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I haven't slept in days and have been very upset by what is going on with the leaks for the site.  I was on the edge of simply shutting down the site.


As such I am not in any mood to do an update today, to do any lettering  or work. This is the FIRST time in 5 years that I may miss an update week.  

I am trying to rally and maybe I will do it Sunday or surprise myself, by coming around today about it. but I am very very upset.  

Please excuse me.  I will try to do something before the end of the weekend.



I understand the frustrating situation...some leaking is necessary to grow awareness for advertising purposes but this is clearly more than that....( i only learned of you due to such sites)...is a more commission based system feasible?

Stephen Christopher Toft

Hi Devin, having read both your posts, I am sorry for the unthinkable things those persons if e can call them persons have done. It is a shame we can not stop them or expose them for who they are, what kind of enjoyment do they get from doing this, all they are doing is spoiling it for the genuine fans. Try not to be downhearted as you know you have a lot of good fans out here. All the best Chris.


Take your time Devin. I'm always here if you'd like to talk.