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Hello everyone!
More christmas presents are still coming. We have one more bonus for you!

We are happy to announce a collaboration swap with Lord of the Print!
We have exchanged the Ice Giant from the Barbarian collection for one of their models. We were looking for something to fit into the current Arabian Night theme and chose to bring an epic Blue Dragon model! You can never have enough dragons in your collection:).

Lord of the Print are professional sculptors working in video games by day and making miniatures for patrons by night! You can see that in their awesome designs that really catch the eye and the motion. Florent and Jason make really great models and if you are always looking for more cool minis to print check out their Patreon!


Download now the promo Blue Dragon file (with a pre-supported version)!
Click here - the link is in the Release Post.

Get it now because the model will only be available until 01/01/2021!

The model is shared between TF and LotP Patreon as a cross-promotion. It will not be available in the store later so it is the only chance to download it.  This file is protected by Lord of the Print terms and conditions of use. If you would like to merchant the file, join the merchant-tier at Lord of the Print Patreon.

Happy Printing!
TF Team




Super Cool. Thanks Santa-Forge!


I'm printing Tiamat right now. And holy cow the detail is great. Thier models and supports are top notch. Thanks for this TF team!


Haha, I literally just bought that model on myminifactory last week. Darn it. That's ok though, it was 50% off and a beautiful sculpt. Can't wait to print it up!

Marco Colucci

Super excited to download a new gift from you guys and it is a chance to try a different model


OMG!!!!!! (joseph star scream meme here) thats a GREAT trade!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Vance Galland

Two Epic models. That’s a win win on both sides. Thanks


You guys can't even imagine HOW MUCH I'm on hype right now 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Max Stecker

Already supporting them. You both have great models!


That's amazing! Blue Dragons are my favorite, and LotP's model might be the best out there. Thanks!


I’ve printed that blue dragon and it looks great,


Sweet...I just printed an Ice Giant about 26" tall. Now to get a giant dragon


I ve bought the bleu dragon by Lord of the Print on my minis factory yesterday 😭

LP Wilson

Wow, thank you so much Titan Forge!!! Wheeee!

Alex K

Wow. Talk about perfect timing. I was planning on buying the blue dragon from Lord of Prints with the current Chirstmas sale that is going on. Thanks to you and LoP for the awesome work and putting this gift for us!


Ordered the Elegoo Saturn today. This dragon comes at the right time.


admirable your sculpture👏🏻

Daniel Henry

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing and i love the collaboration between two great sculptors.


I've tried printing this dragon twice and it fails using the pre supports everytime! Anyone with successful prints can you message me your settings?


I'm having the same problem. on 4th attempt with tweaks after each one. It falls off the supports very early in the printing process

Mario da Silva

The pre supports are a joke maybe you could redo them they are unusable


I've also supported it on my own, as supports are to thin for the big parts!


To add to what everyone else has said the presupports are terrible and the model will fall off. Its a real shame they advertised this model as "pre-supported" when it seems no one here has had any success with these supports


same issues, everything from titan forge has printed perfectly but the dragon just wont work. 3rd try for me as well


I've asked around and its a problem with Lord of The Print apparently. The only solution is to go in and support it yourself, which is a huge shame


I had to do so much bolstering to the "pre-supports" to get it printed...fortunately the warnings I had seen gave me time to do it prior to printing, so thanks very much everyone


There are some weird supports, with long arms flying out of the uprights...I added supports to these to try and keep things stable. I also looked to try and make sure there were no large unsupported planes (the wings for example I added medium supports running up the length of each of the 'fingers' (sorry, couldn't think of the right word!). And I also made sure the lowest levels were very supported to avoid the risk of pulling off of the supports (making a strong anchor). This model has the advantage of having lots of scales and spikes, which means you can add lots of additional supports that can be hidden in the surface of the model, which meant I somewhat went to town on them :-)


missed this.. why was it only like 12 days?