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It has been about 6 months since I've set up this Patreon account, and I can't thank you guys enough: 125 patrons for about $415 a month (averages to around $3.30 per patron). I neverwould havethought that I'd reach so many patrons in such a short amount of time.So thanks again for your help guys!

I alsorealise thatI've made fewer "expensive"pledges than other artists I know, who often have +$50 pledges open... Idon't think that makes me cheap, but heh, still not sure I can offer asmuch dedication as them to my drawings >_< So don't think I'll change that soon, unless you've got nice ideas for those? Still,I'm quite happy to be able to dedicate more time of my life to drawing,which I love, even though I'm far from being a pro.It'sstill difficult for me, as my job is quite shitty at the moment, with lack of support andresources. I'm trying to get a job abroad, butI'mfar fromsuccessfulat the moment. >_<

Soyeah, your patronage does help me a lot, for bills, but also to escape abit from my job... It's still difficult for me to find said time for drawings, but try my hardest, seriously! Don't think I'll ever gain enough to live from it, but heh, who knows? Drawingwise, I'm happy with what I've done so far: I do about one image per week, if not more, which is waaaaay more than I originally thought I'd be able to produce at first... But heh, told you, I love drawing! If only I had more time and energy saved from my job.

When I created this Patreon, I made 2 goals: $250 (drawing a comic) and $500 (drawing comics more regularly)... Which is about to be reached soon!

Whileit pleases me a lot to see your support, I'm not sure if I can pull offa monthly comic at the moment: I'm not very confident in my skills, nor in my comic ideas at the moment... And I'm kinda missing time for those too >_< Still want to try my hand at them but not not on such a regular basis
Is this bad? Do you feel betrayed by expectations I set for myself?

Should I change the $500 goal? But in exchange for what? Got ideas, but I don't think I can fulfill a monthly dedication to them :/

Asfor what's next, I want to do more monster girls! It's been a time since I've drawn one! :D Centaurs, Lamias, etc... Mwhehehehehe!

I'll also try to work withManga Studio 5in the next couple of weeks, as I've only been working withPaint Tool SAIfor the last few years. Hope I'll be able to pull of nice pics in the coming weeks with that software.

- Gamma




I would not mind it getting exchanged at 500. If you don't feel like you can do it, there are other ideas. like maybe a picture book idea? not really a comic but a set of pictures with a running theme? or say a tumblr like "Ask a Tan" or something smaller, sillier and could in theory be updated as well as encourage more people to participate. even add a tier that guarantees some of their questions be answered.

Unusual Unity

It really comes down to what you have time for. The "Ask a Tan" idea has merit, but to keep it from getting out of control in terms of having to respond/make art for it, you might want to put some limits on the idea. As a possibility: 1. Allow the $10/month patrons to each propose one question per month to be answered 2. Allow all Patrons to vote among the assembled questions. 3. The winner of the monthly vote will be responded to. Runners-up to the winner can be allowed a response IF you as the artist have time to do more than one response per month.


Seems fair. thought Gamera could keep it to black and white or simple stuff. not quite full picture stuff but more playful simple style. rougher so can answer more questions


Monster girls why not, I hope you'll sometimes include some other fetishes in them, like conjoinment for example.^^


nice picture Gamera :) really nice limbless girls :)


I feel like a lack of expensive pledges makes everything much more accessible and therefore open to a lot more people. As far as the goal- as far as I am concerned, feel free to change it to whatever. It's not the main focus of my attention. I like the "ask a character" idea since it gives an opportunity for you to create and flesh out personality and background for characters that you can then use later. Writing is hard for sure! Heck- maybe if you want a higher pledge option it could be to write for a comic or something? You could even do submissions and then you choose which one you prefer.


Maybe if you don't have full time and ideas for the comics, perhaps do a higher quality image that has a set of resolutions for large desktop images including at least one at 1080p per month, full color, high quality shading, proper backgrounds etc. so that people can use it as their desktop/wallpaper, as the $500 pledge?


Maybe illustrate a story? I would love to read the full version of that quad harem story DS was writing way back when and have more pics to go along with it!