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3 girls before a life changing surgery! They decided into becoming one body: 3 persons reducing themselves into one... Them being in a threesome sure helped taking this decision. From right to left we have: Hanna, Alison and Olivia.

You could say they form a classic narrative trio: the leader, the fool and the sane one.
Leader is Alison (the passionate one who makes decisions without entirely thinking them through), the Fool is Olivia (the eager one who is always ready to help out but also give honest advice), and the only sane one is Hanna who is smart enough to know what is going to happen but powerless to stop it (literally as she is just a head and along for the ride).

Story by @A-Quiet-Knights-Rest

Hanna asked Leif to enter the room and upon doing so and seeing them he stopped in the doorway and quickly took in the sight, committing it to memory, before he held his hand over his closed eyes, partly to hide his vision more and partly to cover his blushing face.
“You didn’t tell me you were going to be undressed,” He said in mock admonishment, his smile growing under his hand.
They knew he’d seen everything and was just playing. He was like that.
Alison pouted, “You know this is going to be the last time you get to see us like this. You better look! What, do you think we didn’t know we were naked when we invited you in?”
Olivia smirked and said, “It’s okay, I’ll turn around!” , sticking her butt out a little and looking over her shoulder at him.
Hanna was silent for a moment. She looked down at her body which she was going to give up soon and then back at him. This was his last chance to see them with their own bodies before they were combined. Sure, they could get this procedure undone but it would be expensive and take time, years even.

“Hey, Leif.”
Leif opened his eyes and slowly lowered his hand, his eyes meeting Hanna’s.
“Yes, Hanna.”
“Look at us.” Hanna said.
Leif’s eyes lingered on hers for a moment before turning to Alison’s, who pulled her blonde hair out of the way so he could see her face and they both smiled as he entered the room and shut the door. Leif was responsible for them getting to do this. They had been uncomfortably short for the fee and the cybernetic clinic ship would have left the system by the time they had been paid again as it did its rounds of Talusian space. It would be a year before it came back.
They could have afforded it but it would have wiped out their accounts.
They could have gotten a loan but that came with its own complications and they didn’t want to be in debt.
They couldn’t keep their concern off their faces at work and he had asked them about it and when he had heard that they were going to miss out on this opportunity he had pulled his tablet out and offered to give them the money on the spot, no charge.
They had been fast friends after being assigned to work together as colonial technicians when they had arrived on Torc but his immediate generosity had taken them off guard. He had come from nothing back on their homeworld of Talus and didn’t have very much money. When asked about it, he had said it was just what he expected of himself. If his caravan elders had heard he hadn’t helped people in need to fulfill their dream of being together it would have shamed him and them.
“Talusians are supposed to be like this, I don’t know why you are so shocked,” he had said, “I know how to save! I will be fine!”
They knew he donated some of his pay back home to his caravan that traveled the arid Crater Lands but to see the ‘everyone lifts each other up’ philosophy of the caravanners firsthand still impressed them. He had said to make him dinner as thanks and they did and then thanked him in other ways as well. Hanna, Alison, and Olivia were already girlfriends and soon to be more but now they had decided they wanted to date Leif as well. Leif’s eyes went up and down their bodies, lingering on the parts they would each be giving up, before settling on Olivia’s face. He had spoken at length with the cybernetic doctor who was going to preform the surgery and had gotten his assurance that the holo-capture of the women’s faces was one hundred percent accurate. The module they were going to have installed today only allowed for a shimmering blue holohead but high definition full colour upgrades were possible in the future, when they could afford it.

“Olivia,” Leif finally said.
“Yes?” Olivia said back.
“Give me your hair tie,” Leif grinned, “I’ll hold onto it until you can put it on your new head.”
Olivia blushed at the comment, Leif was so accepting of their new identity. The three women were going to become one body and share an identity, Halia, the combination of their names. Hanna was going to become their new head, Olivia and Alison were going to see through her eyes and hear through her ears, taste with her tongue and so on. Olivia was going to become their new body’s hips and legs and Alison was going to become their new body’s bust and arms. They wouldn’t be able to control each other and would have to rely on one another for everything they couldn’t do themselves. They would have access to a discreet neural chat for communicating with each other without speaking but would have to get used to it. They would be able to separate and could breathe, speak, see, hear, eat, and even climax without each other; being in parts was part of the fun of the mod. But they wanted to be together, to be each other’s body parts. They could also now attach and/or be attached to different cybernetic equipment: driver mounts, spiderbots, info-feed cables, and more.

