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Last week I asked you... if you would be interested in a pre-supported tier for extra $8. Your comments were diverse. Some of you were totally against it, some of you were skeptical, some of you were enthusiastic, and there was also a 'take my money' nation there. With this kind of variety, we were a little bit confused about what should we do. In the end, we decided that:


...but that does not mean that we won't offer pre-supported models. As you may suspect from images we will be releasing pre-supported models and it will be for FREE. We are still figuring out exactly how it will work but here are some details:

1. All Hero models on foot will be available pre-supported each month.
2. Every month we will try to increase the number of pre-supported minis so eventually all models will come with that option.
3. 3D Printing Pleb will be in charge of this part of our patreon. He is as excited as we are for this project and we love his attitude and what he did by now.
4. Yessik wants to be active in the printing community so do not hesitate to ask and comment.
5. It is a new thing for us so there will be a learning curve and we know that it won't be perfect from the beginning.
6. It will be for resin printers and eventually, we will test it on at least 3-4 of the most popular printers.


Spellblades will be the first line that with pre-supported models. It will be a test drive for all of us so we count on your help. You can do it by running test prints, giving us feedback and posting pictures on our FB Group. On the other hand please remember that 3d printing is a bit of an art and we cannot guarantee results. We will do our best to provide you with a universal solution but sometimes fails can happen anyway. 


For start, we have something to share with you so you can test it already. Check our Dwarf Priest from Titans of Adventures set with supports created by Yessik and let us know what you think.

Titan Forge Crew



CompanyCo .

This was the best middle ground option you could have done and I'm extremely happy and impressed! I hope the supports print well on FDM!


That's crazy. You are crazy. And I love you so much. Thanks for all your hard work!


This is amazing, I'm so glad to be a patreon! Amazing work


You guys are amazing, thank you!

Joshua Grandt

This is far too much in the benefit of us patrons. It's great to support you, Great to get files in return. Wonderful to make this all so much easier for us all. Much love!

Yokel OMigosh

Amazing move! To clarify: both pre and unsupported files will be available?


I love you work and your connection to the community.


Omg from all the shitty day i been having.. flights cancelled due to Covid19 so can't spend Father's Day with my kids, extra work so that everyone can work from home ..yay ItCrew ftw .. at least this this made my day so.. Thank you with all my heart.


I will support you until I cannot! You are one of the best 3d printing patreons around and keep impressing me and the community. Thank you for your hard work and determination!

Yessik Ziiiq

Sorry, I doubt my supports will work on FDM, too many long narrow connections.


Yes make it more easy!

John Norton

Just to echo what others have said - thats amazing - thank you


well i just started it in elegoo mars at 0.025 layers , 8s exposure with siraya tech abs grey. update results in 6 hr. i like testing this kinda thing. keep em coming!


So what software are you using? I use Chitubox and the support do not het that thin


Awesome! This is really fantastic news. As an initial comment--since you are looking for feedback--is that the base of those support "top" portions should not be so skinny. That encourages them to needlessly flex (and likely fail) depending on printer and resin. Please consider modifying the "Lower Diameter" value in the "Top" tab in Chitu to fix that. Even a slight cone shape from doing that will help them be more rigid, and still not contact the model.

David Clearman

Well, if nothing else, Yessik got a new YT subscriber.


Actually this deccision is amazing. You just declare that you are on the people side, with this you are proving a few things: 1- You test your models and you know that they are actually printables. 2- You are sharing the time that you spend on make the test models. 3- You trust your models enough to don't make this a tier (this was obvious after first double realease). 4- You are on the comunity side, the succes will come. 10/10


Holy shit guys that's amazing! Thank you!


Very cool y'all!

Brandon Blewett

This is great, guys. I think another thing that could be really helpful would be to share the recommended resin and settings to work with the supports. Even if it’s not the same resin or printer I use, I’m familiar enough with different brands that I could probably adjust and get it to work. Some of those supports look really thin, so I would probably adjust my cure times a little higher than I’m used to, for example. If Yessik sees this, please let me know what you think! And thanks for doing this!


Amazing! I've been wanting to sell my printer because i'm so bad at setting up supports!


