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Hello everyone.

It’s taken me a long time to write this statement, as my mind has been twisting and turning over it ever since a patron from our site either shared or reposted our work on a pirate website on May 17th 2022.  Many of the wonderful patrons on here who support and respect the artists, writers and work we produce have made this site possible, and we are beyond grateful for you. However, a few have been posting our work to pirate websites and have made it financially difficult for this site to continue. I understand leaks are going to happen, but over the last 3 days a giant catalog of comix has been leaked...including many unfinished comix - which we haven't even been able to generate revenue for yet to pay our artists for their hard work. Since sharing has a ripple effect, it is still continuing.

For most of our artists, this is their main source of income and they have families to support. As of this month we haven't generated enough to pay them.

This is truly sad and feels like an assault. Many people other than myself are impacted, as we employ dozens of artists and writers and in many instances, they are supporting families on only the work they get for this site; for example, Boccaccio is a single father, who takes care of his elderly father. Yet, despite making the people leaking and re-sharing aware of this situation, they simply don’t care.  My appeals to curb the sharing - or, at the very least, be reasonable and give some lead time after completion of a comic - is met with blatant disrespect and even mockery.

I know this is only a few and certainly not all of you, but just a few leaks on these sites of our current works will bankrupt QOS Comix.


When a comic is leaked within the first 6 months of launch (of being completed), the site doesn't make enough money to pay our creators or for myself to even make it worth putting the time and effort into it. With the type of leaks that happened (on May 17, 2022) and continue to happen, I have become aware that I will not be able to afford to keep this site going if the current trend on the pirate sites are going to become the new standard.

We lost 30+ patron supporters within half a day of the leaks.

In short, this will bankrupt QOS.

For those of you that think we rake in money, consider this: We pay the writers $250-800 USD per script –(a few are donated by members or written by me, but we commission a lot of them on top of the art costs). For example, a comic that’s over 100 pages, like Panty-demic, has cost our patrons about $15,000 to make, and that's not even me making money on it. For our artists, we pay $100-250 USD per comic page. That’s usually $2500 in comix content weekly. You can balk or question that number all day long, but if you do your own research and talk to artists and writers you will find that this is absolutely true.

This is the worst leak we’ve ever had! Specifically, because this is a leak of unfinished comix. The last damaging big leak was “The Pledge,” “Hen Night,” “Honey Bunny” and “Beta Blocker”. As a result of those leaks, within days our patronage dropped from 500 to 400 members, and then down to 200 by the next month.  It took this site months to heal from that hit, but eventually it was stable and thus, we have been able to post more than 10 pages per week. 500 to 200 is a big loss and yet those were completed works. This is leak is of much greater magnitude.

Besides the financial side of why we don’t like leaks there are other reasons that this really hurts our site:


Everytime there is a leak, our comix are relegated further and further down search internet engines in the way of these pirate clickbait sites that overpower even my patreon site for someone that is simply searching for me. Try to google or search “Devin Dickie Black Hooked” or “Devin Dickie Hen Night”... Etc. We don’t even appear for pages in, even though I work on DMCA takedowns (having pirate links removed from Google search) just to try to be the first SEARCHABLE source for my own comics.


The paywall shields our comix from the political and moral agendas of the masses. The more our comix are made available to the general public without them being invested in  financially, the more it opens the door for the people that are hellbent on taking a holy mission, a Political mission, or a parental mission to eliminate, censor and to put pressure on making sure this content never exists. Essentially, spotlighting our site to cancel-culture. Especially in the US where mainstream comix are under all kinds of woke attacks and political agendas. If anything, this may not seem like a big deal, but rest assured it is just a matter of time before people will try to tell you what is and isn’t an acceptable or healthy kink… that is coming. (This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Already, many clip sites have a giant list of unacceptable terms – including everything from “vampires” to “forced-fem”.)


As a result of these ongoing leaks I am discontinuing the following leaked unfinished comics. They will never be finished. Also, moving forward, any leaks of an unfinished comic will result in them never being finished. I know this seems harsh as this is only a few people ruining it for everyone else, but it was either this or just shut down QOS for good. So this is my last effort to save this site from bankruptcy and keep it alive.

These are the comix be discontinuing these series due to unfinished leaks:

- “The Grind”


-“Patty-Cakes! 2021”

-"They’ll Take it In Black”

Creating these comix and hosting this site is something I love - I love sharing them with you. I wholeheartedly appreciate that you all love them too. I just can't wrap my head around why people would want to destroy something they love.

I hope this helps the site  heal from this assault and that it can recuperate enough to continue next month.... we won't know till I see how many people we have lost at the top of the month.

Thank you all for taking the time to read all of this post and understand what a dire state things are for QOS at this time.

Devin Dickie


Sissy Vicky Pussy Mouth

Whatever you feel is right, DD, I support whatever you do with your work

Alison St John

Again I'm so sorry this has caused such heartbreaking decisions for you to make, I will continue to promote your Patreon, I wish I had joined a lot sooner, I hope those that have decided to betray your trust reap some kind of Karma, it might be an idea if you know who these individuals are to make other artists with a Patreon site aware of them, I know a lot of artists are very supportive of one another, which I love.....