Olivia took the hair tie off and gave it to Leif. He took it with one hand and used the motion to grab her with his other hand and pulled her into a kiss, pocketing the hair tie for safe keeping. He snaked an arm around her back and pushed himself into her chest and held her there for a moment. He ran his other hand up her arm and her neck before leaning back, looking into her widened eyes before kissing her again lightly. He then walked over to Alison and practically into her, standing right up against her. Alison’s hair fell in front of her face again and he deftly moved it out of the way. With one hand on the back of her head he grabbed her hips with the other and pulled her into a kiss as well. He slid his hand over her lower back and squeezed her butt causing her to jump slightly.

When he stepped back from Alison and turned to Hanna he stood there and looked at her for a moment, looking at her feet, her hips and her midriff, her hands which she held at her side, unsure of what to do with them now. He stared at her chest for a long second before looking up to meet her eyes which had a questioning look in them. He held her look for another few seconds before walking up to her and then around her, catching her by surprise. He stalked around her, taking in every detail. Every mole, every scar.
“Leif? What are you-“
Hanna started but he didn’t let her finish. He stepped in front of her and wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding his face close to hers but not kissing her. He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his cheek, leaning his face into it. She brought her other hand up and cupped his face. His hands moved and slid up and down her body. Pulling, pinching, feeling. Her thin waist, her slender arms, up and down her spine. He moved a hand up to her breast and grasped it, feeling the nipple with his thumb and forefinger. All while holding his face directly in front of hers, staring deeply into her eyes. Leif was a passionate man and might’ve gone further, having worked himself and them up, but a knock at the door interrupted the moment and a nurse spoke up.

“We’re ready for you all! Is Leif in there? He will be able to watch the surgery from the observation gallery.” Lief closed his eyes and he and Hanna breathed into one another for a long moment.

“Yes, Hanna?”
Olivia and Alison moved in from both sides and they all hugged each other, arms moving to intertwine themselves.
“When this is over,” Hanna began, “when we are combined, you will finish what you started.”
“Yes, Hanna.”


Hanna opened her eyes and took a breath, feeling the air in her lungs. It felt odd, there was more weight on her chest than she was used to and when she tried to sit up her body didn’t respond. Her neck moved slightly but that was it. She could feel her body but not move any of it. Hanna blinked and a smile started to play across her lips.

Alison felt herself take a breath but realised she wasn’t the one controlling it. She felt her chest fill with air and exhale. Her eyes were open but she couldn’t move them as they looked at the ceiling of the surgical theater. She moved her hand in front of her face and saw as her eyes moved on their own to focus on it. Her heart began to beat faster. It could only mean one thing.

Olivia saw Alison’s hand enter her vision. She would have widened her eyes in surprise but couldn’t for very obvious reasons. The surgery was finished. They had become a part of each other to make one complete body and could only control their respective parts.

“Hey, girls?” Olivia said, feeling a slight vibration at her stomach and a curious tightness going around her midsection and neck. She could hear her voice coming from her midriff when she spoke.

“Yeah, Olivia?” “Yes, Olivia?”
Alison and Hanna spoke over each other to answer her. Olivia and Alison felt Hanna speak, the inside of her mouth, her tongue move and her throat enunciate the words. Hanna could feel the rings that now encircled their body vibrate slightly when Alison and Olivia spoke and heard them from her neck and her stomach.

“You-… Your…” Olivia struggled to contain her excitement. “Alison, that’s your hand and and and, Hanna, you’re looking around and… girls!?!”

“Yes?!” Hanna and Alison answered in unison.

“IT WORKED! I’M SO HAPPY! WE’RE TOGETHER! YOU’RE MY BODY AND I’M YOUR LEGS!” Olivia shouted, no longer containing herself. She had been looking forward to the feeling, the designation, of being her girlfriends’ body part, a pair of legs and hips. She shouted in glee and giggled loudly and uncontrollably. Using her voice felt just like trying to speak normally, only she couldn’t feel her mouth move when she spoke. Through her excitement she remembered the surgical briefing and learning that her cybernetics used the same neural pathways her former body parts used so speaking would be natural.

“THIS IS SO COOL!” Alison shouted back. If she still had her face, it would have had a look of shock and joy. “Let’s sit up! Ready?”

