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79198174)

Oh yeah, spoilers I guess: Lynne dies. And dies. And dies again. It's common knowledge that shadows die twice, but you'll never guess how many times a redhead can die. Thankfully, you play as a ghost with the traditional power of being able to fuck around with stuff and the not so traditional power of being able to travel back in time. Since you start the game off dead, you have no idea what the fuck is going on with your only clue being this redhead. So as a phantom, it's up to you play detective to solve the mystery of not only your murder, but also trying to figure why everyone is seemingly out to kill this ginger.

It's a pretty damn fun puzzle game that focuses around manipulating the environment and objects to achieve whatever goal it is. Unfortunately, your powers are limited in that you can't just say, possess a steel bat and start swinging, so you gotta think out of the box to find the solution. Even if you could do the former, while it'll make the first few puzzles a lot more easier as it's clearly obvious how to stop the threat, but later on Lynne manages to get killed through what only could be described as shenanigans. Thankfully she's not the sole focus of the puzzles so her doing a terrible of job of not dying doesn't get annoying.

There's a lot more to this game than just a reskin of Lemmings as it has a damn good plot, a charming cast, great music, and overall it was a fun experience. I highly recommend picking it up for yourself. Think the mobile port's fairly cheap and unlike the Ace Attorney port that had a number of issues, it's a solid port of the DS version. The first chapter is free so if you're on the fence, try it out. It won't cost you anything but time. 

Speaking of which, it's about time I actually talked about the character eh? 

So I didn't actually make her in response to Mio's playthrough, but rather for whatever reason I felt like challenging myself. If your idea of a challenge is to make 3 cards in a month without missing the deadline, then congratulations you're way smarter than me because what I came up with was "Hey y'know what I should do? Make a character that has a Western cartoon aesthetic despite not ever having done anything like that and on a program that was meant for anime stuff. That'll be a fun challenge!" 

The hurdles on this were uh, a bit more interesting I guess to say the least. For starters, I had to get used to the artstyle in general. I mean I don't hate it, in fact I actually like it a lot but trying to replicate it in Koikatu wasn't something I was able to do completely. For example, while in the screenshots she does have relatively thick outlines, in game she doesn't since outline thickness is a global setting that effects everyone. So if you're okay with that, you should be fine, but if not, yeah there's going to be some dissonance. I tried to work around that, but the workarounds had problems of their own. (Trying to make the lines thicker using Material Editor resulted in the outlines seperating from the object. Trying to make fake outlines by just making two of the same object but one of them is slightly bigger worked well from the side...and fell apart completely in the front. It looked real garish.) 

It's not impossible to do Western stuff in KK, I mean fuckin' look around in your mods, there's a lot of cartoon stuff in there. But I just never done that artstyle before, especially not in this context so quite a lot of time was spent on wondering if this part looked bad because it was, or it was fine and I had to get used to it.  And that was just from the cultural shift alone, I didn't even talk about the game's artstyle specifically so let's get into that. 

If this is your first time seeing this character, you are totally forgiven for thinking Lynne's like, half chicken or has some kind of rooster motif because goddamn how the fuck does that hair work. I knew from the get go my usual method of making hair wasn't going to work as there's no way I'm gonna be able to cobble her rooster comb thing out of hair pieces. So I used basic shapes and that did work, but then I tried to make the rest of her hair using the normal way. This caused some dissonance issues where her bangs were were made out of, well, hair, but then there's these weird ass polygons jutting out of her skull. That and due to being rather unconfident in my ability to make her while keeping her original artstyle, I decided that for this card that I was going to stick to the reference as much as I could. Even if it did end up making the hair looking quite jank as it's rather blocky, my worry over whether she would resemble anything like the original bothered me so much that I was willing to let it slide. 

