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Hey everyone!

The week started well.  I updated the proclamations and am in the middle of making more of them.  The goal is to have them interact with the events.  Giving you more options to deal with them.  

Then, my lovely wife went on a shopping trip with a friend and about 3 hours after she came back, she got covered in hives!  From head to toe.  A huge allergic reaction and we don't even know what set her off since she was out and about all day.  It sucked too cause it was her first big return to the outside word since covid.  She was not a hermit or anything but all outside trips were all 20 minutes things.  

Anyway, I had to take a few days off to take care of her.  Poor girl.  Her whole body itchy and she could not scratch.  She did finish another CG for us, though.  Before the event. 

So the build is probably going to be a day or two late.  

Have a great week, guys!


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