“Ready!” Olivia answered back. They had talked about having to move together to do anything but now it was their reality. So many conversations about a moment that had come. Hanna didn’t say anything but wasn’t at a loss for words, rather, she had too many. She just stared at Alison’s hand then tilted her head down to see her massive breasts. ‘I can feel them,’ she thought. ‘So this is what Alison feels. She’s sensitive! And I can feel Olivia too! She’s already starting to get aroused!’

Alison propped them up on her hands and activated her core to try and bring them up. Olivia flexed her own core muscles, feeling the tightness around their cybernetics pulling at each other and bringing them to a sitting position.

Hanna felt her body, their body, move and sit upright. The sight and feeling of being moved around without being able to control any of it was starting to drive her wild. She was just a head on top of her two best friends and they were her body.

Alison held her hands out in front of Hanna’s face again and Hanna looked at them. They turned around and flexed their fingers in and out. Alison spoke up, “This is so weird to have you… looking for me.” She brought her hands to hold Hanna’s cheeks, squeezing her friend in a sort of hug. Alison was enamoured by the sensation. She couldn’t control her head. She couldn’t look around with her eyes or blink or breathe. Hanna did that for her. Alison’s heart beat fast, Hanna was their head, their face, and she was her body, more accurately half of it. She would have smiled from ear to ear if she could. Alison’s hands moved down to feel their shared neck and the cybernetic rings that joined them. They were warm and smooth and the skin tender from the surgery that had finished minutes ago. She could feel the camera she could use to see when she wasn’t using Hanna’s eyes and wondered what it would be like to see through it. Her hands then moved to the rings at her and Olivia’s shared waist and traced along the top and the bottom of where they were joined, feeling the soft scar tissue.

Olivia made an approving hum as Alison’s hands moved over their shared midriff, her finger tips exploring the details. Olivia was filled with a giddy energy. She wanted to bounce her legs. She had to move.

“That feels good! I- uhn… I want to try standing!”

The doctor who had performed the surgery stepped up.

“You may be a little unsteady at first. You can take my hand if you want, Alison.” He said, smiling and offering his hand to them. He had been monitoring their condition from his computer station and been satisfied everything had gone according to plan.

Hanna looked over at him and nodded and Alison took his hand. Olivia slid off the bed and landed on her feet and they shakily straightened up to their full height. Hanna had never been this tall before and grinned at the thought she would now tower over her old self.

Leif had watched the entire surgery from the observation gallery above them. His appearance was stiff. Enraptured. His hands would clench until his knuckles were white until he forced himself to relax. It had been fascinating to witness but he could not help himself and had speculated and worried. A nurse in the room with him had noticed and offered to hold his hand and despite himself he had taken her up on the offer. She had assured him of the doctor’s skill and the reliability of the technology and over time it eased his apprehension. He had seen them be reduced to their respective body parts. Seen their holoheads be tested and turned on, their sleeping faces rendered in shimmering blue light. Upon seeing them be assembled, awaken, and begin to stand he had forgotten all about his concerns and grinned at their palpable joy.

The cool air in the room chilled their body and Alison brought a hand up to herself to retain some heat. When she touched herself, she noticed she felt so much more sensitive. She remembered something about their former nerve endings being used in their reduction and something about genital repurposing. She grabbed her other breast as well and Hanna inhaled at the touch, feeling it too and noticing their shared sensations and heightened sensitivity as well.

“Wow! It really works! I can feel your hands groping your breasts like they were mine!” Alison saw her hands groping herself through Hanna’s eyes. Watching as Hanna stared at them, focusing on her breasts, her fingers. “Amazing right? And on our side we can properly hear and see thanks to your head.” Alison said. Olivia watched through Hanna’s eyes as Alison groped her own breasts, not in control of any of it. She could only stand and see and feel through her girlfriends. The thought finally sank in, this was her life now, she was just an ass on legs for her girlfriends. It turned her on immensely to think that. To live it, finally, after talking about it and dreaming about it for so long. She could hardly wait for what came next.

“Don’t forget to use those hands on me, Alison! I’m the one with a pussy here and I am clearly aching for your fingers again!” said Olivia somewhat breathlessly. Hanna felt Alison grope herself, her thoughts like lightning, ‘She is groping her breasts! But I can feel it! And we promised to be each other’s body parts! She is my body and is groping my breasts! And I can feel Olivia getting wet! We are getting wet! This is what we wanted!’
“I’m so glad to be with you, girls!”



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