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Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Swamps! Prepare to get sucked in. The vast marshes are home to many dark creatures. Wild frog tribes and hordes of mushroomfolks are common occurrences. But the further you get the smaller are the chances of getting back alive. Even if you survive an encounter with a killer turtle, you risk getting turned into a shroom zombie by a mushroomancer. The most deadly, however, is the silence. When you cannot hear the birds, frogs, or even mosquitos, you can prepare for the last audience... with the Moss King!

Don't forget to look at CyberForge for more awesome miniatures.

TF Crew




This range isn't really for me but it's wonderful and so characterful! I'm so glad to be part of this Patreon and get crazy stuff like this.


This looks really amazing! Some very good stuff for frostgrave and rangers of shadow deep :)


Oh, those will be great to decorate my Moonstone boards!


Please Titan-Forge include Mushroomancer on foot


One of the best sets to date! I Never would’ve voted for swamp, but this is awesome. I’m glad you guys choose the stuff now. The rider is my favourite :)


Phew...Quite a selection and the sculpts are lovely as usual. But I must say the selections is quite a mix of things. Is it three separate factions or one w' a mix of "races" that makes an oddball gang?

Micah Raymond Maloney

While this one isn't so much for Synoiz, as they said, I've encountered one in another campaign where I would only use the terrain last month (though even that was worth it), and another next month preview where I'd only use about four of the assorted demons and demonesses. However, this is exactly up my alley! I could use literally every piece in the preview, either as it is intended, or for use in customs and dioramas. Excited for this one!


Wow that's amazing. Will it come with user friendly supports again? They have been so useful in the Arabian nights prints so thank you for doing those.


Wow never thought I needed a swamp setting but okay you sold me this is amazing and those 2 elves are outstanding. Amd I sense I Baba Yaga feeling from the hut. Very iconic , hide the children or she shall devour them


These are fantastic! There is not one of these minis that I wouldn't LOVE to print, paint and put in my game. They look really evocative!

Rob Leonard

I really like this set a lot, and the fact that you went (at least partially) away from all the typical swamp types and instead came up with your own thematic creatures. I particularly like the large snapping turtle, the swamp treant/shambling mound, the bullywug shaman, and the swamp lich(?) instead of the typical hag. Looking forward to printing, painting and coming up with a story for all of this. Cheers! :)

Miroslaw Wojnar

Is it possible that you can make bases for the minis like boolean way?

Dirk Schwenke

I never think about a "swamp theme" and would never vote for it, but wow - it looks so crazy. And I love the Baba Jaha Chicken House - :-)


Well done Titan Forge - great job of going outside the box and coming up with a unique set of designs! Love all the details in the bases & speciality diorama type bases as well - these will be fantastic. Keep cranking out those Titans of Adventure as well - bout time a Druid was added!

Anthony Gascoigne

Crazy! Excellent models ... but still crazy! 👍


Holy hell those are cool. That orc bard is so great! Im looking so much forward to giving stats and have my players me a raiding party of orcs with this guy buffing them all.


Wow, those are amazing! Love the designs and variation. You guys are insane!


I LOVE this


I am exited for baba duckas hut! :D

Andrew Beymer

Okay so preface- I hate zombies. I’ve been here since like way early on and a straight up zombies month would be the only thing that could convince me to skip at this point. That being said- these swamp-coral-oozie zombie folks are so unique and cool that I am... maybe even excited for them. I mean I am going to paint all the turtle and the frogs first because they’re SO freakin’ great! But eh, to make me excited enough about zombie things to WANT to buy them, kudos to your awesome sculptors!


I cant wait to print all the bloodfield models for this set. This will.be the first one were i print the complete set

Beau Blackwell

Amazing set. I'm eager to print these and give them a go in Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago!