Wow this is a great benefit! Thank you!!!


I also think this is great. I'm pretty comfortable with FDM printing, but just starting to dip my toe into resin printing. There is definitely a difference and it is great to have something to test that is already pre-configured. It helps me figure out if it is an issue with me, my printer, and what to concentrate on. Also could help me determine how to set model angels and supports. As someone else commented, if you are testing your prints - the supports are there so it should be fairly simple to provide both files and makes it a win-win and even easier decision to keep that auto-pay going without a second thought. Thanks guys you are great!


Outstanding! Couldn't be happier


This is so cool! thank you!


This is the kind of thing that makes this some of the best money I spend each month


Totally love the fact that it looks like the hoodie support looks like a stick in his eye from certain angles.


This is the best choice you could have made for us. I hope the growth that it can give you will benefit you guys in the long run.

Yessik Ziiiq

No problem, issue with sharing the resin settings is two of my three printer screens are awaiting replacement and the third seems to be dying so I'm having to pump up the exposure times. Right now I'm using a combo of Siraya ABS like and Siraya blu and giving it 22s exposure, but that's up from 16 s exposure for regular.

Yessik Ziiiq

I use Chitubox as well, there's some specific support settings I use that are based on 3d Printing Pro, I'll get a video up on my channel sharing my settings today or tomorrow. But if you're interested, on my channel there is a support along video that shows a good deal of my settings.

Yessik Ziiiq

Good suggestion, all the supports they've posted have been tested on my machines and theirs but I have to start considering making these a bit easier to print instead of just easy to remove the supports.


Super awesome


Looks a lot better than my supports. I've had to reprint a lot of things because my supports have cosmetically ruined my models I have high hopes for this.

Yessik Ziiiq

Every model is being tested at least twice, once by me and once by the rest of the Titan Forge team. As far as learning support tricks and orientation tricks, I recommend checking out my youtube (link in the post) or 3dprintingpro's youtube. Lots of good stuff on there.


This is wonderful, but I just spent 2 hours of my life supporting that dwarf priest.

Yessik Ziiiq

That kind of sucks, they're getting me to support plenty of models for this month though, so you should have a lot to print next month.


Great news and just sent the dwarf off to print. Let’s see what we get. I did scale him down to 90% though (not convinced that’s small enough), he’s huge!

Yessik Ziiiq

I'm not sure about scaling these supports as the printer has to be rather dialed in for them to work. Maybe next month I'll run a poll asking about the trade off of scaleablility vs ease of support removal.


Thank you and a question. Interesting supports, what slicer is being used to create those?

Yessik Ziiiq

100% chitubox, I just use some fairly simple tricks in order to get the strange supports. I recommend checking out my channel 3d Printing Pleb, I have a set of very short tutorials that show off a lot of what I do.


Update: The main model printed beautiful at the above settings. however this was mostly luck. the hammer was a complete fail. just a a ball of resin really. so while my setting produced most of the model beatutifully it was a failure. printing again i will adjust to 10s exposure.


I would definitely pay $10 more a month for all pre supported stuff. Not even a question. Supporting models is my least favorite part!

Maggie Steward

Wow this is honestly not what I expected and I cannot say how impressed I am that you would find a solution that offers them free to everyone. Thank you to TF team and Yessik for your contributions and hard work.


Whoa. Awesome.


This was totally unexpected, in a good way! That is amazing guys. You can count on my support (huehue) for a long time! Keep rocking!

Arnaud Claes

thx to give supproted free many thx


Thanks a lot, i'm newbie in supports and that's a great help for me!

Greg Kourakos

Under the lowest part of the hammer is an unsupported island, and the cloak could use a few more spread out along the bottom to minimize failures. On his right side you have a support which will bond/fuse with the cloak, and also one of the supports going to the book will fuse/bond with his boot. The one going up to his right armguard is touching his shirt...if you guys are going to pre-support , which is great, you need to be a bit more careful :)


Wow, a support(er) who is checking another support(er) work. Always 2 there are a master and an apprentice. ;)


Don't know if it has been mentioned earlier by sombody else - but there's a tool called Photon File Validator that I've used plenty in the past (identifies 'islands' in your sliced files). I would recommend running these models through that as it picked up 70 layers with islands in this sample model (3 after a the auto-fix) - not to detract from this effort because thats still damn good, I usually end up with 100's of islands. Looking forward to more models.


