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In my last announcement I announced my plans for the removal of past works.

However, this means that even long-term supporters will not be able to view them if they have not downloaded them. I myself don't know if this is really for the benefit of my supporters and me.  There are two reasons why I came to this plan.

1. To differentiate between long-term supporters and new supporters

My post format allows you to view all posts with no difference in benefits, whether you're a first-time supporter this month or over two years ago. The benefits you get are the same despite the difference in the cumulative payment. So, the goal is to differentiate between long-term supporters and new supporters by setting a limited time limit on all published content so that new supporters can see the latest (two-year) benefits but not the benefits from the past.

Fantia has an option to address this issue (charge the same amount as long-term supporters), but as it is also a Fantia proprietary feature, I don't plan to use it as I use other platforms in conjunction with it.

2. I will acquire new supporters

I expect that a limited-time element will increase new supporters by not necessarily seeing everything whenever they enter, but it also has the disadvantage of reducing the amount of benefits and making past benefits uninteresting to those who have been looking for them.

I don't know if I'm right about this either.

That's the reason for this plan.

The removal of past works is not something I want to force, as it is part of a trial-and-error plan and can be cancelled, and I am not sure whether it will affect my own interests to do so or not, and I would like to hear the opinions of my supporters, which is why I am conducting a survey.

As this is a joint Patreon/Fantia survey, I will be using a Google form. Please note that a Google account is required to prevent multiple responses.


Opinions in the reply section of this article are also welcome.

Also, due to this review, the schedule for deletion of past works is temporarily postponed. We will announce the results of the review in January.




Personally speaking as someone who has supported you for a while, I don't mind if people who only support for a month or two can see the same stuff as me. I support people not solely for the benefits, but for the act of supporting them. Aimaitei, another futa artist, uses Patreon as well. But she sends rewards in messages with a link to a Dropbox rather than posts, so they are only archived if you support her continuously and save the messages. It's probably a cumbersome way to do it, but it incentivizes continuing support. A lot of the images are eventually reprinted (minus alternates and WIP) in doujinshi she eventually sells, along with some other stuff. An hybrid might be posting the original resolution images in a post, but extra versions, PSD, other B Tier stuff through messages.


As someone who only started supporting you within the last few months, your current set-up definitely benefits the supporter more than it benefits yourself, so I don’t have a problem with introducing a time-limited window for your rewards. A lot of artists do this via download links sent in private messages. If you do introduce a time-limited window, I would heavily suggest making your past rewards obtainable via other means, whether this be via external sites such as Gumroad, or incorporated into a Patreon tier (access to X old works per month, etc.). I don’t agree with the idea that some works can’t be obtained anymore simply because someone discovered you too late.


I see the value with limited time content. It can provide an incentive to subscribe longer term to not miss out on content. 2 years of art is generous and enough to show someone what you offer. Personally, I'm fine with either method. You are my favorite artist, and I'll support your decision


I just realized how long I've followed you! Time goes by quickly :D


I don't really mind new supporters seeing stuff I saw when I first became a supporter. It's good to have a backlog so people can see how you've developed. Up to you though!


A growing collection of past works increases incentive to support. The large collection of past work gives new patrons confidence in further works. Consider it a form of résumé. Another option: publish oldest private work publicly. Most artists and creators I support do time exclusives only and Patreon works they post publicly 1-12 months later.

Larry Berner

People support you so you can continue to make content, not so you can hide content behind a paywall. So many artists that I have supported are doing this, and I hate it. I dont have time to go through all of their messages to get the content that I was promised. I just want a single link to download everything. Think about your supporters and what they want. Also think about why they are supporting you. I support you because I want you to keep creating. If everything you had was public, I would still support you. I think timed exclusives are best.

Larry Berner

About fantia's business practice: that practice is anti-consumer. I think this is a difference between the east and west. Their logic of "it's unfair to longtime supporters" is BS. Why would a longtime supporter want other supporters to get less? That is crab's mentality. It's like on fantia they are treating it like a shop instead of a support service. If you want more money, you need to work on your branding and advertisement. You are extremely talented and you draw a niche fetish (cute futanari girls). There is an animator called keycock who has more patrons than most futa artists, but why? Is it because their content is Gods gift to earth? No, its because they know how to spread their content and they are consistently generating content. Working on spreading your brand will bring in much more money than limiting your content and trying to force people to support.


@Everyone Wow...! Thanks a lot for the feedback! I've read all of your opinions. I'm glad to have such a supportive group of people who think so much about it. I will continue to welcome everyone's feedback.

Colin Martin

I added my feedback to the newer post but I echo that Fantia and fanbox are super anticonsumer and culturally, would backfire here in the west. I don't sub to ANYONE on those services other than JADF and it's only because I am really going out of my way to support them. You have a really positive community here. Don't fuck it up. There is no "unfair to longtime supporters". People support you because they want to and because they want to keep supporting the content you create. Anyone who says they deserve more just because they've been here longer is a toxic, gatekeeping piece of shit that you don't want in your community anyways.


All I have to say is that if you do plan to remove old content, please collect the pending material into one file to make it easy to collect for a bit before; going back through a big archive to try and find everything is a real pain with Patreon's design.