Mario da Silva

May be the weakest month since the start but I need all those Bloomfield units damn you 😬


In my opinion the best month. Keep on doing crazy things Like this! 👍


That human rogue is going to go so well with last months set and that bard model is amazing. I’m nearly saying this every month but the Titans of Adventure models are consistently excellent ❤️

Jeffrey George

Hey, TF! Another round of spectacular models! Just wanted to share a couple of thoughts, after printing several dozen of your minis. First, I'm super glad to see the switchable weapons options going to a ball-and-socket connection this month, from the old two-flat-surfaces version in previous sets. These will be MUCH easier to glue together without pinning; I found pinning necessary to attach the weapons/hands to several of the Barbarians set. With regard to the bases--it would be super helpful if at least one base in each size had a relatively open surface with minimal scatter detail, and was mostly level for easy model attachment. I've found at least half of the bases from previous sets almost impossible to actually use, because there wasn't enough open, level space for both of a model's feet. I've had to use Apoxie sculpt or Green Stuff more than once to create a spot for a model to stand on and attach to the base, which is frustrating. You've included several pieces of swamp scatter bits in this set, which can be used to dress up a plain base, which is absolutely great. It's easy to position them on a mostly empty base in Chitubox, and print them as part of the base, but they could be just as easily printed out separately and glued into place after attaching the figure, if necessary. In either case, a simple, textured base plus a handful of detail bits makes for an infinite variety of easy-to-use bases, while elaborately sculpted bases with a lot of integral 3D detail makes bases that are unnecessarily difficult to use, and quickly become repetitive in a multi-model warband or army.

Micah Nations

I found my new Slann move over GW screaming frog is my spirit animal


Absolutely amazing. Love the mushroom folk in particular -- so much character!


This set gives me real NADDPOD vibes! 😍


Jeffrey what glue do you use? I have had very little luck not pinning...


Loving the ball jointed modular models! Makes things so much easier to put together and customize. Thank you


Love the set but the eyelashes on the human rogue are kinda freaky


Just when I was thinking this set might be the least interesting and maybe a chance to switch to "just following along" for a while... And then I saw the Bullywugs, the "Clicker" Zombies, the Human Druid and that Rogue... Looks promising.


just joined. Glad to be here. Love all the content so far! Off to print!

Amber Jordan

mmmm, super excited about the undead guy riding on his.... Sporse.....


Anyone else have issue looking at the undead. Just me creeped out way passed the normal by them? Love the set just, ewwww. Perfect.


for me, this is by far the best release up until now, i love each months sets, but this theme has so many details, the minis look amazing, i cant even tell which one is the best, i think i'll have to print everything xD


love this set!


That Orc Bard! omg ..


If I play on a 28mm scale what percentage should I set to in my photon workshop. I believe these models are at 32mm.


88% Be careful with supports as they don't scale well. If you want better scaling use the beginner friendly presupported. If you want a guaranteed print, do your own supports if you scale a model down. Good luck.


That Baba Yaga's hut is going to be perfect for my Strahd campaign. You guys are awesome

Antonio Miguel Martorell Ferriol

I really not into all that fungus thing...was about to jump out for this month....but i saw these infected civilians...and this spark imagination... amazing...


These are gorgeous...


When will this be avaliable?


Looking forward go getting my hands on the giant bog creature!!


I was super excited for it to be swamp and seeing a few sculpts, but was a little disappointed to see such a large mix instead of one theme, there’s undead, frog people, elves, creatures made out of trees and vines, but also just mushroom people.. I feel like any one of those would have been great campaigns in the swamp setting but tough to flesh out with one or two of each. Great sculpts each on their own, but would have loved to see one idea fleshed out


Circle of spores druids. That ties them all together :)


well, all this fit perfect with my margreve campain, now the group meet 4 adventurers cursed and turned into frogs and ask for help to stop a fungus-mancer..... the turtle do not fit anywhere XD


This swamp set is what caught my attention and got me to join, I think it's great!


just signed on - how can I get this set? (is there a point of purchase?)

owen matthew Aurelio

Are the mycelium and spores included in this group?