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Hello everyone!
You will find the download links to the June Release here.
For more info about this month's release, news, and updates, check out the open post!

This month's release is out, models from this release are available on MyMiniFactory.

RPG Adventure Download
Welcome Pack - password : ydNBwcDD
Welcom Pack (MyAirBridge) - password : ydNBwcDD

For now, this is the last free pilot adventure that we are featuring. But the RPG support for our miniatures is not over! From now on, we will be adding free statblocks to chosen miniatures from each release and for the Titans of Adventure! Enjoy the sessions and let us know what else we can do to improve your RPG experience with our minis!

Happy Printing!
TF Team



The welcome pack link seems broken


Hi, how can i download the 6 months bonus?


It will be added to your library on MMF later this month. Or just write us PM and we will add it for you manually


I cant find the files for the terrain pieces. Are they coming on a later date?


Can you put the welcome pack on airbridge, I struggle to download on sync


The Welcome Pack was painful to download


Where is the Deamon Beast arms or weapons


Will there still be adventures in the upcoming releases for patrons, or only stat blocks?


can't download the welcome pack. neverending "calculating size"


when can we expect to see our first loyalty reward, and discount code isnt working


Just to confirm, the two included zip archives on MAB contain all of the contents of the uncompressed directories? I always get paranoid I'm missing something when I only download the archives.


Thank you so much! These look fantastic!

Steve Moss

Sync is sooooooo slow. :(


I have been unable to get the unsupported files to download. Both myairbridge and sync.com links.


UPDATE: Link was in email this morning... I need to have more patience! Perhaps there is a typical cadence that I've not attuned to yet, but when will these show up on MMF? It's been great having a nice, organized place for downloads there.


Amazing ide of putting individual images of each mini in the folders, I use to download the banner of the post and put it myself in the folder. Great work with the minis!!!

B. Griffith

Very disappointed to hear this is the last adventure. I hope you can come to a permanent arrangement in the future that will allow you to release an adventure each month. My family enjoyed them so far, and we’ll miss them.


Guys, the support for the titans of adventure necromancer is well below par, with major parts of the skull in her hand unsupported. In the human fighter the hair is also missing support on some quite large islands.


Only 4 models in the welcome pack, can you please upload the remaining files ?


HI, I'm new to your Patreon. I can't see any left handed weapon options, is the idea to just mirror them?


I was looking through your goals, and it says when you reach 7000 backers, that a 70% discount code will be released for myminifactory?


Anyone else having fun printing Lostrotos, the Deathwriter? I just cannot get him to print so want to see if anyone else managed it, or it's just me. I've tried the Pro and User Friendly supports and all my usual tricks to get him to work


oh, and how does one get access to actually write on the Discord?


I was able to get him to print great with the user friendly set. The Dwarf prisoner on the same build plate however ... failed part way through

Sweyn Nelson

has anyone printed the terrain yet? do you change the orientation? im new to supporting models and looking for suggestions and tips on these pieces.


for some reason when i download the files and select to print the right arm for Arrestos the lord of the locks, it doesn't show up in my slicer. all other parts do just not the right arm. kind of makes it impossible to complete the model with out the right arm. how can i get this fixed?