Her face was somewhat easier to make I guess, it was a bit disconcerting at first because her irises made her look like she was soulless. I'm not even going to make the joke as you probably made it right about now. Her body tho, now that was tough.  This is going to sound weird, especially since this is coming from someone who's ostensibly making h stuff, but I uh, have no idea what cartoon n*dity looks like. And I don't want to find out either so it became an issue where her face looked like a cartoon character, but her body was an anime one. Not to the extent of like, say, putting a snake's head on the body of a pig, but it was kind of disorientating to look at.  Had to spend some time making sure it didn't look jarring and I like to think I achieved that, but iunno for sure. Maybe stumbling into this blind while on a deadline wasn't the best idea. 

Well, as they say there's always a silver lining which in this case were  her clothes. Those were pretty fairly easy to make as it wasn't overly detailed and the clothes were basic outfits. So let's run down the list eh? 

Her In School outfit (Slide 1) is what she wears for the vast majority of the game. Not much else to say other than that I wish this game had a proper trenchcoat. 

Her Going Home outfit (S2) is based on Sissel's, AKA the guy you play as. Since she doesn't have blond hair, she ended up looking a lot like a Team Flare grunt,

Her Gym outfit is based off of Officer Bailey. (S3) A police officer who's bit of a nervous wreck to the point where his response to any sort of alarming event is to dance. Which he dubs the "Panic Dance" and it's as goofy as it sounds. I think it was passed down in his family from each generation to generation or something? Iunno, I might be mismembering that but I know there was a pretty absurd reason as to why he does it. 

Other than that though, he's a very minor character, but he's just so goofy that I wanted to reference him. That and I wanted a bit more visual variety than just "Suit+Pants". Yeah I know female police officers don't wear skirts but I was getting pretty sick of pants. It's also the reason why I didn't make an outfit based on Detective Jowd, Lynne's mentor/hero,  despite being way more important to the plot than some dude dancing. I mean it was just going to be another trenchcoat+pants so I say nothing of value was lost. 

Her Swimsuit outfit is based solely off the fact that it's Halloween. (S4) Okay dumb reason aside, while I could've just left her normal rooster hair intact, I decided to get a bit creative. There isn't any actual official art of her hair down and I haven't seen any art of that either, so I came up with something. I mean c'mon, sure it's anime hair which can freely defy any and all laws in the universe and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Still it begs the question: how the fuck is that shit holding up?  I mean it's gotta come down at one point right? Unless she was born that way...ah whatever. 

Anyways, other than finding the idea of her swimming with that hair still intact a bit too absurd, I also did it to see whether or not it was her hair that made me feel that something was off. So I tried using a more natural hair style to see if that was the case and turns out I just had to get used to the rooster comb. 

Her Club outfit is based off of Inspector Cabanela. (S5) The flamboyant head of the Special Investigations Unit who is stylish as fuck. Seriously, the dude always enters and exits a scene by doing some kind of dance and unlike Bailey, his is actually pretty cool. 

Her Casual outfit is based of Kamila, Jowd's daughter. (S6) Lynne babysits her from time to time. I have no idea what that big ass jewel thing is. Maybe it's plot relevant? No seriously, this isn't me teasing you like "Ooh maybe it's super important guess the only way to find out is to play the game oooh~" I legitimately forgot why she has that. I think it's just there for visual flair but iunno. 

Her Sleeping Over outfit is based of her younger self seen in a flashback. (S7) She kinda reminds me of Ciel from Megaman Zero. Anyways, she doesn't have her hair down in the flashback either, but I threw it in there anyways because I thought some folk might want that hair style without all the cat stuff on it. 

Other than that, watching a lot of Hololive made me realize, or at least I feel like that I've been making the shoulders too broad in nearly all the characters I've made so far. Or not, iunno, but this is something I'm going to look into from here on out. Lemme know if these shoulders look better or worse in the comments. 

Anywho, I've got one more card to do before this month ends and it's going to be something familiar. Unfortunately it won't have anything to do with Halloween but it will be posted soon-ish. So til' then, ja ne!




oh,you remind me of the old days when I played Ghost Trick on NDS. good work ・ᴗ・


Yoo you played the game too? That's sick! And hey thanks, glad ya like it!