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-Listen Child, I do not mind you following some crazy path or whatever... But can at least give me a grandkid before doing so ?
-And how are you supposed to work without arms?

The hurdle of being a mother in these and ages, where bodymods are quite hyped.
I did several versions, and I have to say my favourite is when it's implied he's a male... Then again, getting a hemicorporectomy is a good way to nullify your gender in many ways: no more genitals, no more specific hormones, etc...  Clearly way easier for a guy to end up as a tomgirl ;)

Also think it's fun he has to ask people to take care of him and give him hormonoes so he gets more feminine over time haha ^^

I did that on a whim but i really like the result




the armless girl has the wrong mother

Cafter Homme

In the last version she may have once been a nun in your world before starting a family 😉


Yea I love the last version the best especially with the mom laying on her boobs


Nice series


I kind of like it on a conceptual (and humoristic) level, even if I still don’t dig the narrative of people who will voluntarily reduce their bodies in irreversible ways to please themselves or someone else. Désolé de ne pas commenter en Français, mais même en tant que Québécois natif et lettré, ma réponse me semblait plus fluide et facile à écrire (et à lire) en anglais.


No problem Then again, while it's not something I'd do myself, it's true some people are like that But heh, you could imagine another backstory for those ;)

