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This is waht happens when you don't lock your computer
Well, not the luckiest guy either when your girlfriend can change you that way... or maybe not? ;-)

Still thinking about what I should propose for the next reward, to thank you for all your support: should I stay with comics ? should I propose a more felxible option?
Being honest I'm having a hard time right now with Real Life (Job essentially), with lots and stress and pressure, and while I love drawing, I'm often back at home just dreaming of sleep >_< I really need to take holidays quickly! (have like.... one month to take)

Anyway, I hope you like that kinf of pic, they are always fun to do :) And still Andreas art raffle to finish!

Enjoy the summer guys!




Really like the lighting in this one. curious for the story of this witchy girlfriend. Must have been something before he earned truly becoming what I'm sure she was calling him several times before. he he he