Is there any chance that we could see previous months getting supports added?

Christian Savarda

With pre-supported STLs, please separate each separate item instead of having multiple parts of the figure in a single STL (as the priest contained two "parts"--the figure and the hammer). The hammer failed on one print, and it'd be helpful to have that hammer piece as a separate STL in order to re-print it alone.

Yessik Ziiiq

There's sometimes islands that can be created during a slice or when a model is moved on the plate. I've found these will generally print anyways, but if I'm feeling paranoid I fix them manually in the validator : )


would also be helpful if possible to include the chitubox files, that way if things fail it's easier to change the supports

CK Lai

Why not just have a separate level for those who want pre-supported minis instead of adding on to existing levels? Then those who don't want it can ignore it. And those who do, will support at that level.


So excited about this ! Will definitely be sticking around as can’t afford other’s pre-supported tiers 😄


New member so I don't really know anything, but kudos for simply including pre-supported models. Adds value, at least to me.


Downloaded and Printed on the Elegoo Mars, did not fiddle with anything for the test print, just ran it. The supports may be too thin, printing correctly till it got to the actual model itself, any part of the priest pulled away from his supports and stuck to the bottom of the Vat. In my experience, this is usually fixed with adding stronger supports, or more of them, especially on bottom layers. I believe your supports are way to thin, especially on the feet. Don't be afraid to go overboard on the bottom of the model, it will usually never be seen, and needs the most support.


I just printed out the dwarf and it came out perfect!! The supports were really easy to pull off without much sanding and cutting


Printed the Pre-Supported Dwarf, only issue I had was the start of the arm not printing, from the wrist up was fine but didn't print the arm below. Other than that came out wonderful.

Yessik Ziiiq

Once I'm a month or two in I'll talk to them a bit about that possibility. It's a bit hard however since people payed for exclusivity, Maybe I'll suggest a throwback supported tier for 5$ extra or something.

Yessik Ziiiq

Tiny bit more exposure will solve that, I'm not necessarily saying your settings are wrong, It's just the supports I was using were designed for incredibly dialed in machines. After taking community feedback I've actually changed the support style a bit to be more lenient.

Yessik Ziiiq

Glad to hear that at least someone had him print with no problems, Had to beef up the supports a bit, they're a bit harder to remove now, but still don't leave any real scarring.


I printed the little guy on my Ender 3 without any changes to the file (no extra supports or splitting into more parts from my side), and even though the supports are clearly meant for printing in resin instead of PLA, it came out surprisingly good. The start of the arm and the head of the hammer are slightly problematic. But apart from that I am really happy with the result. Thanks for putting all this work into the sculpts and supports. That really shows! Keep up the good work!

Yessik Ziiiq

Actually just impressive, you should post a picture on the facebook group.


the support pilons are a little too close to the model, so that it sticks to it. also the arm didnt print for me. i would recommend using some thicker supports for the start of the bigger parts. The rest printed nicely and its a blast not to have to spend 20-30 minutes building perfect supports :)


I don't know if this is a dumb question since it might take away from making money, but what are settings for those supports? :)


I'm more then happy to pay, I am elated to hear they are getting supports. Doing it myself makes me want to throw everything out the window.


I like the idea but sadly it's out of my budget now with all the cuts we've been having. At least i can still keep supporting you on the basic level, so i'm happy about that.


I tried the test print and had the hammer fail - everything else seems to have turned out fine (including the arm).


3 times and 3 failed. I think you need some bigger starting supports to start, what are the odds of getting chitubox files with these for those of us needing a bit more supports?

Aaron Richmond

Total fail here too. The supports are too thin in a lot of places


As most others already said, I got on my Anycubic Photon also a failed print. 0,025 layer at 9 sec. Everything Stick to the build Plate, but the right foot wasnt supported as well as the hammer. Everything Else fine. I think as well as all the Others, the supports are a little too thin.


