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Part 01

While a significant number of people would think exactly the opposite, Alexandra felt like the luckiest woman in the world. Her body being as reduced as it was, an abbreviated torso with neither arms nor legs and really, very little below the breasts (which she thought were pretty damn great, thank you very much), made the tiny bed on which she slept feel like something one might find in a high-roller Vegas hotel suite . But she’d had a body like this for quite some time now. Sure, being completely limbless and unable to take care of herself had a few drawbacks, but the thing that always made her sound bananas whenever non-modded people asked her about it was that it was all worth it. But that wasn’t why she felt like the luckiest woman ever. As she woke up, she woke up next to her wife, Alexis.

Now, that was, by non-modded standards, pretty ordinary- pretty boring. What made it, for her anyways, the best thing ever was that she had a real connection to her wife. One might say they were inseparable, even. That was all well and good, because at their wedding, Alexandra and Alexis had paid a team of professional body-modders fairly well to ensure that the two of them were inseparable in the medical sense. What little body Alexandra had, she shared it all with her wife. Two heads atop the same torso, with little else but one another. Their wedding bands had been placed on a single wide necklace that encircled both of their necks. The feel of the cool metal rings on the skin of their breasts was giving them goosebumps. She hoped that sensation would never get old.

They had both been similarly reduced when they met. In many ways it made dating easy, and in many ways, it did not. If Alexandra had had hands, here is where she would be holding up fingers. For the pro side, each of them had a very good idea of what challenges the other faced due to their body shape. This intimate understanding was what drew them together in the first place. In fact, the reason they had met was that each of them, carried by a friend for obvious reasons, had decided to attend the same party. Their friends had brought them together, thinking how wild it was to find another modded woman who was so drastically reduced- what were the odds?!

For the con side, there was the obvious: lacking arms or legs meant that the two of them were entirely dependent on others. This meant that if they wanted to see one another, each of them needed to find a friend or assistant who was willing to carry them around. Through simple addition, any meeting they had became at the smallest, a gathering of four people. They couldn’t even kiss one another without assistance, which was perhaps the most difficult thing for the two of them. Any intimacy they shared was forced to go through a third party. While this had the added benefit of expanding their horizons and giving them some truly wild experiences, it also meant their sex lives were contingent on a small group of (admittedly very open and permissive) friends.

After about 3 years of dating, Alexandra and Alexis had hatched a plan. It took some hammering out of the details, but eventually, they had something solid to work with. The idea had come to them at one such truly wild experience where they discovered that two of their friends, a longtime married couple, had decided to take the plunge and become conjoined to one another. From there, they decided that if those two could do it, Alexandra and Alexis could absolutely do it. It took a further few months to find a service willing to perform the procedure (their unique body shapes had presented some complications), a further few months to save up the money (this service did not come cheap), and a further few months to find a friend (a sucker) to take care of them while they recovered and searched for full-time help.

It had taken about two years to get all of their ducks in a row. They planned their wedding, booked all the services, and pulled the trigger, so to speak. So when Alexandra looked at her wife, with whom she shared a body, With everything it had taken, she sometimes still didn’t believe that this was how things would be from now on. It felt awesome. As she looked at her wife’s still sleeping form, Alexis had always been a late sleeper, she felt something welling up in her chest. One of the questions the two of them had always been asked, before they had been conjoined even, was how they you know, did it? Their forms were so drastically reduced, and technically speaking, in addition to lacking arms or legs, the two of them also lacked genitals in the traditional sense.

People (the rude ones anyways) would put their hands on her shoulder with a pitying look, shake their heads, and tell her how sorry they felt for her that she couldn’t know the joys of vaginal sex. At that, Alexandra could only scoff. Those uninspired luddites wouldn’t know sex if it walked up to them and peed on their shoes that they loved to wear so much. She didn’t need a vagina to enjoy herself, and neither did Alexis, and to hell with anyone who thought otherwise.

Part of the modding procedures that reduced them to their pre-conjoined forms had encouraged extra nerve growth throughout their remaining bodies. She could probably feel more with one square inch of their body than some knuckle-dragger could with all of theirs. It was a bit of an inconvenience when being carried about in public, but for the most part it was all upside. Alexis had a trick she sometimes did for their friends: when placed on a bedspread, she could tell the thread count of the sheets they were sitting on with a level of accuracy that was just weird.

Alexandra could feel their nipples becoming hard in the cool morning air as goosebumps spread across their body. She craned her neck until her lips were brushing against Alexis’ ear and whispered to her with syrupy sweet syllables, “Hey, Sweetie.” Alexis’ eyes snapped open, and she yawned. The weirdest and best thing about that was that Alexandra could feel it. She could feel shadows of the impulses that made Alexis’ neck muscles expand and contract.

