Female Corrin (Fire Emblem: Fates) (Patreon)
Card can be found here, but ultimately the choice is yours, and yours alone!
EDIT: https://ux.getuploader.com/FluctLight/download/4 Requires this mod. It's from Pixiv, so that's probably why it wasn't in the HF patch. Apologies for the inconvenience.
39uebK7r Password for said mod. Ai yai yai yai what a hassle.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81832585 The original post where the mod is from, just in case.
CORRIN CHOOSES TO...check her letters more carefully next time. Thankfully the mishap got all cleared up and Corrin went on to actually smash some bros, or hoe in this case. Poor Hinoka, maybe next time.
First things first, FUCK THIS WEATHE- okay okay actual first things first, this is yet another card edit. Not from Fandango this time, no this was actually based off of Seth's card. Found it buried within this huge ass 5+ gigabyte torrent and I was like "Oh hey I never seen this before! Wow this looks really nice! Hey why not edit this, I mean, I've been stockpiling a bunch of cards that it'll be super easy to just fuse them all together! This oughta be a cinch."
Spoilers: You already know.
So yeah, in Slide 7, the one on the far right is mine, and the one next to her is Seth's. Seth's looks a lot more similar to her Smash version, but as I putting her together I thought while that one looked nice, I really preferred Sencha's version. Not only is that a name of a really delicious green tea that you can find at Harney n' Sons, (Which this post is NOT proudly sponsored by.) but a great artist that did her swimsuit, Fallen, and Adrift alts in FE: Heroes. And well I certainly wasn't alone in that view as nearly all of the cards of her is based off of that one outfit.
Or it could just be that was the easiest to make because her base outfit is uh...well let me make this very clear: I did NOT do that, that was all Razor's doing. If you ever see a very complex overlay, it's probably done by that guy. Once again, huge props. All I did was scuff it up a little for her Fallen alt. (S2) Well I also did add her...dragon "antlers" wtf oh and a tail. Not exact, but it was either a tail or a tail with some spikes that constantly separate if she so much as coughs. I also had to add her cape thing which took a while to figure out before I realize it was held up with a belt. NGL, I was really confused about how the hell her cape worked.
Anyways, because of how different they looked, I ended up having to recreate her nearly out of scratch, again. So really the only thing the four Corrins have in common with each other is that they're the same character, that's it. I didn't actually use anything from them. They were more inspiration than anything else as the booru Corrin (The one next to Seth's.) was what I based her outfits on, and the one on the opposite of mine's is Hyper's. Not sure if he was the first guy, but definitely the first one to make her based on Sencha's artwork.
I ended up having to do a whole lot more work than I had initially planned for, so on one hand you'll see some new shit that I haven't done much for my cards. (Such as a custom iris and eyeliner, oh and some messing around with KKPE. I have no idea what the acronym stands for but it fixed an issue with the iris where it kept cutting for some reason.) On the other hand, there are clearly some parts where I went "FUCK IT" so some things aren't gonna look perfect. Slight digression, but I stopped screwing up the leg spacing and now it should look better. I was trying to go for a vase like figure, but forgot that humans have this thing called a crotch. Turns out our legs aren't just fused together! OOPS. can you believe i took a figure drawing class.
In short, thought this would be an easy copy paste job where I just adjust the body n' face and add some new hair. Wound up having to do everything except for her main and casual outfit which were done by Razor. Even the casual one's a cop out as the justification for it was just "Well I don't do something boring like a t-shirt but I also don't want to put in the effort. Ehh Mozu is in both of the routes why not that outfit. Fuck it."
Major hurdles were her Witch and Adrift outfits. Took a long time to do and well, I'm a little proud of it I guess. Not really as there's a lot more I could've done and I know exactly what's wrong that I just chose not to fix but I look at it and think, "Yeah this looks nice." Heck, for the Pixiv release I actually have her Adrift outfit front and center instead of the overused Smash joke for two reasons: One I really wanted to show off her eyes after spending hours trying to make them look juuuust right and two, it's kind of a test: Would I get more views this way or would it not matter as people just view characters they already know? That and to have her standout from all the swimsuit ones, y'know to show that she's got other outfits than that.
Not gonna lie, it was kind of fun having to go back to the old methods into bullshitting something together, (Like did ya know her collar was made using angel wings?) just like old times. But just like those times, I still haven't learned proper project management. Aiyaaa...