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Hey everyone!     

Writing is going ok this week.  My day job is going to be a pain for the next month or two.  I'm currently writing the last scenes for Cassandra.  The girl is nice and broken at this point.  ^_^

I have a poll, one post down, to ask you guys if it's needed to have audio in the game.  I usually play my porn games on mute and have my own music playing so I'd like your opinion that.

Also, like I promised, here's part one of the intro for Outskirts.  I'll also tease part two on the next update.  Hope you enjoy had have a great week!

Part 1

Hugar wiped the sweat from his brow as he tried to catch his breath.  Leaning on the piece of wall that had just saved his life by taking a blow aimed for his head, he surveyed the battlefield.

He could see a few corpses: some of the fighters he’d led into battle.  He was saddened by each unmoving form but was proud of the number of monster bodies around them.  They had not sold their lives cheaply.  

A few of the surviving fighters patted his shoulder as they passed him on their way back into the town.  He nodded at the gesture of support and spoke a few comforting words back to them.  

Takgore sniffed the ground around Hugar’s legs and grunted quietly at the soldiers that passed him.  The battle beast was as tired as its master but, now that the battle was done, its priority was to find something to either eat or fuck.

As the seasoned warrior was about to turn to go back to town, he heard footsteps behind him.  Even amidst all this carnage, he managed to smile as he recognised her sound.  The fact that Takgore perked up and grunted in happiness sealed the deal.

A heavy hit on his back and a hearty “You’re not dead!” made the smile turn into a laugh.  

“Glad to see you didn’t get your fool head taken off either, Julie,” he replied as he turned to the woman who was now baby-talking at his war boar.  “How was it on your side?”

“We did really good!  Yes, we did.  Yes, we did!” Juliana answered, kneeling and speaking towards the happily grunting beast.  “We aced it.  No casualties,” she finished, finally focusing on the man and adopting a more sane tone.

Hugar let out a sigh of relief.  The woman was a marvel.  She could take the shittiest scrub and make him fight like a trained fighter in ten minutes.  “You’re by far the best thing to come from the capital,” he praised the still-crouched woman, patting her head and running his fingers in her long brown hair.

The gesture should have been insulting, especially since it was a barbarian mussing up a knight’s hair, but Julianna just blushed and smiled up at the large man.  “Thanks,” she mumbled shyly at the praise.

The two looked at each other for a few moments, the knight on her knees with his hand on her head.  Not for the first time, Hugar thought about fucking the beautiful noble within an inch of her life but he held back.  He knew that sticking your dick into nobility would bring nothing but trouble, for both of them.

“You guys seem like you had some problems,” she remarked, breaking the moment, as she got up and the two started to walk back into town.  

“Yeah, it was my fault.  I’m running out of fighters who know what they are doing and I don’t have your talent for inspiring the scrubs to fight right,” the scarred man grumbled.

“It would be a start if you stopped calling them scrubs,” Julianna replied with a laugh. 

Her laughter was truly infectious.  Hugar, and even a few people around as they entered Drakdor’s streets, joined in just from the force of her charisma.  

Looking around, he saw a shadow of what his hometown used to be.  People still seemed in pretty good cheer, they were hardy men and women, but he could see the strain in every face he passed.  

He could also see the numerous houses either in disrepair from the constant fighting or abandoned, their owners either dead or having managed to move out of town.

“I should talk to the princess.  Someone has to make her understand that we can’t hold on with all those mines opened.  Why is it so hard for her to understand that each mining operation draws in more monsters.  If she closed one or two…  Or pulled in more troops…  Or, well, did anything,” the man tapered off, frustrated.

“You really shouldn’t,” Julianna warned, her hazel eyes losing their good cheer.  “She won’t listen and she’ll probably get mad that someone like you would dare to tell her what to do.”

With a weary nod, Hugar agreed with the knight’s analysis.  “Yeah, you’re right.  She’s probably got something up her sleeve.  It’s impossible that she can’t see how bad this situation is,” he said, although his voice didn’t hold much hope.



I generaly don't like sound in my hgames. And this intro was nice! Can't wait to read the next part, and I'm curious about what novel systems you have thought about implementing :p