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The article is aimed at the public.

Currently, we are collecting opinions from supporters about the "Handling of old works", which we announced in the previous announcement.

Therefore, we are postponing the removal of old works, which was scheduled to be done this month.

We will announce the result of our consideration in January.



Anime FemPyro

Looking forward to your work next year!

Colin Martin

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally strongly disagree with the idea - I often decide who I support on patreon (which I've done with you for a while and plan to continue) based on the type of content they create, the quality, and (more of a hope but less critical) frequency. But I can't get an idea of that unless I see all of the content. I'll admit there have been people whom I subscribe to, browse all their content, and then unsubscribe, but that was not because I "got my money's worth and got out" but because I realized the trend in their content was not something I really wanted to keep paying to support. For example, Hitomi Tanaka's onlyfans is like $20 a month and she uploads literally once a month. If all her content past, say 3 months old was removed, I could be misled to believe that maybe she's just in a small slow streak and not a habitually abysmal poster (much as I like her, $20 for one or two pictures a month is not something I want to support) To that end, if you just walled off a large portion of your content, I feel like you would cause two serious problems. Firstly, newcomers to patreon will see a serious lack of content with only the promise of "You'll only see more if you keep paying", which feels cheap, greedy and manipulative on top of the problem of giving us a paywall with no real clue what the vast majority of content creator's pages are actually LIKE, which is the #1 reason I sub and then unsub to someone. That makes me feel like more people may just be turned off by the whole premise of your model, which let's be honest, convincing anyone to pay for porn today is kind of a miracle, so you have to do be doing SOMETHING very right in order to do so. Letting me see all your content is the reason I decided to keep staying subscribed, and I wouldn't have done so if the new idea was implemented. I'd have subbed, seen what was going on, and immediately left. And the bigger business problem I see is that some of the more vindictive people (these are internet fetish nerds we're talking about. Hell hath no fury like an autistic man scorned) may just do an aggressive campaign of reuploading all your content, particularly the new stuff, immediately as it comes available. Your content does make it out to places like rule 34, but honestly, it takes a LOT longer than I've seen with other artists with patreon/pixiv accounts. Enough so that I could easily argue (if it wasn't super creepy to talk about fetish porn with strangers or acquaintances) that the "see it early" argument for your content is a very reasonable one. Japanese paysite systems like fanbox and the like are catering to a different cultural audience, and I am worried that trying to apply that logic to the western world (where you have a rather impressive amount of support, TBH) would just light an instant bonfire of toxic community response. And to be really blunt, if you go through with removing all your old content, I can't support that model and would have to unsubscribe, which I really don't want to do.


作品投稿頻度がそこまで高い訳でも無いのに 過去作品消すとメンバー減ると想いますよ?


If you are going to delete previous rewards, please put them in a file we can download with the highest quality possible, for new joining members after it is deleted, make a Gumroad account with a monthly reward pack people can buy to get past rewards.