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They decided to become one body: 3 people reducing themselves into one... Them being in a threesome sure helped make this decision! From right to left we have: Hanna, Alison and Olivia.

You could say they form a classic narrative trio: the leader, the fool and the sane one. The Leader is Alison (the passionate one who makes decisions without entirely thinking them through), the Fool is Olivia (the eager one who is always ready to help out but also give honest advice), and the only sane one is Hanna who is smart enough to know what is going to happen but powerless to stop it (literally as she is just a head and along for the ride).

Now reduced to parts, they do enjoy a lot their new shapes and way of life. They became Halia...

Alison enjoys more than anything being the assertive one for the trio. Helping them with those hands they're deprived off. There's nothing she loves more than just playing with her own breasts to the enjoyment of her girlfriends.

Olivia is always happy to be praised for her efforts and being the legs of the trio. She's quite honest with herself and doesn't hesitate to ask to be played with: spanking her, caressing her thighs, she just loves being "an ass on legs" (her own words)!

As for Hanna, she is learning to be brave and to assert herself to other people but loves being handled and being dominated by her girlfriends. She loves asking her 'body' to use her how ever they




Well that's new.