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Hey, Nancy Drews! It's that time again: here's your clue for tomorrow's launch. This gorgeous starlet is the namesake and inspiration for tomorrow's pattern. December's design comes from someone very special, too--so check back tomorrow to find out all the juicy details. What are your guesses?






A bullet bra, I need that in my life 😁

Natalie Anne

I Google imaged the key words “Dorothy Dandridge Christmas” and a real cute red dress with an off the shoulder v neck… fitted bodice and flowy skirt popped up. I would not upset if this is the inspiration for a pattern. Also will be happy with whatever it is regardless. Wish list for this season: fancy to the elbow glove pattern, faux fur hand muff, a hunters hat with flaps to pair with a cute long sleeve flannel and Lucille trousers. HAPPY CHARM DAY 💖