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In June the Demons have come upon our realm and they are looking for prisoners that escaped from the... Daemonic Asylum! In the release, you get the wardens - sinister Giant Elder Demons, the demon horde - the modular infantry and modular cavalry, the brave escaped heroes, and the amazing asylum scenery, bases, and bonuses!

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  • Stay with us and at the start of each month, you will get the newest full set packed with thematic fantasy miniatures - heroes, monsters, terrain, scenery, and big WOW models!
  • Collect endless free Patron bonuses! We are always looking for innovative ways to surprise you and bring you the best 3D printing experience!

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Right after you join, you receive 9x Free RPG Hero Models! Each month, 3 new heroes will join your fantasy tavern! You must gather your party before venturing forth!

As a signing bonus, you receive a Welcome Pack with our most iconic miniatures to get you started!

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All our miniatures are ready to go - just Plug&Print! And in order for every print to go flawlessly, we provide you with two versions of pre-supported models: Pro Version and User-Friendly Version. Click here in order to learn more about getting the best 3d printing results!

Each month, you can win an Anycubic Photon 3D Printer and many more additional rewards!

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If you are looking for science-fiction minis for your collection, be sure to check out the Cyber Forge Patreon! Cyberpunk, Marines, Mechs, Vehicles, Aliens, Post-Apo, all in one place! Share the real passion for all future genres!

We love 3D Print ♥ Join the millions in the 3D revolution and take your hobby to the next level! It's so simple!

  • Reduce the costs of getting new minis on your table.
  • Have the freedom to choose from endless models to print.
  • Get creative and learn a new skill, 3D printing has countless applications.

Make the most out of your RPG sessions! The Titans of Adventure and many models from each release come with dedicated 5E statblocks. Use the miniatures to create an immersive experience for your players.

Don't have a 3D Printer yet? You can get all Titan Forge miniatures delivered straight to your home! We offer thousands of models at the best prices and a 7€ worldwide shipping! Check out our offer!

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Happy Printing!
TF Team



Mario da Silva

Not your strongest release I have to say..


I agree, the least favourite for me so far. But the quality of the models is still astonishing.


I'm starting to hate you guys, so much quality amazing models and I'm so freaking way behind and no time to print and paint 😭😭😭... I'm like a year behind. 🙄😔


what are the base sizes on the big guys?


I just want to say how much I appreciate the efforts towards making the units modular. It really makes bulking out units much nicer by avoiding obvious repetition. Thanks!


Love this one! I'm loving the approach you guys are taking with making warrior classes modular, I've been able to put a few past release parts together to give unique weapons and shields to warriors that didn't come with the sets

Chris Wilson

Just had a brain fart ... do we print at 85% if we want to downscale to be compatible with 28mm.

Aubrey Ramage Lay

I love this release, so cool and so unique!

Nicholas McCurdy

Just bought Kings of War so I’m going to be printing an Abyss army nonstop this month.


Hmmm, I can see these being useful for a Red King Frostgrave campaign...

jason long

Reign of Hell was just released too! Since it's miniature agnostic these seem perfect!


Has anyone else tried printing these yet? I did 2 of the demon guards yesterday and the upper arms came out as flats instead of the rounded nubs. Same with one of the cavalry. Everything else looked great.


I had the same issue. Even when I tried to do supports myself. Recently I upped my exposure time just a hair from 2.5 to 2.7 on a Phrozen Mighty. Looks like it worked.

Joe Kushner

So not necessarily relevant to most of this month's release, but hear me out. You guys do physical models as well. I've had some. The physical models you made, at least in the past, were scaled to go with the games, tabletop, 28mm basically. Any thought to making the humans, etc... more in scale with traditional models? I appreciate that it's 'easier to print larger models but the tech has come a long way since those days.


32mm became the most popular scale in recent years and we are always trying to be in the vanguard of the industry. On the other hand, we know that many of you enjoy 28mm a lot so we recommend printing our models in 88% of the original size.


Hi guys, be careful if printing the big Arrestos model, the pre-supported legs model has a major unsupported island (armor piece on right leg). I'm sure it'll be fixed soon, but it's a pretty big piece, lots of wasted resin if it fails - as i just found out :( Edit: btw I posted pic in discord.


Thanks Brian! I have some others to print up so I'll wait another day before trying that.

Mog Watt

Hi, what is the difference between pro-supporte & user friendly ? sorry it's a question of newb, apart from slightly more thicknesses (visually) of some supports between one model and another, i see almost no difference ... i have an anycubic photon S, i always wonder which is the best model, or should i take unsupported to do it myself because I know my resins and my FEP


Just to quote one of our users from the Discord server: " the user-friendly supported models are models supported a tad more, making it less prone to errors. The drawback is more cleaning/marks on the model. The pro supported models are models that could fail in the printing step if your printer isn't correctly tuned"


Ok, I am confused on the Arresto The Lord Of The Locks. It only has one left hand option but shows the short double sided axe and a large axe (large axe with the pot on the end) in the left hand as options. Also there is only one torso which has sockets for wings, but there is a no wing option shown. Am I missing something?


I just subscribed to this Patreon specifically because I fell in love with Arresto The Lord of the Locks. I have a quick question, there are a ton of accessories like bits of chain and such. Is there a, for lack of a better term, set of instructions somewhere? Something that says print three chains, one cage, and they go here..... Because that would be super cool.


Any pictures displaying which of the bases are which, remember previous releases had those.

Sweyn Nelson

why are the terrain pieces not offered as supported files? every time i try to build supports i get fails as the models rip off the support tips.


As terrain pieces are usually bigger it is a bit of a challenge to create a supported file to fit all the printers. To get help to achieve good printing results you can try #help channel on our Discord.


Did you meant that kind of picture? https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJxIjoxMDAsIndlYnAiOjB9/patreon-media/p/post/51986781/0854f946118a4b2fbba9b87e2571c247/1.jpg?token-time=1625616000&token-hash=YfJcZNQRGLvYd4Ih6-RiXIm0kOs6G_zafmCecBimWmQ%3D


There are three different setups: axe and shield, axe and sword and doublehanded version, which contains left hand, right hand and weapon. All that files are included. Regarding wings, we only did a winged version.


why can't I find the discount code for this month?


I am the only one who cant find the left handed weapons??


I haven't had a look, but I assume you can just flip the object. You can do this in most slicers by using the mirror tool and selecting an axis flip it about.


Can we please get some more Ogre Pirates?!


Could I get the working links for this? I forgot to download it while it was June


I just joined (just got my first 3D printer!) and missed this month! is there any way I can buy this set?


Like Pedro, I would also like to get some files from this set, but I can't find them on My Mini Factory...

Matthew Medina

I just tried printing some demon beast cav and there are no arm options, just head and body.