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Hey everybody!    

So last week's prediction became true.  I barely had time to touch the game as I'm swimming in my day job's demands.  They are trying to rush something out before X-mas so we're all on the line.  I'm actually going to be this level of busy until the 17th so I'm sadly going to have to (for the second time since I started Patreon, I think) skip a month.

I'm going to release on the 5th of January.  That way, I'll have the time to put everything in and also have time to write the rest of the Cassandra and Tiffany scenes.  I'll also take a bit of time to improve some game balance.  I got enough info from people playing that I know a few places to smooth out to make it a better gaming experience as well as a smutty one.  Hehe.  

I'm not going to change any mechanics but I'm going to tweak a few cards (both yours and hers) and change a few ways that they upgrade/downgrade.  I think it will make the game much better.

So, yeah.  It really sucks that I have to do a push like that but at this point, there's not much I can do unless I want to burn myself out.

Have a great week, guys!


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