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Hey everyone!  

Good writing this week.  I finished all 5 Cassandra scenes and they are pretty hot.  We're getting in the more involved scenes where she's starting to crack.  Soon, you'll be able to take her fully!

I'm currently designing some more events.  I'm aiming for 12 to 15.  Some of those will be bad for you.  As you progress through the game, you'll have more and more things tripping you up to keep things interesting.

That's pretty much it.  Have a great week guys!



dark phoneix99, check out the tips by silent watcher in the comments of the 0.08 release. My optimized take is this - 1) You are initially supposed to lose. The goal is to leave with as much energy as possible while letting Cassandra get as little Glory as possible. 2) You start out with 50 Influence. Always check her cards. The ones you want to prevent are the ones which add to her Work which converts to Glory. Any card that lowers your Influence is great because it keeps the fight short. Cassandra also has the Golden Daughter card which gives her 10 Glory but you can't do anything to affect it so ignore it. 2) You always want to maintain 10 Work to cancel her 20 Work 'Powerful Contacts' in the early game. Do this with Work Ethic++ and them your Work Hards give +5 Work 3) You'll want to Train at the Gym. Spend all your Energy there until you max at 200 Energy. Energy is the most important stat because it controls the number of Actions you can take between Battles. More Energy also lets you purchase battle cards because many of them require Energy to buy. 4) Upgrade Money Hoarding to ++ status to have it cost 5 Energy for 30 Money. 5) Try to get a Blackmail card like Information Gathering or Bend Over. You always want 10 Blackmail to Visit Cassandra. But only do this when your Energy is 0 because you automatically get sent to the next day to Battle. Pyogara, my suggestion for gameplay because it can feel a bit unintuitive to want to initally lose Influence as fast as possible in the early game is to use narrative cues to point the Player in the right direction. Like for example, in the placeholder spot between Battles I'd have Garrick remark this was part of his strategy - limit the damage by losing quickly. Or if you don't have enough of a Resource, have Garrick comment that he could really use a certain Card and maybe where he can get it.


oh! That's a good idea. Have help messages that changes depending of where you are in the game. I would probably put them in the blurb when you go to rest or something like that. I'll add it to my list.

dark phoenix99

Thanks for the advice. It's helping.