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Hey everybody!    

I'm currently in the process of putting everything in the game.  The process is going well but my day job is continuing to be a pest.  I'm probably going to be a few days late on this one.  I'll give you guys an update on that next Tuesday as the delay is going to be proportional to how much time the job takes away.

Sorry about that but RL likes to be a bitch from time to time.  ^_^

The delay is also going to be a bit of a silver lining as it's going to give MUPLUR some time to produce more CGs.  So more pics for your bucks.

That's pretty much it for this update.  I, of course, didn't have time to do more planning for Outskirts as all my spare time is tied up on pushing the build out.  

Have a great week!



Looking forward to the new update. If there is going to be any major changes or mechanics i might start a new game play it through again. Otherwise will just check out the new CG's and new "adventures" for Cassandra. Here is hoping she might eventually be collared, publicly vibed, plugged or even locked in chastity perhaps?


I just wanted to say this: I have no intention of playing the game until it's released to avoid spoiling it, and I found you through LL - I chose to support you because of the quality of the games you put up for free right here on your Patreon. Keep doing what you're doing - it's great.


Check the new post for mechanical update. ^_^ Nice Cassandra hopes. Hehe.