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Hey everyone!    

Some more writing this week.  My day job continues to be a pain.  I didn't have time to touch Outskirt at all and can just squeeze out a bit of writing for News desk here and there.  I should have all the Cassandra scenes for you this build.  

From the poll, it seems like most of you don't really care about music in your porn games.  It's the same for me so I can understand.  

It really sucks that the plague is cutting off my artist but there's not much I can do there.

On the bright side for you guys, here's part of part 2 of Outskirt's intro.  Between part 1 and 2, you will have the tutorial fight.  You can't win that fight so you can try whatever you want and get an idea of how the system works.  

Next week, I'll talk about the sex system for Outskirt.  Have a great day!

Part 2

As he killed the last monstrosity that had been slaughtering fleeing civilians, Hugar roared in raw anger.  “They passed the fucking walls on my watch!” he shouted, trying and failing to alleviate some frustration.

He stared at the destroyed buildings and the torn apart bodies that littered the street.  His vision was turning red as righteous fury filled him.  He turned and started walking.  

Targore kept pace with him, grunting agitatedly.  The war boar was confused.  It couldn’t detect any more monsters but its master was obviously walking into another battle.  

The citizens who approached the fuming man for news of their safety took a step back when they saw the aura of violence enveloping him.  The fear he saw on their faces was almost enough to snap him out of his trance but, sadly, it was not quite enough.

Making his way to the obnoxiously large and well defended mansion that had been built for the princess, he took the steps two at a time.  Only when the two gigantic knights at the gate reached for their swords did he realize what he looked like to them.

He was covered in blood and monster viscera.  He was still clutching his gore-covered axe.  And Takgore, beside him, was grumbling threateningly as it tried to figure out who it was that they were fighting.

The barbarian took a deep breath as he put his weapon away.  As he saw the two knights relax with him, Hugar wondered if he should just go home, take a bath and get a good night’s sleep.

Turning to look back at his town, he saw the destruction and the fires that still raged from all the chaos.  He saw parts of the walls that had stood for so long crumbled to the ground.  He saw citizens gathered at the edge of the property, wanting to come here for safety but knowing they would find none.

He knew it was a bad idea but he had to try.

Marching to the two gargantuan sentinels, Hugar reached into his pocket and pulled out a badge.  “I need to speak to the princess,” he declared.

The badge was the voice of the people.  When the princess had rolled into town and taken over, the old governor had been given this badge to be allowed to talk to her about the people’s needs as she didn’t want to see any of them in her home or on her lawn.

The old man had died not too long after from a fall.  The badge passed to the mine foreman but he also died, eaten by a monster.  It then passed to two more citizens.  One more died by monster and the other skipped town.

It was now Hugar’s responsibility.  

One guard stayed at his post, keeping an eye on Takgore, while the other escorted the barbarian to the throne room, which was empty.  Hugar heard the knight sigh in his armor before the man’s booming voice told him to stay here while he went looking for the princess.

And wait he did.  After an hour of standing around, the barbarian really wished he had taken a bath before coming here.  The various fluids were drying on him and it was getting itchy.  

His fine hearing finally picked up two feminine voices coming toward him.  

“Why do I have to go?” the whining voice asked.  “You could have just went and told him to go away,” the complaining continued.

“I’m sorry, Harmony, but that is the promise we made with that badge.  I apologize for even suggesting this whole badge idea.  I thought it would help you rule easier if Drakdor’s previous leader could tell us more information about the people,” the other voice responded, trying to appease the first.

Hugar’s mood, which was already not stellar, soured even more.  

He did manage to bow when the princess, resplendent in her fine white dress that covered every inch on her skin, yet let everyone feast their eyes on her mouthwatering curves, walked in.  Even her face was covered by a gossamer veil.  The only part of her body that was actually visible was her long silky blond hair.

Following in her wake was her almost equally well dressed attendant.  The first thing Hugar noticed was the woman’s razor sharp green gaze.  He could see two things in the emerald slits:  intelligence and disdain for him.

The secretary was the first to speak after the princess sat down on her throne.  “Hugar?”  She asked as she adjusted her glasses, looking down at the clipboard in her hands.  

“That’s my name,” the man rumbled.  The warrior was feeling very ill at ease in the posh setting.  

“This is the first time we talk with you and this is the appearance you bring to us?” the attendant scoffed, running her hand in her short black hair as if she was flicking it at him.  

The man detected a similar scoff coming from the princess.  He knew that the woman’s comment was meant to embarrass him but it did quite the contrary.  Instead, it reminded him of what was on the line with this talk.

“It is.  I chose to not bathe after battle so that you would have a small example of what it’s like out there,” he lied.  He had realized that in all his anger and the uncomfortable setting, he had not thought of what he was going to say exactly.  ‘Dammit!  I can’t afford to be that dumb!’ he mentally chastised himself.

The secretary opened her mouth to retort but he cut her off.  “We are dying out there.  Drakdor is dying.  There’s almost no fighters left and I’m having to do with a bunch of untrained scrubs.  There are so many monsters that the walls are starting to fail.  They got into town earlier today.”