Dwarf Priest didn't come close to working for me. Printed probably less than 1/4 before failure and ending up stuck in the vat. .05 layers, at 10 seconds. Usually have no issues. Seemed not to be supported strongly enough to hold a fraction of its weight.


Tune your resin settings correctly before complaining about the supports failing. This is why many patreon artists choose not to offer pre-supported models. If the supports are working for someone else but not you then you might want to run some resin calibration tests to make sure you're not underexposing.


the arm with the hammer failed for me with my dialed in resin settings. Running a second print with longer exposure to see if I can and keep the detail and have all the supports print as they should. Also a few supports fused with the model. I'll post an update when the current print is finished in a few hours

Yessik Ziiiq

I've listened to the community feedback and thickened all the supports, we had successful test prints, but I'm also using expensive resin. So I'm currently running tests in cheaper resin.

Yessik Ziiiq

I've listened to the community feedback and thickened all the supports, we had successful test prints, but I'm also using expensive resin. So I'm currently running tests in cheaper resin.

Yessik Ziiiq

I've listened to the community feedback and thickened all the supports, we had successful test prints, but I'm also using expensive resin. So I'm currently running tests in cheaper resin.

Yessik Ziiiq

I've listened to the community feedback and thickened all the supports, we had successful test prints, but I'm also using expensive resin. So I'm currently running tests in cheaper resin.

Atlas Games and Design

Just wanted to say I joined only bc of the free presuported. Would love to see the match pack done too but that might be asking to much. Looking forward I enjoying your minis

Yessik Ziiiq

I love hearing that, makes my job more essential : ) I started by making my supports a bit hard mode, so I've now redone them and am testing in Elegoo Green and underexposing on purpose. I think my new supports should make almost everyone happy : )


The dwarf priest model has failed to print both times I've tried on my photon... the first time I printed it next to a few bases they printed fine but the dwarf was a pile of mush on the fep film... the second time (just the dwarf no bases) looked like i had a drowning dwarf in my vat because his feet and some of his legs printed fine and then he disconnected from the supports... I guess I could try throwing a few extras on his feet to hold him down but I figured I would share my experience so far


I would like to preemptively state I seen multiple comments of thickening supports and testing just wanted to share my experience, I really appreciate the work put into these models on all levels from the designs to the supports, thank you all


great,can we got both of it and we can use the pre support by ourself!


Dwarf failed 3x on Elegoo mars. Tried exposure of normal 7 seconds, recommended 8 seconds, and overexposed 9 seconds....Elegoo Grey Water Soluble resin.

Yessik Ziiiq

We really should have taken this down. I've actually redone every model to make them more user friendly and have since managed to print the dwarf at 40% scaling the supports down. Sorry about the rough start and thanks for the patience.


Really want to get the release! I hope April come quickly!


Very excited for this, its the biggest slowdown so thank you for doing this-- but do you guys have plans on supporting previous months for those of us on the struggle bus from old releases? thanks


It worked really well for me! It was a amazing print! I used the anycube photon


I know its going to sound silly but what ones of these are the battlemages and what are the spellblades? just so we can know what ones will be getting pre supports ahha


Excellent direction to grow in, IMHO - very happy to see this announcement!


What software are you using to have those nice support?


interesting idea, but don't most softwares for 3DP create or at least assist in support material now-a-days?


These supports are working amazingly well, whats the easiest way to get the support settings being used in chitubox as they are awesome

Yessik Ziiiq

You can open up one of the .chitubox files then go into edit mode for supports and click on the supports to see the settings. I highly recommend watching 3d Printing Pros videos on supports as well as mine 3d Printing Pleb. Since they aren't strictly plug and play. You have to consider weight and the exact tolerances of resin printer.


having pre-supported models is what sold me on the subscription. I also subscribe to artisan guild and love their pre-supported models. both your and their models are gorgeous but the auto support system in most slicers butcher it and I dont have the time/mental fortitude to hand-place them


I had the same issue with the Yeti model on my Mars. First print, body was not on supports. Second time the Yeti printed to the hips and then had issues. I just went back to PrusaSlicer auto support and model came out great. I like the idea of pre-supports but it looks like these aren't quite working with the Mars.