Her wife blinked a few times and looked at her foggily, mumbling “Good morning, Hon.” with a mouth full of mush. It was to her immense satisfaction that Alexandra watched her wife slowly come to the realization that they were aroused. Focus crept into her eyes, and she smiled wickedly, “Xan, Honey- is this what I thin- yes it is. Oh, fuck yeah.” For a moment Alexandra’s eyes flicked over to the door, she pressed her lips harder into Alexis’ ear and warned her, “Shhhh, let’s keep it down.” The upwelling in their chest was becoming a tightness, a pressure- something was begging for release.

When it came to ways with which she could interact with the world around her, Alexandra didn’t have a lot. When your body boils down to a pair of breasts and pretty much nothing else, you have to get creative. Alexandra did have, however, one of the longest and dexterous tongues her friends had ever seen. Before even becoming modded, she always boasted that she could tie a knot in a cherry stem without using her hands, which she was always happy to announce at parties. She could also do quite a bit with her lips, and after becoming modded and reduced, she made a point to continue as many of her activities by mouth as she could. As she got older and went off to college, It made her very popular with some of her friends.

Now, Alexandra channeled that talent towards her wife. Alexis’ earlobe in sight, she placed it between her teeth and exhaled gently, letting her breath tickle her wife’s ear. When she heard a contented sigh, she began to nibble more forcefully, occasionally pausing to play with her wife’s stud piercing. Wrapping her mouth around the lower ear, she curled her tongue around the metal bead and began to shift it to a slow rhythm. Alexis was by now panting and she moaned from deep in the back of her throat, “Xan, honey. You’re so fucking good..” With a soft sucking noise, Alexandra pulled her mouth off Alexis’ ear and kissed the corner of her mouth, “Am I doing alright, Sweetie?” Wordlessly, Alexis leaned into her and nodded, her only reply a soft, “Mmmmmmm.”

Returning to Alexis’ ear, Alexandra moved upwards from the earlobe, using her tongue and teeth to tug the ear from side to side. When she reached the top, she worked her way down again, this time giving the earlobe more of a sharp nip. Alexandra gave a throaty chuckle when Alexis’ neck straightened and she took in a sharp, gasping breath. Downward she trailed, now nibbling on the skin of her wife’s neck. As she got lower and lower, the nibbles became more and more like bites. She had no qualms about leaving black and blue marks as she went- it was after all, half hers. The tightness in their chest was almost unbearable, and desperate for release, Alexandra took her mouth off Alexis’ neck, leaving a glistening sheen of saliva behind, and leaned in towards her face.

Alexis was left sitting there, eyes screwed shut, her mouth half open, breath coming ragged and hot, her bright ribbon of a tongue hanging out, moving in and out with her breaths. It took her a moment to realize what Alexandra was doing. When she opened her eyes, Alexandra had put her lips around Alexis’ tongue. She let out a stifled sigh as her wife’s tongue coiled around hers and their lips touched. Their body rocked as they kissed one another, tongues entwined, wrestling like mating serpents. The two of them reached their apex in unison, and their kissing descended into gasping, nipping, and tugging. Unable to contain herself, Alexandra seized Alexis’ lower lip and bit down.

As they cooled off, sitting there panting in the daylight filtering into their room, Alexandra smacked her lips. She could taste blood. Sure enough, there was a tiny trickle of red streaming down Alexis’ chin where her teeth had grabbed her. “Oh no! Sweetie, I’m sorry!” she leaned in and wiped it clean with her tongue, “I didn’t mean to get you that hard- I just kind of...in the moment…” Alexis took in a deep breath, and ran her tongue around her own lips, “Damn, Xan- you are a wildcat.” Alexis chuckled at her wife’s reaction, “Don’t worry, I like it.” she said reassuringly. Alexandra shyly looked away, “You do?” Excitedly, Alexis added, “Fuck yeah- you can bite me any day, you adorable little shark!” giving a playful gnashing of her teeth to emphasize her point. Alexandra’s eyes eyes widened and she nudged Alexis’ cheek with her own, “Hey- keep it down! I don’t want Elena to hear that!” Alexis laughed more heartily and replied in a quieter voice, “Sure thing, Jaws

Before Alexandra could reply, there was a series of knocks on the door and a relentlessly chipper singsong voice crept under the door and filled the room with smothering sweetness, “Goooood morning you two lovebirds! Wakey-wakey!” In a panic, she took her mouth off Alexandra’s ear with a quiet hiss. Of course, something that Alexis and Alexandra had intimate experience with was the extreme difficulty in gaining intimate experience when they were completely dependent on others. The door began to open, and Alexandra could feel the jagged, broken-glass texture of disappointment in the frustrated huff her wife made. As the door opened, both women quickly erased any negativity from their faces, and greeted their caretaker with twin smiles that were just a little too wide. “Good morning, Elena.” they replied in unison.

