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This post better not be fucking locked.  If it is,  fucking woops let me know if you can't access it for some reason. Anyways, this is just to shill my Patreon, make sure folks know that this exists. I realize the uh "minimalistic" background of this page may not be the most indicative of what I do here. Or more likely, probably confused people who thought they accidentally clicked on some 4 year old's Patreon page. So this is to clarify that yes, this is indeed my page. 

Otherwise, this whole "Post previews on X site and post actual card on Patreon." thing isn't gonna last all too long. This is more meant as a marketing push. I'll be going back to the old format in like, iunno, 5 or so cards? Even less? Point is, this won't end up as a Patreon exclusive thing or whatever the fuck.

Next card should be something new. This was more of a spur of a moment kind of thing.  Unless y'all want to see more updated version of old cards. 

If it doesn't work, lemme know!


EDIT: Minor update to face. 



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