“You either have to close a few mines or get us some troops from the capital.  I would recommend closing 3 mines so that we can have some breathing room to fix the walls and rebuild some essential buildings.  I would also stop funding the theater and the bathhouse as they are money-sinks in these hard times.”

Hugar mentally reviewed the situation to make sure he was not forgetting something.  He had other things he wanted changed if they wanted a better life but he didn’t want to overwhelm the princesse with his demands.  ‘Just these basic things will do for now,’ he wisely restrained himself.

“How dare you!” the woman on the throne exploded.  “You dare come into my home and think to command me to do things?!  Just because you’re too incompetant to do your own job?!” she screeched.

Hugar was shocked.  The woman didn’t stop there.  She was now not only insulting him but the town itself and even his ancestors.  He noticed that the princess’ secretary was trying to calm her down but she didn’t have any luck.

“Shut up, Elizabeth,” the blonde eventually turned on her own attendant.  “You always try to stop me from dispensing justice on these barbarians.  Are they your kin or am I?”

The ultimatum worked wonders.  The black haired woman’s spine curved, her eyes dropped to the floor and she mumbled an apology to her liege.

The princess gave a decisive nod at her secretary, happy that she had heeled.  Turning back to the disgusting and stinky man, her tone dropped down into dangerous territory.  

“You came into my throne room smelling like a sewer.  You dared tell me what to do.  And you admitted that you’re not good enough to do your job.  I hereby dismiss you from your position and exile you from my town.  Get out of my sight.  GUARDS!  Take him away!”

Hugar’s mouth was working but words were not coming out.  His mind was blank.  He knew that talking to a princess would be hard but he had not anticipated that she would be that stupid and aimlessly vindictive.

When a big armored hand fell on his shoulder, his first instinct was to fight but he managed to hold himself off.  The two knights were more than a match for him and even if he beat them, what then?

As he was led out, he heard the spiteful woman laugh from her throne, making a joke about finally taking some trash out.

---  Two months later ---

Hugar yawned as he jacked off in his little cabin.  He was bored.  The first week after being thrown out of town had been hectic.  He had had to find a place to build a house, a source of water and a good hunting space.

The anger that had suffused him had made everything harder but he had secured all he needed to have a good little life in short order.  Even the monsters weren’t much of a problem now that he was away from the mined crystals.  He had to fight one or two small ones but he could handle that.

The thing that was slowly killing him now was boredom and the fact that there were no women to have fun with.  “Maybe I should go to another town?  I could probably find a job pretty easily,” he mused as he ran his hand up and down his shaft.

When he heard Takgore get up and grunt outside, he first thought that it was because he had spoken out loud.  But a second later, he heard what the beast had detected:  footsteps.

Shoving his hard-on back into his pants with some difficulty, he grabbed his axe and made his way out.  ‘It’s probably just a hunter again but you never know,’ he reassured himself as he scanned the surroundings.

As he listened intently, a smile split his face.  He knew those footsteps.  “I’m over here, Julie,” he declared, letting his grip loosen on his weapon but not putting it away just yet.

“I finally found you!” the knight exclaimed as she brute-forced her way through the brambles. 

The man had to admit that she looked even cuter than usual with twigs in her hair and scratches on her face.  ‘That or I would fuck a gutter whore at this point,’ he thought with a laugh.  He then realized that this was the first time he actually laughed since his banishment.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Julianna huffed indignantly.  The big smile on her face removed a lot of the gravitas from her command, however.  “This is not my kind of terrain.”

The two looked at each other for a moment.  That is, until Takgore rushed forward and bowled the poor woman over with his affection.  

The knight laughed and baby-talked the war beast like it was a kitten before her eyes went back to its master.  

Hugar noticed that her gaze stopped for a moment on the straining crotch of his pants before finishing their travel up to his face.

“I’m here to take you back to town,” she declared, still on her knees and petting the boar.

“What?” the man intelligently replied, completely taken by surprise.

“It’s bad, Hugar.  Drakdor is going to fall.  It probably has one or two weeks left if nothing is done,” she explained, getting back to her feet to help express the importance of the situation.

A number of emotions passed on the barbarian’s face.  He remained silent for a long moment before mumbling, “That’s not my problem.”


In the blink of an eye, the knight had lunged forward and socked him right in the jaw.  “Don’t you dare run away right now.  We need you!  We...” she would have continued to berate the big man but the mischievous and threatening light in the barbarian’s eyes stopped her cold.

“Wait, wait!  Kyaaaa!” she shrieked with laughter when he tackled her off her feet.  The two rolled around on the ground, fighting like children.  Takgore ran around the two, grunting with glee at the battle, wishing he could join.

The tussle ended with Hugar on top with Julianna’s face in the dirt.  He was straddling her well muscled ass and had both her arms secured behind her back with one of his giant hands.

The man groaned, his dick starting to harden again as it was sandwiched by the girl’s leather covered butt.  He could feel blood pump in his veins again after feeling dead for months.  Looking down at the squirming female under him, his desire to conquer rose up.

To be continued...  -->


Timothy Crosby

don't whine entire countries aren't working at all. Money is tight for adults worldwide. You are lucky to be able to work and make money, be thankful!