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Hey everyone!   

I ended up designing 13 events and am now in the process of putting them and the Cassandra scenes in the game.  We're getting pretty far into the game!  I would guess that I'll be done with it either at the end of this year of the start of the next.  

On the art side, sadly this will be a dry month.  MUPLUR had to take some time for his own project this time but he'll be back for next month.

As a last thing, this month's build release will be around the 8th to 10th of August as I'll be out of the house for quite a few days.  Going to go camping with my lovely wife and our pig.  It's going to be the first time being outside for so long with him so that's going to be some kind of adventure.  ^_^

Love you all and have a great week!



"this month's build release will be around the 8th to 10th of July"...well, this statement is, in fact, entirely accurate :)