Part 02

Among many other normal furnishings, Alexis and Alexandra’s house had chairs in it, but they were largely for the sake of their guests. In an ideal world, they’d save on space by completely eliminating chairs, coffee tables, desks, and any other furniture made for non-modded bodies, but they didn’t live in a perfect world. Alexis and Alexandra had the fortune to have quite a few friends that one would want to invite over for dinner, maybe even allow some of them to stay a bit longer for coffee and some a little extra. Most of those friends had the types of bodies that chairs, coffee tables, and other such pieces of furniture were designed for. Ever the gregarious types, the two had agreed that they wanted their house to be inviting to guests, and if that meant wasting money on furniture they’d never use, so be it.

For obvious reasons, neither Alexis nor Alexandra had any interest in the actual act of cooking, but unlike furniture, they had zero hesitation to spend money on a well-stocked kitchen they would never cook in. In the room adjacent to them, the sounds of a kitchen in use served as an accompaniment to an upbeat reggae soundtrack coming from one of the house speakers. Based on the smell of the food cooking, bacon was somewhere on the menu. Completely eschewing any of the chairs at their dining room table, Alexis and Alexandra sat atop a soft, padded cushion that was placed directly on the table. While Alexandra patiently waited for their food, her head bobbing in time to the music, eyes closed, Alexis found that same state of morning calm to be near unreachable.

Every few seconds, Alexis would peek over her shoulder into the kitchen to see their temporary carer, Elena, working away. Each time, Elena would wave and give her a wink, and each time Alexis would return the smile and turn back with a deepening frown. The woman was, on one hand, a godsend- she had volunteered to take care of the two of them for free as they looked for a new carer for the two of them and negotiated a contract. She was friendly, polite, and fantastic at anticipating their needs. The problem was that she was also damn near inescapable. The woman was never more than a few paces away save for morning and night, which would have been great, perfect even, in a caretaker if she didn’t make it so goddamned hard to fuck. Alexandra didn’t mind as much, but for Alexis, it was torture- she had needs, goddamnit.

Alexis rubbed her cheek against Alexandra’s, causing the other woman’s eyes to open, “Hmm- need something, Hon?” Glancing behind them into the kitchen, Alexis rubbed her cheek against Alexandra’s again, slower this time, breaking out her bedroom voice, “I think she’ll be busy in there for a little while longer. You wanna help me pass the time?” Alexandra peeked into the kitchen, and chewed her lip, “I don’t know… You remember last time and how awkward that was?” Alexis groaned, “Ugh! Yes, but come on! She’s around all the time! It’s so hard to wait!” She breathed into Alexandra’s ear, her voice holding an edge of pleading, “Help a girl out!”

Alexandra looked discreetly into the kitchen again, and the corner of her mouth twitched down, “Well… Alrigh- Aaah!” Given the circumstances, Alexis wasn’t going to waste any time, and letting Alexandra finish her sentence when she already knew how it ended was absolutely unnecessary. Without any pause, she was kissing Alexandra’s neck with all of the tenderness of a wolf. Just like that, the hesitant frown melted into a contented smile. Alexis closed her eyes, slipped out her tongue, and ran it along Alexandra’s jawline, prompting a small shiver and a tightening of both of their eyes.

With all the suddenness and intensity of an arctic wind, a voice carried over from the kitchen and froze them in place, “Hey- how do you two want your eggs?” Alexandra’s eyes opened to see Alexis looking up at her, tongue resting on her cheekbone. There was a long, awkward pause as the two of them raised their eyebrows at one another and tried to silently decide who would respond first. Neither of them looked happy, but Alexis’s dour expression was that of a cat that had been dunked in an ice bath.

Alexandra was the first one to speak, giving a flustered sigh and forcing some cheer into her voice, “I’ll take mine scrambled, thanks!” Alexis’ face shifted from a deep frown to a smirk that was so smug it was audible. She chimed in with a salesperson’s smile, “And I will have whatever my lovely, beautiful, sexy wife has!” giving Alexandra an intentionally loud kiss on her cheek. Alexandra’s face went tomato-red, “Stop it!” she whispered plaintively. From the kitchen, laughter wafted in, “You two are so cute together! I am so happy for you both! I’ll have your food ready in just a sec!” Alexis arched an eyebrow, and gave Alexandra another loud kiss, “Just remember- she’s all mine!” Pressing her lips into Alexandra’s ear, Alexis added quietly, “You’re all mine. We will get back to this!”