Alison St John

I'm so disappointed about these comics not reaching a conclusion but I totally understand why, I will continue to support you and laud your work, thank you so much for making me aware of so many amazing artists and stories, my heart goes out to you for the effort you put into everything you do, take good care and I hope these decisions pay dividends for you and your fellow artists 🙏💕

Graham Greene

Such a shame Devin but l understand and respect your decision 100%, l sincerely hope this will get it through to the leakers thick skull that we can't have great comics and leak them for free!!


So sorry to hear this. Stay 💪


Can you watermark the downloaded PDF, so you know which Patreon downloaded and uploaded? I know it ruins the view but hey at least some form of security.

Devin Dickie

Individual watermarks would take an insane amount of time to tailor each comic to 100-500 patrons. And then it would simply be circomvented by them blurring or omitting the page.


Devin please don't stop the comics. Firstly if you stop them right now, then the people who take the leaked version essentially have the ful comic. If you continue then they'll probably be stuck with an unfinished comic. Secondly, your patrons who have been honest are less likley to invest if they think a comic could be prematurley ended for reasons outside of their control. It's like how a lot of people are dropping their netflix subscription because they don't know if netflix is actually going to finish a series, which leads netflix to cancel it because no one watches the first season. Thirdly, you're punishing all of us who didn't do anything wrong just to punish one guy. I hope you reconsider, I understand if you want to take a months break from those comics. But don't let the terrorists win :'(

Devin Dickie

Xul, I adore you. You know I do. There is a a lot of thought behind your comment and a lot of care behind your words. I just have to let you know that I have to do something. There have to be consequences. These are those consequences for now. I will start new comix and they will be great.


I totally understand your anger. On the other hand, it's not my fault. And paying 69 euros for nothing, I'm sure I won't be involved for long. So you should look for another way to punish the bad guys and not stop the deliveries because of it.

Devin Dickie

Hey there, Ruediger, I know that it is NOT those of the majority here.. simply a few bad apples. Still I have to send a CLEAR and STRONG message to the those leaking. I know that you have been a LONG TIME supporter. I appreciate it. But the leaking unfinished comics before I have the ability to recoop the costs for the site, will just just force me to stop all together. This was the only solution that worked me personally. It shows even those that don't pay on the pirate sites and those few that leak our content that they are destroying something they want. As I had mentioned it was either this or quite forever. I am at the end of my rope. I completely understand that you you must do what you need to do, like I have to do what I need to do. Some or a few patrons here are endangering the sites livelihood and an action needed to take place.


DD, You made the right call. First and foremost, you and the artist are the creators of the work. Any loss will be felt most by those who create. Additionally, the only other way to prevent the comics being leaked by these terd burgers would be to drop the comic when it is completed rather than in installments. That option is clearly not sustainable. Your loyalists will continue in our support of you no matter what you decide. Stay strong, fuck the noise, and keep doing you!

Devin Dickie

Thank you for the vote of resounding vote of confidence. Its been a horrible week and everyone on this thread has been wonderful. I almost gave it up al together in frustration, which I know isn't the right thing. so this was the best last ditch effort to curb the problem. Thank you for the kind words and support!


Pretty hard news to hear. It is obviously soul crushing when turds leak comics that you, writers, and artists have invested a tremendous amount of time and passion into. It does ruin things for everyone who's looking forward to seeing completed comics. I have an idea though if you'd be willing to hear me out? If you made a Patreon for the cancelled comics with tiers for individual comics. That way supporters could donate any amount per month to preferred comics, that they would like to see completed. All under the stipulation that the comic will only be released when fully completed. So you would set a target amount and when it is fully funded you'd just keep us up to date on when it would be done and released. Better late than never right? How does that sound?

Devin Dickie

Hey PF417! Thank you for the suggestion. Its funny that you've said that. My wife and a few oher had suggested the same solution. by setting a certain crowd funding amount to meet then dropping an unfiinished comic to that specific patreon account. I may do that ... but right now...Its too raw. The big worry is that the main site drops below 300 next month. if that is the case... then I don't know what I am going to do.


Punishing the people that spent their hard earned cash because of some fucks that leaked comics is crazy, now the comics I was looking forward to I can’t get because of other people is ludicrous feel like I waisted my money. Pantydemic & Patty Cakes we’re my whole reason for pledging.

Devin Dickie

I am sorry you feel that way. But it was either that or STOP completely for me. There have been at least 3-4 months last year after the leaks that I had to carry the site out of my own pocket and its a DIRECT RESULT of the patron losses. Also making a comic like PantyDemic is a comic that I personally write. I don't feel like writing it when people are openly mocking and attacking me online. I can't help but read the unsolicited messages and things I get on the outside of THIS site's box. When the comics go public... I get private messages about how bad my comix are and mad disrespectul commentary about the work. We rarely get that type of negativity here. It makes it extremely hard to feel creative enough to write something that I have been writing weekly for 2 years. I try to not make it personal... but it is personal. When you work on something that long its personal. There will be new comics in their stead, but I can't see rewarding the outside dogs for killing hens in our henhouse. I get it. I would be upset too. I completely understand if you wish to discontinue your support with the discontinued comix. That only makes sense. I don't know if I would stay with someones site if the only things I wanted on the site are gone. But I hope that there are other comics you like too. I completely understand, $55 is a lot of money a month if you aren't enjoying things.