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(If this doesn't work lemme know.) 

Alright folks, who's ready to play the Japanese animal noise game? I'll start!

Cats go "Nyaa~ nyaa~" 

The dog goes "da...ddy"

Yeah so like, that's the first time I ever saw this character. A shitpost of all things, which, well, now thinking about it, being introduced to new things from those posts isn't actually all that bizarre. I mean, who else found about Jojo from scenes completely out of context that still doesn't make all that much sense even with said context? Speaking of which, at the time I assumed she was some OC and not from an actual show. Then I stumbled upon something which resulted in this being delayed.

So, this was done a few weeks ago, but I wanted to make another box set. I would've dubbed it the "Seismic Box Set"  and I only have one reason, not two big ones, to call it that. If ya don't know, there's this guy who goes by the name of Seismic who made  Wolf Girl With You. He also did Cat Attack which is the only reason why I ever heard of this show. It's one of his earlier works and while the animations are nice, there's no audio and it's just a video. Good thing you can make whatever the fuck you want in KK and that I did. 

So yeah, I initially had planned out releasing Liru alongside Eris as a double feature but then someone else made Liru and pretty much invalidated mine's. Then again, it was an edit to begin and hey on the bright side that did free up my queue. 


Alright alright, I also did get Iceborne and for the past couple of weeks my entire life pretty much revolved around Monster Hunter. It's just so damn fun and man Iceborne was super worth it! I am bit tired of it, hence why I managed to finally post this. Then again, it's less because of it got boring, but more because spending 100+ hours on a game, even though it's really good, does get a bit dull at that point. 

Anyways, unlike nearly every card I made, this was made completely whole cloth.  It may seem odd to complain over having too many references to work off of, but the fact that all of them were clearly distinct from one another. Luckily, there wasn't so many that I couldn't fuse 'em all into one single version. Unlike some other cards I've tried to make where the art style fluctuates wildly. (So like, going from realistic to moe style.) 

So like, a reoccurring issue with this card with her eyes. Quite a few of them have her all bug eyed which can be made in KK and it looks fine in certain situations. Everything else tho she looked like she stared into the abyss and hasn't recovered since. Not to mention due to how KK works, her eyes wouldn't close properly so even though they're supposed to be closed, you could still see a third of her eye. 

Another one was her hair color, like, is it brown? Orange? Strawberry blonde? I mean, in some screenshots it looks orange, but then it looks more brownish. So I just went with strawberry blonde and hope that was the right color. 

Her damn swimsuit name tag is also an issue which I didn't end up fixing. The problem was that because of her huge tracts of land, you could only see the first and last part of her name. So instead of spelling out "Erisu" it just says "Esu". Not too big of a deal, but it bothered me a bunch. The work around I tried to do did "fix" the issue, but then her breasts looked all weird because how spaced out they were. Like two magnets repelling each other, but hey at least you could see her name now! In the end, I tossed it. If y'all know a way of fixing that, I'd be more than happy to hear it. 

Oh right, for those of ya who watched the show/read the light novel, does she actually have some white/gray? spine thing as part of her suit? Due to her hair, I couldn't really tell and the only one where it was unobscured was from a dakimakura. So probably not canon, I think. If she does, I'll add it. 

I hear that the show, despite how it looks, actually has some stuff in it. Like, there's more to it than just cheesecake. Have any of y'all seen this show? If ya did, what did ya think of it? 

Anyways, that's all I got to say. As for who I'm making next, I'd say I'm going back to my roots by making literally who characters, but then again, is Eris all that popular to begin with? Would she count as an obscure character from who knows where or is there a huge fanbase that I'm just not aware of?


Updated Eris's suit to have that white spine thing. 




Thats weird, my dog says "Mar...kus..."


the mega link no longer works


I had the same issue and managed to download it. You have to copy and paste the link instead of just clicking on it for some reason.