Elena’s silhouette appeared in the dining room doorway, her hands occupied with plates and cups, belting out in a chipper, sing-song voice, “Breakfast is here~!” From behind them, Alexis and Alexandra heard their makeshift caretaker walking around to sit at the head of the table adjacent to them. As annoying as she was about it, the food she set down in front of them did look great- bacon, eggs, pancakes, and even a little mix of fruit and a cup of yogurt. There was no way either Alexis or Alexandra could finish all of this themselves, but it was the effort that counted. She was still upset at being unable to have enough time alone with her wife, but Alexis had to admit, this was really nice.

Elena adjusted her apron proudly, “I thought that I’d go all out and make a big breakfast for us! I’m sure the caretaker you two hired will be great when she eventually gets here, but It’s been really fun being with you both! We’ve spent so much time together, and it’s been just great!” Alexis piped up, “Yes, it’s been great. We’ve both really loved how you’ve taken care of us- it’s like we’ve never been alone at a-” She paused as she felt Alexandra’s cheek brush against hers. With the opening she had created, Alexandra added, “Yes! I agree with Lex- you’ve been so good to us! We don’t know where we would have found someone we trusted to let into our house to cook, clean, and carry us around on such short notice.”

Elena grabbed a piece of bacon and offered it to them as Alexis tried her hardest to avoid rolling her eyes, “You two sure make it hard to be modest! I’m just glad you think I’m doing alright! I’ve never done this sort of thing before, you know. Maybe I should go into it professionally?” Hungrily, Alexis snapped up the offered piece of meat, and Alexandra nodded in encouragement, “Hey, maybe you should- you’ve got a knack for this sort of thing!” Through a mouthful of food, Alexis offered, “Awaysh bah awa sad.” She swallowed, “You’re always there to hel- Ah!” She let out a surprised yelp- Alexandra had bitten her ear sharply, offering a cool, “We shouldn’t talk with our mouths full in front of our guest, Sweetie.”

Alexis muttered under her breath, “That’s the whole problem.” Elena laughed, “You don’t need to worry about me- we’ve been together for a whole week. I think I’m used to everything by now! I’m just happy to help!” Alexis’ eyes lit up, “Speaking of- Could you do me a favor?” Perking up, Elena responded with all the energy of an eager puppy, “Yeah! Of course! What do you need?” Alexis looked up at the ceiling as though she could see through walls to their upstairs room, “Well, it’s a bit chilly here right now. We had all of our sweaters put away in the attic when spring came except for one. Could you fetch our green sweater? It should be in the big closet with the other shirts.” Elena stood up and held out an index finger, “Stay right here! I’ll be back in a minute!” and ran out of the room.

Alexandra looked over to Alexis, “I’m sorry I nipped you, but I didn’t want you to make Elena feel bad. She’s been such a big help. Also, what’s the deal? It’s not cold. We don’t even have a…” sudden understanding struck her across the face, “green sweater.” she finished. Alexis just smirked, “That should buy us twenty minutes at least. You know how persistent she is.” Alexandra gave alexis another nip on her ear, this one more playful, though, “You are so mean! I ought to chew your ear right off, you little sneak!” Alexis’ smirk deepened, “Don’t you threaten me with a good time.” Alexis rubbed the tip of her nose against Alexandra’s, “Besides, don’t tell me you wouldn’t also kill for some personal time right now.”

Alexandra closed her eyes, and rubbed her nose against Alexis’ in a small circle, “Mmm” She leaned in for a kiss, but Alexis pulled back, leaving her hanging, “Say it.” Alexandra’s eyes opened, leaving her with a dreamy expression, “Huh?” she said dazedly. “Say, ‘I want to kiss my wife right now because our caretaker isn’t around to stop us.’” Alexis taunted with mischief on her tongue. Alexandra frowned and leaned in further, “Come on, Lex!” Alexis dodged her again, “Say it!” she admonished. Glancing nervously between the staircase and Alexis’ lips, Alexandra said in a timid voice, “I want to kiss my wife right now because our caretaker isn’t around to stop us.” As soon as she had finished the sentence, Alexis brought her lips to Alexandra’s in a kiss. From upstairs, Elena’s voice wafted down, “Hey, guys! I don’t think I can find that green sweater!!”

Alexis stiffened for a moment. Alexandra looked between her wife and the stairs. Making her decision, she shouted up, “It’s up there, just keep looking!” To Alexis, she smirked like a child with their hand in the cookie jar and said more quietly, “We’ll have to work something out for next time. So- where were we?”


Story by @Cryptophore

I like a lot the sensuality both are creating, just playing with their mouth and tongue. Do hope one will get a tongue split eventually... hehehe




Wow. You are an amazing writer!! Amazing.


A very interesting and touching story about people who stuck their bodies to each other. Great job.


Obvious question here, but when that tongue split comes (with or without an elongation), will it also come with less clothes?


Love the story. Would like to see/read more.