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A waitress working in a traditional family-owned izakaya.
Despite her lack of arms, she's quite helpful and is the favourite among the patrons.


Phew!! August starts hard for me : Heat wave is hitting Western Europe, and I'm attending a coding boot camp. So far both are taking their toll on me... XD

That said, I'm not usre how much i'll be able to draw this month due to coding boot camp, but it kinda makes me want to draw more, as it really peace my mind when i'm stressed/tired.

Pics to draw :
- a continuation of the princess and her dullahan knight @Cole
- Triple amputee (one leg only) in her daily life @Pavlinka14
- Bodyworks 2000 : two-headed saleswoman showcases the latest gadgets in body-modification, with various results in the back. @ Bryan Conorich
- a SWB and a hemi interacting @Yiffenbbao
- Armless gorgon with her blind girlfriend @Cryptophore
- conjoined twins, one is blind, the other miss her limbs @Adrarda
- a slim-figured woman finds herself falling apart at an inconvenient time @winstonmp
- a busty milf MEC woman @Nevan Vehkalh
- conjoined Rei / Misato / Asuka @Flamecyborg
-a continuation of the conjoined sis, whom one is limbless... maybe walking with prosthetics @Alex

OMG, Ten pics already >_<

Plus those are all good ideas !
Go Gamma Go !



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